MSC LEAD Staff 2016-2017
Vice-Chair/Executive Director Application
I am honored that you are interested in being a part of MSC LEAD for the 2016-2017 school year! It was such a pleasure to be a part of the 2015-2016 year of LEAD, and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and see what this next year has to offer our staff, members and university.
In addition to the attached application, this packet also contains a description of each Executive position as well as the expectations of an MSC LEAD Executive Director or Vice Chair. Please look over these expectations and position descriptions as they will help in writing your application. You will also find a list of upcoming dates to keep in mind. All members of the Executive team will be expected to be present at ALL Director interviews.
Please use this application as an opportunity to share your vision and goals for the 2016-2017 year of MSC LEAD. I encourage you to reflect on your past experiences and leadership development to illustrate why you are the best candidate for the position.
This coming year MSC LEAD will be introducing a new structure for the organization. A detailed description of the structure is begins on page 2.
Remember that the Executive Director application is for all Executive Director positions and not a particular subcommittee. While personal preferences and strengths will be taken into consideration, each applicant will be considered for all available Executive positions. In addition, the perspective of an Executive team member ascends any one subcommittee. Because of this, I encourage you to discuss the culture of the organization and interaction between all subcommittees.
Finally, keep in mind that along with $80 dues for MSC LEAD there are possible miscellaneous expenses such as subcommittee shirts, profit shares, and small group hangouts that are estimated around one hundred and twenty dollars.
Your completed application must be turned in at the Student Programs Office by 5pm on Wednesday, April 13th. Please include the following in a sealed manila envelope:
● Your Personal Information Form and Cover Sheet (
● 5 Copies of your Application
● 2 Sealed Performance Appraisals
● 1 Personal Appraisal
If you have any questions about the application, role of an Executive Director or the new positions, please feel free to contact me at the email or phone number listed below. You may also find it helpful to talk to current Executive Directors about their experiences. Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to reading your application.
Ryan Hill
Chairperson 2016-2017
Phone: (702) 882 - 0882
MSC LEAD Structure 2016-2017
Explanation/Motivation for This Structure
After many discussions with sophomores and staff within the visioning team, individual conversations outside of those meetings, and experience over multiple years in MSC LEAD, it has been determined that the pillars of this organization are meaningful sophomore development and high impact programming. In this structure, we provide our organization a foundation for the future built on these pillars. This structure will assist in accomplishing the following goals:
1. MSC LEAD will be able to focus its time, energy, and resources on programming that will impact the lives of students on campus.
2. Condensing our programming practices will allow the programs to grow and reach new audiences, and our members will be united and informed about the goals of MSC LEAD as a whole.
3. Sophomore members will be more involved in programming towards critical topics on campus, and, through attending Spencer Leadership Conference, members will be given the opportunity to experience every impactful practice that MSC LEAD has to offer.
I hope this section provides a clear vision for how the structural changes that have been implemented will improve our organization not only in the long term but in the 2016-2017 academic year.
Description of Vice-Chair and Executive Director Positions
Each Executive Director will be responsible for one subcommittee, as well as some additional roles within the team. For the purpose of the application you will rank the three Executive Director positions in order of preference. Below is a description of the positions:
● Vice-Chair will be responsible for working directly with the Chairperson in ensuring the quality and consistency of campus-wide programs and events.
● Weekly Leadership Development Meetings will rotate between each subcommittee. The Vice-Chair is responsible for ensuring that LDMs are produced in a timely, professional manner, with subject matter that effectively develops our sophomore membership.
● Vice-Chair will contribute to the planning of weekly staff development meetings.
● Vice-Chair will also be responsible for attending and contributing to meetings and events within the MSC, should the Chairperson be unable to attend.
● Please explain your vision for using the committee to efficiently meet internal needs such as socials, apparel and banquet.
Spencer Leadership Conference Executive Director
● Spencer Leadership Conference was designed to allow sophomores from all over campus to apply for delegate positions. There will continue to be delegates from outside of MSC LEAD attending the conference so think about how you will reach, welcome, engage, and involve new delegates.
● Hosts and alumni are invaluable resources for this subcommittee; please discuss ways to improve their utilization for the planning and funding of the conference.
● Pre-conference events will now be open to the public. Please discuss your plans for reaching a diverse audience with your events while maintaining the bond among conference delegates.
● Please discuss how you will improve each delegate’s takeaway experience from Spencer Leadership Conference.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month Executive Director
● Programming in this subcommittee will focus on subject matter aligned with the initiatives of the CLEAR (Consensual Language, Education, Awareness, and Relationships) Office. Please discuss how this subcommittee’s programming can work with the CLEAR Office to advance these initiatives.
● The university support for the Step In Stand Up campaign gives MSC LEAD a unique opportunity to reach an audience well beyond those currently involved in the MSC. Please discuss your plan to bring a new audience to SAAM programs.
Campus Climate Executive Director
● The focus of Campus Climate will be interactive programming dealing with the problems students on our campus currently face. Examples include the current important issue of diversity and improving tolerance on campus and the ever present problem of student mental health.
● As we seek to develop leaders prepared to engage in a global society, MSC LEAD must be committed to engaging in these conversations and educating program attendees on these important topics. Please detail your vision for Fall and Spring programming for this subcommittee.
MSC LEAD 2016-2017
Vice-Chair/Executive Director Application – Personal Information Form
Name: ______Classification: ______
(Last) (First) (Middle) (Preferred)
Local Address: ______
(Street) (City) (Zip code)
Permanent Address: ______
(Street) (City) (Zip code)
Phone: ______Email: ______
Major: ______Expected Graduation: ______Birthday: ______
Will you be in the local area this summer? ______
There are three Executive Director positions and a Vice Chair position available listed below. If you are applying for an Executive Director position, please rank each position in order of preference. If you would like to be considered for the role of Vice-Chair, check the applicable statement below. If you choose to apply for BOTH the Vice Chair and Executive Director positions, then TWO separate goals statements must be completed. If applying for the role of Vice-Chair, it is assumed that this role would be your first choice.
(First choice positions are not guaranteed. You may choose not to accept a position if it is not one you wish to fill.)
____I would like to be considered for the role of Vice-Chair
____Spencer Leadership Conference ED ____ Campus Climate ED
____ Sexual Assault Awareness Month ED
Please initial the following verifying that the following statements are true:
▪ My previous semester’s GPR is a 2.25 or above. Yes____ No____
▪ My Cumulative GPR is a 2.25 or above. Yes____ No____
▪ I will be in the Bryan/College Station area for the duration
of the 2015-2016 academic year Yes____ No____
Parts of the Application
1. Provide a cover letter focusing on why you want the Vice Chair or Executive Director position and what experiences and skills make you prepared to succeed at it.
2. Provide a résumé highlighting your involvement while at Texas A&M University, specifically focusing on areas of leadership and service.
3. Describe the goals you have for MSC LEAD 2016-2017. Your goals statement for the role of Executive Director must include specific goals for MSC LEAD and at least one subcommittee. You may outline goals for more than one subcommittee if you have a vision for them. You may list your goals and elaborate using bullet points. This goal statement must be limited to 1000 words.
a. If applying for Vice-Chair: Only include goals for the Vice Chair position.
b. If applying for BOTH positions: Complete TWO separate goals statements.
4. Provide a list of all time commitments you expect to have during the 2016-2017 school year. (These may include work, school, graduate school preparations, organizations and/or pending applications.) ALSO your availability for interviews from April 14th-19th.
- Three (3) Performance Appraisals.
- If you are a current member of MSC LEAD: One must be completed by a current MSC LEAD staff member or sophomore, one should be completed by you personally and the other must be completed by a current Executive Director, Chairperson, or Advisor.
b. If you are a current member of another MSC Organization: One must be completed by a current MSC Organization Chair or Advisor; one should be completed by peer, faculty member, or colleague/mentor; and one must be completed by you personally.
MSC LEAD 2016-2017
Expectations of Vice-Chair and Executive Directors
Vice-Chair and Executive Directors will be expected to work as part of the Executive Staff while also working closely with individual subcommittees. The Executive team should be adaptable and flexible when dealing with unexpected situations. Executive Directors must motivate Directors to develop quality programming that fulfills the mission and upholds the values of MSC LEAD and the Memorial Student Center. The Executive team should show the utmost respect to this organization and demand the same from its members. The following are the expectations of MSC LEAD Vice-Chair and Executive Directors. Please take these duties into account when writing your application.
▪ Attend bi-weekly Executive Staff Meetings with the Advisor
▪ Attend weekly staff meetings
▪ Attend weekly LDMs at 7:00pm on Wednesday
▪ Attend biweekly meetings with the Advisor
▪ Assist in planning the transitions, summer, fall, and spring Staff Retreats
▪ Attend Staff Retreats
▪ Serve as a member of the Honor Board and Grade Review Board when necessary
▪ Act as a representative of MSC LEAD
▪ Guide and direct subcommittees
Staff Policy
Please read and understand the following policies for MSC LEAD staff members. If you are selected for staff, you will be required to sign a Staff Membership Agreement stating that you will comply with these staff expectations and policies. In addition, you will also be required to sign a grade release form.
As a member of the MSC LEAD Executive Staff you will:
▪ Maintain a 2.25 GPR each semester on staff, have a 2.25 GPR the semester prior to selection, as well as a cumulative GPR of 2.25.
▪ Uphold and abide by all Texas A&M University rules and regulations including the Aggie Code of Honor.
▪ Refrain from wearing MSC LEAD paraphernalia in areas that do not support the purpose of MSC LEAD.
▪ Refrain from supporting or contributing to the consumption of alcohol, illicit drugs, and/or romantic relationships between sophomore members and staff.
▪ Preserve confidentiality in all necessary matters pertaining to MSC LEAD.
▪ Support and uphold the mission and goals of MSC LEAD and the Memorial Student Center.
MSC LEAD 2016-2017
Upcoming Events
The following important dates have been set for MSC LEAD 2016-2017:
March 31st Executive Director Applications Available
April 13th Executive Director Applications DUE by 5:00pm
April 11th Director Applications Available
April 14th-19th Executive Director Interviews, times TBD
April 19th Executive Director Decisions Delivered, *Subject to Change*
April 22nd Director Applications DUE by 5:00pm
April 25th-29th Director Interviews, times TBD
May 2nd Director Decisions Delivered
May 2nd Director Revelation
May 11th All Staff Workday
*Executive Directors should expect to help with Recruitment efforts before the Directors are chosen.
The following pages contain performance appraisal templates. Please note that the Executive Staff Performance Appraisal template must be used for a Executive Director, Chair, or Advisor’s appraisal. Applicants must provide three appraisals, the details of required appraisals can be found in the Parts of the Application section of this application.
Executive Staff Performance Appraisal
To be completed by the applicant:
Applicant: ______
Position: ______
Appraiser’s Name: ______
In accordance with federal regulation, materials in student files, such as performance appraisals, are open to inspection upon request, unless the student has waived the right of access in advance. Please indicate your wish by completing and signing the statement below. Your right to view this form is considered waived if you do not circle a response. Your decision will in no way affect the decision on your application.
Please check one:
□ I waive my right to view this recommendation when completed and understand it will remain confidential.
□ I do not waive my right to view this recommendation.
Applicant’s Signature:
To be completed by the appraiser:
● I interact with the applicant at least (circle one):
Daily Twice a week Weekly Every other week Monthly
Please rate the student’s ability to:
(a) Demonstrate the ability to listen actively and critically:
□ Exceptional □ Good □ Average □ Poor □ Not observed