POLIDENTAL BLOCKS EDITOR v7 (Tutorial english)

- for CEREC System v3.60- v3.85, to edit new blocks selected for milling in CEREC CEREC inLab v3.60- v3.85,and CEREC Stack v3.60- v3.85,
- Windows XP (need to install Framework.net from the Microsoft web update)
- Windows Vista x32 and x 64
- Windows 7
- be licensed by Polidental Zaragoza. Sl, ​​ and have a USB full Polidental Freedom Kit lisence, you can purchase
- have installed the software CEREC inLab v3.65 and CEREC Stack v3.65

For CEREC v3.85 (installed in x64 bits) you need copy the fólder: “inLabStack System” (included in downloaded files) in “C:\Program Files\CEREC\”, then when you create a new block with Polidental Blocks Editor v7, will be updated the file “Blocks.dat” included in a folder “C:\Program Files\CEREC\ inLabStack System\” and should run “Install Blocks.exe” (wich is inside of the same folder), to update the news edited blocks in your CEREC software (InLab v3.85 and Stack v3.85)

1 - download the file Polidental Freedom Kit, from
2 - unzip the downloaded file, and record your content in the "Mys Documents"
3 - without USB license inserted, if you try to iopen a Polidental Block Editor v7, it will tell you that "Feature not found", then insert a right USB full Polidental Freedom Kit lisence.
4 - run the downloaded file "Polidental_Editor_Editor_v7_protected.exe"
5 - now you are ready to edit the blocks and also have the tool to mill indefinitely without using the Sirona dongle (for unlimited milling is necessary to install the Freedom Key Polidental software, more details and tutorials on Polidental Key to Freedom / dongle.html)

Sample to create a zirconia blocks with lite support:

1-Select a zirconia blocks, you wish clone, from list, as Vita In-Ceram YZ: YZ 40/19

clic in button “clone”, the new clone block will inherit the basic features of the original, such as: Material (zirconium or not zirconium) and support (small or large)

2-Select the “manufacturer”, or make a new, example “zirconia”


Material: name of the new block

Block: describeitssize
ReadBarCode: Select if youwantto readthebar code, if notselected, bypass this step.
Blocksize: X=length, Y=high, Z=width: the newblock
TouchStarX=(length /2) +2, TouchStopX=(length /2) -2

Touch Star Y= high +2 , Touch Stop Y= 6

Touch Star Z= (width /2)+2 , Touch Stop Z= (width /2)-2

4-whenall the settings be right, clicktheOK button

5 -nowyou can edittheblockcloned orsave the blockcreated.
6-now you canselecttheblockscloned intotheCERECinLabandCERECSoftwareStack and milling it.
7-If you need delete theblockcreated, select it and clicking"Remove"

1 -Allzirconiumblocks, are milledwithlong drillers (September 20andcylinderburburPointed20)
2-Almostalltheblocksof non-zirconia milledwithshort drills(Sep bur12s, 12sandcylindercylinderPointedPointedburbur12s). OnlyCAD-TEMP Multicolorare milling with long, sotocreate big blocksofmaterial Not Zirconium(greater than 19mm) must be clonedfromthis materialwill not reachtheshort drillstomilling.
3-FreedomPolidentalKitandits contentsare copyrightofZaragozaPolidentalsl, as a developer, so itisnotpermittedto copy, distribute, useall orpartof thesoftwareorcodewithoutexplicit permission. Anyfraudulent usethereofshall besubjecttolegalprosecution