Appendix 1
Insurance requirements for Placements abroad
MMU does not provide travel insurance cover automatically for students whilst abroad. Even if it is an excursion arranged by MMU, it is the student’s responsibility to arrange travel insurance.
Students should ensure that the policy they choose includes cover for illness and incidents abroad. This should include health care treatments, legal costs and return to home expenses. Students will also need to check that the policy includes adequate cover for any personal items that they plan to take abroad. If students are travelling within the European Economic Area (EEA) they should also arrange an EHIC card:
It is the student’s responsibility to provide complete and accurate information when taking out the insurance policy while it is in force. Failure to disclose any material information could invalidate the insurance cover, which could mean that part or all of a claim may not be paid. Therefore, it is important that the reason for travel and the activities that will be undertaken should be disclosed by the student before the insurance policy is placed.
Staff arranging placements abroad need to ensure students are aware of the requirement for travel insurance and to check suitable travel insurance is in place before the student travels.
a)Personal liability and personal accident and injury whilst undertaking placement activities.
Normally the student should be covered by the placement organisation’s Employers’ Liability or Public Liability (or equivalent international insurance) for accident or injury whilst on the placement organisation’s property, or carrying out placement activities. The insurance should also include cover for any negligent actions on behalf of the student, that causes harm to others whilst on placement. Confirmation that this insurance is in place must be sought prior to agreeing the placement. A certificate of proof should be supplied by the placement organisation or the following minimum information should be recorded:
- Insured’s Name
- Insurer’s Name
- Policy Number/Reference:
- Cover Provided
- Inception Date
- Expiry Date
In some countries, it is not a legal requirement for companies to cover the students under their policies. In this instance MMU’s travel policy can come into play which also covers the students personal liability (including clinical negligence). However, details of the trip must be sent beforehand to the Insurance Officer so the insurers can be notified and cover confirmed, ideally no later than 10 working days before travel.
Information to send to the Insurance Officer:
- Name of student
- Dates the student will be on placement (inclusive)
- Activities the student will undertaking
- Company/organisation the student will be on placement with
- Country and address of the organisation where the student will be placed
- MMU contact
- Department the student is based in
Some placements may incur an additional premium to cover them under MMU’s policy due to the associated risks of the particular placement. In this situation the insurers will issue a separate endorsement for the student and the student’s faculty department will be sent an invoice and the money will be charged to the faculty/department’s budget.
b)Placements over 365 days
If the student is going to be away for an excess of 365 days they will be classed as a secondee by MMU’s insurer. The insurers must be notified of these student placements as they cannot be covered under MMU’s normal travel insurance policy. To notify the insurers, please email the Insurance Section in good time (no later than 10 working days) with the following information:
- Name of student
- Dates the student will be on placement (inclusive)
- Activities the student will undertaking
- Company/organisation the student will be on placement with
- Country and address of the organisation where the student will be placed
- MMU contact
- Department the student is based in
To insure secondees the insurers require an additional premium to cover them under MMU’s policy. In this situation the insurers will issue a separate endorsement for each seconded student and the student’s faculty department will be sent an invoice and the money will be charged to the faculty/ departments budget.