PLC Reading Rainbow Bingo

PLC Reading Rainbow Bingo

PLC Reading Rainbow Bingo

What is Reading Rainbow Bingo?

Reading Rainbow Bingo is an optional reading incentive program for grades K – 2 that promotes reading a variety of books for pleasure. Students will not receive a grade for participating, and participation is not required.

How do I start?

The first Reading Rainbow Bingo card is attached to this letter. Each time the student reads a book in one of the categories, write the book’s title in that space.

You may read the books in any order on the card and choose any titles that fit the categories.

The books may come from any source (PLC Library, public library, classroom, home,etc.)

Each book counts only once. You may not repeat the same book on multiple cards.

Any book read by or to the student between September 29, 2014 and April 30, 2015 may be used.

Students are not allowed to turn in their cards until they have worked on the card for at least two weeks. When the student receives a new card, a date will be written on the upper right corner. The card will not be accepted until that date has passed. This ensures that students are not racing through their books just to receive a prize.

What do I do when my card is filled?

When the entire card is filled out, a parent/guardian signs the card and the card is returned to school. The cards should be signed only when they are completely filled out. Please do not sign cards until all the spaces are completely filled in. Partially completed or unsigned cards will be returned.

Each time the student completes a card, he/she will win a prize and advance to the next level. Completed cards will be kept in the library.

Levels & Prizes

Each level will have different book categories on the Bingo cards. There is no skipping of levels.

Red Level: keychain and one charm of the student’s choice

Orange Level: One charm of the student’s choice

Yellow Level:One charm of the student’s choice

Green Level:One charm of the student’s choice

Blue Level:One charm of the student’s choice

Purple Level:One charm of the student’s choice

Students who complete all six levels will be invited to the “End of the Rainbow Party” at the end of the school year.

The program ends on April 30, 2015. No new books or cards will be accepted after April 30.