Political Science Honors Program

Our Honors Program in Political Science challenges you to explore politics in three ways: first, by taking and excelling in coursework; second, by engaging in in-depth research in order to produce a thesis; and third, by experiencing the practical world of politics and government. It is the most stimulating intellectual enterprise in which an undergraduate can engage, demanding dedication and the ability to exercise independent judgment.


To graduate with Honors in the major, students must complete a thesis, which will be presented and defended to a committee of the faculty. The committee will consider both the thesis and the result of the oral examination to determine whether the student will receive distinction in the concentration.


The student must satisfactorily (minimum grade of B) complete PO 502 or another acceptable research methods course and enroll in two semesters of Honors Directed Study (CAS PO 493 and CAS PO 494, respectively) as part of the program. A grade of B+ or better in each semester of Honors Directed Study is required to receive honors.

Co-Curricular Activities

Finally, students in the Honors Program will be expected to attend and participate in co-curricular activities sponsored and endorsed by the Political Science Department such as special symposia, guest lectures, PO internships, and round table discussions. The minimum requirements for these activities should be discussed with the Director of Advanced Programs during the application process and expected activities should be outlined in the application. Students will keep a brief journal that outlines their experience and the Program Director will review the journal before the student presents their thesis to their committee.

Application Guidelines

The minimum overall grade point average of 3.3 is required for students applying for the Honors Program. To qualify, a student must also have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 across all courses that will count for the PO major.

Please complete the attached application for the Honors Program, in consultation with the Undergraduate Advisor and your faculty project advisor. You must choose a faculty advisor who is an appointed full-time faculty member in PO. The materials to be included in your application are listed on the second page of the application.

The faculty advisor must review the project proposal and complete the reference sheet, evaluating the student’s potential for success in the project. After the application is signed by the faculty advisor, the faculty member may leave it with the Undergraduate Advisor for consideration.

Deadlines to submit applications for Honors Program are as follows:

FALL: May 15 | SPRING: November 15

APPLICATION forPO Honors Program

Student Information (Please print all information)

First and last name: ______

ID number: ______

Mailing address:______

Phone number:______

Email address:______

Expected graduation date (month/year):______

Semesters working on project:______

Overall Grade Point Average:______

Grade Point Average in PO courses:______

Faculty Project Advisor information (Please print all information)

First and last name:______

Email address:______

Project Information

Prospective Title of project:______

Methods Course choice/date:______

Co-Curricular activities proposed:______

Student Signature ______Date ______


Please include the following materials with the application form above.

Provide a project proposal: Discuss the significance of theresearch question and proposed project;describe the method of investigation that will be employedand the ways theresults will be analyzed. The proposal should be 3-5 pages in length.

Attachto the project proposala bibliography of readings that are relevant to your project.

Provide a brief project statement: In 1 page or less describe how this project fits in with your academic and career goals.

Attach an unofficial copy of your BU transcript.

Provide your project advisor with a copy of the project proposal and the recommendation form below far in advance of the due date.


Student’s name:______

Below to be completed by the faculty project advisor

How long and in what capacity have you known the student?

Please evaluate the applicant's aptitude for independent research according to the criteria listed below.

Exceptional / Good / Fair / Poor / Unable to Judge
General intellectual ability
Breadth of knowledge in subject
Written communication skills
Ability to work independently
Level of initiative
Level of motivation


I have read the student'sHonors Project Proposal and recommend that it be accepted as a PO Honors ProgramProject.

Faculty Project Advisor (PRINT) ______Date: ______

Faculty Project Advisor (SIGN) ______Date: ______

Please return the signed document to the PO Undergraduate Advisor.