PBIS Action Plan 2011-2012

*The school will ensure a positive social and emotional climate for all students, staff and families.*


Monitoring Period:9/1/11 to 6/22/12

Administration: David DeCarli, Assistant Principal

Action Plan Strategies / Action Plan / Implementationtimeline (Include due date) / Was the strategy implemented (Yes or No) / How do you know it has been implemented? If not implemented why?
  1. Provide professional development on improving school climate
/ Maintain on-going professional development access and provide new support to selected staff
Maintain the PBIS Leadership team / Done / Yes / Currently in place for past 6 years under Mr. DeCarli
Provide monthlyprofessional development on improving school climate / Establish internal professional development to staff on universal design and practical application of core practices, programs and terms in Tiers I,II,III
To present PBIS workshops to staff:
  • Bullying components and training
  • Classroom Management strategies
  • Revisit Frameworks of Poverty
/ 9/2011
6/2012 / Yes
staff / Prof Development workshops
Conducted monthly
Feedback, 3-2-1 wrap ups
  1. Increase engagement of families in support of positive student behavior and communication schoolwide
/ Purposefully target communication through:
  • Continue to administer the District School Climate Survey
  • Share Climate Survey information with entire school community
  • Collect PBIS SET data for each school and disseminate results to the entire school community

To administer a school based survey to glean student, staff and parent perception / Completed through District surveys / Spring 2012 / Yes, yearly review of surveys / -Survey results in the Spring
Reach out to the community to foster collaboration and communication / Conduct Quarterly Hornet Talk sessions
  • Uniforms
  • Bullying
  • Management strategies
/ 10/24/11,
4/23/12 / -Hornet Talk feedback
Continue schoolwide communication of PBIS initiatives and programs /
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Lunchtime announcements
  • Creation of a behavior rubric
  • Leadership team meetings
  • Faculty meeting presentations
  • New teacher and student teacher presentations
  • Hornet Time
/ 9/1/11 through 6/22/12 / Yes / Newsletter distributions
Behavior rubric shared with Dept. Heads
Monthly meetings with team
  1. Ensure consistency of implementation of PBIS using SRBI model
/ Develop agreement on details of PBIS implementation and data gathering at both the school and district level, including interpretation of terms in Tiers I,II,III
Revision of PBIS organizational flowchart to define system school-wide and understanding and further advance capacity in Tiers I,II,III / Spring 2012 / To be updated 2011-2012 school year
SET data collected on EHHS / Results to be evaluated and shared with staff
Revision of EHHS Bullying policy in accordance with Public Act 11-232 / Fall 2011 / Yes / Hard copy to be shared with staff, administrative council and school governance council
Establish Bullying Task Force / Spring 2012 / Report back to PBIS leadership team on effectiveness
  1. Ensure consistency in application of disciplinary consequences
/ To provide professional development as needed and technical support for the discipline module of e-school plus
Develop a Discipline Management System (DMS) tosupport and reinforce PBIS school wide expectations / Completed 2008, currently in place / Current system utilizing multiple data points and submitted by House office each Quarter
To design a discipline data collection system to track and disaggregate student data and infractions / Ongoing, Eschool and Excel / Review of data and share out with staff
Maintain incident tracker to monitor school-wide, classroom, and student data to measure the effectiveness of our core practices and to apply the appropriate Tier II and III interventions / Completed 2007, currently in place / Review of additional layer added to the referral. Review and decision by Spring 2012
Use of student-teacher reconnect forms
To establish supervisory and student expectations for discipline/support programs / Revised each August / Revised according to discipline data collected and disaggregated each year.
  1. Provide a structure and forum for an incentive program
/ Implement and monitor incentive programs for students, staff and parents
  • Student of the month breakfast
  • School showcase
  • PRO Student Award
  • Buzzworthy brags
  • Gotchas-student, parent, staff
  • Brag bracelets
/ Ongoing / Yes / Award recipient lists maintained, monitored and shared