HiTech:Information and Software Technology


Project 1.2

The problem: Wheel and deal

Michael wants to buy a car. He knows how much the car is going to cost. He wants you to design a spreadsheet that will show him how long he needs to save.

He has priced the car he wants and it’s going to cost $7500. He currently has a job that pays him $250 per week. He lives at home with his parents and pays $75 per week board. He already owns a car that he thinks he will be able to trade in, although he’s not sure how much he will get for it.

Michael wants the spreadsheet to be able to do the following:

•calculate how long it will take him to save the money needed to buy his car

•allow him to enter how much he would get as a trade-in for his current car

•allow him to enter how much he is earning

•show his budget for the following:


—entertainment per week

—vehicle costs per week


Michael wants to be able to do some what–ifs with the spreadsheet. He wants to be able to change how much he earns and how much he spends on different things and he wants these changes to show the different lengths of time it will take him to save for his car.


1Who is the audience of the spreadsheet?



2What are the needs of your audience that will be met by the spreadsheet and how will they be met?



Feasibility considerations

There are a number of considerations you need to make to successfully complete this project. Are there off-the-shelf solutions? What aspects of the project needs to be customised?

What do you need to consider to ensure the successful implementation of Michael’s spreadsheet? What hardware and software does Michael need to use the spreadsheet? What do you need to successfully complete this project?

Fill in the tables below to help answer these questions.

Technical assessment

Michael will be using his father’s computer which has the latest Windows operating system on it. What other, if any, hardware or software will he need?

What about you? What hardware or software will you need to complete the project?

Project component / Technology

Financial assessment

Now that you know what Michael needs to be able to use the spreadsheet, how much does he need to spend to be able to use the spreadsheet?

Project component / Cost

Operational assessment

Does Michael know how to use a spreadsheet? What do you need to learn to complete the project?

Project component / Operation

Is it possible to redesign the old system, design a totally new system, or not feasible?

RedesignNew systemNot feasible

Design: IPO Chart

With a partner brainstorm the inputs needed to perform each of the calculations. Then, in the process column, brainstorm and write the formulas needed to do the calculations.

Inputs / Processes / Outputs
Calculate weekly expenses
Calculate length of saving time / Weekly expenses
Length of time (in weeks)

Ideas for inclusion

Use the space below to design the spreadsheet. Show the input labels and data, as well as the formulas using the column and row coordinates. Use a pencil so that changes can be made.

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K
1 / Michael’s Saving Spreadsheet
2 / Budget items / $ / Other items / $
7 / Total weekly expenses / (Write formula here) / Weeks to save / (Write formula here)

Once you have designed your spreadsheet, write in some data and calculate the totals using the space below. Are your formulas correct? Have your teacher check your answers.









In order to successfully complete a project it is important to make sure that each step is being completed along the way. Milestones are a way of keeping track of your progress.

Write the tasks you need to complete in the left column and as you complete each task write the date and have your teacher initial it. Include all tasks from Purpose to Final evaluation.

Milestone / Date completed / Teacher’s initial

Producing the solution

What will be your criteria for testing whether your spreadsheet meets its purpose? How will you go about evaluating it? Who will be evaluating it?





Evaluation of solution

1Follow your plans and have your spreadsheet evaluated. Include your results as an attachment. Summarise the results here:





2How could your product be improved? What do you need to learn to be able to do a better job next time?





Final evaluation

1Did you enjoy the way this project was presented to you? Did it pose a big enough challenge for you? Was the challenge too big?




2What were some of the things you learnt about developing computer solutions during this project? What more do you think you needed to know in order to more successfully complete this project?





3How could you use what you learnt during this project in other subjects?






Before the end of every lesson, you are to write down what you did for your project during that lesson and what you intend to do next lesson. This is called keeping a journal.

Use the grid below to record your journal.

Date / What you did / What you will do next lesson
Marking schedule
1 Defining and analysing the problem
a Describes audience / /1
b Describes needs / /1
c All feasibility considerations listed / /8
Total marks / /10
2 Designing possible solutions
a Completes IPO chart / /1
b Completes spreadsheet design / /2
c Shows calculation testing / /2
Total marks / /5
3 Producing the solution
a Spreadsheet accurately calculates length of time / /5
b Spreadsheet allows what–ifs / /5
c Spreadsheet allows for input of all budget items / /5
Total marks / /15
4 Evaluation
a Criteria for evaluation defined / /2
b Spreadsheet evaluated / /2
c Final evaluation completed / /1
Total marks / /5
5 Management
a Milestones completed / /5
b Journal completed / /5
Total marks / /10
Total project mark / /45

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