June 19, 2014–Call to Order: 6:30 PM

150 Professional Center Drive, Suite D

Rohnert Park, Ca. 94928

This meeting will be broadcast via WebEx from Rohnert Park. Persons interested in attending this meeting remotely should contact Robert Tavonatti at for a WebEx invitation.

Pathways Charter School Board of Directors’ meetings are open to the public, except for certain subjects that are addressed in closed executive session in accordance with the Brown Act. If any member of the public wishes to attend and requires special accommodations due to conditions outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact the School Director at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

1.0Call to Order


2.0 Roll Call

Bob Pape, Cedric Lutes, Tammy Dier, KonChoo, Robert Tavonatti, Sara Jordan, Michele Blaisdell, and Dori Avalon are present

2.0Approval of the Agenda

CedricLutes motions,KonChoo seconds, and Board approves the agenda


Comments From the Audience


4.0Sara says thank-you to the Board for the letter and all their hard work and dedication. Michele Blaisdell agrees

5.0 Reports and Correspondence

5.1 Director’s Report

Graduation went well but long. Exploring ways to shorten the graduation program.

Final inservice reviewed the year and said good-bye to 3 retirees

Marin office use was approved- there are a few small manageable things to comply with

Robert discusses efforts on changing the website and different ideas that he has.

Bob wants to know if Admin could put something together about the website that the Board could vote on in August.

Harmony accepted our charter. No controversy, no questions, and they bundled and approved our LCAP

5.2 Board Member Reports

Cedric- Immpressed at graduation- Interesting to see the variety of students graduating

Tammy- spoke at inservice, about needing a new board member, to replace her, in a year.

Michele- Sara is interviewing for a new teacher in Marin

5.3 Budget Dashboard May

Annual forecast are the numbers Robert looks at because it changes thru out the year

Will be ending the year with an additional 20k revenue. We need to maintain 2% in our budget

Now that funds are available we need to use the funds going forward. Bob would like to keep in mind providing an addition raise for teachers.
Robert mentions the new salary and the intension to add to it next year if possible.

Cash follow is good. Revenues are improving and things are looking good. Not expecting numbers to change significantly

6.0 Discussion/Action items

6.1 Approval of Minutes from5/22

Need to correct two misspelled names

Tammy moves,KonChoo 2nds, to approve minutes as corrected and Board approves

6.2 Policy on Dress Code

Cedric Lutes moves, Tammy Dier 2nds, and Board approves dress code

Dress Code will be entered in the student handbook

6.3 Policies on Graduation Requirements, High School Transfer Grades,

Min/Max High School Credits, and Transfer Credits

The board discusses the Math requirement and the different ways it might be implemented

KonChoo moves,TammyDier seconds, and Board approves all four policies

6.4 Keyboarding Classes for Students

Robert discusses with the Board keyboarding classes for students. We have been looking at a proposal to provide elementary students with keyboarding. Keyboarding without tears is one program, and the second program is called Edu-typing. The board discusses how broad a program they want and how it might be accessed.

Purchasing site licenses and making it available for our elementary curriculum is one idea. Bob would like to hear more information in the future.

6.5 Approval of 2014-15 Budget

Robert explains the budget to the Board. The Board discusses the new budget. The Board discusses medical benefits. Benefits are uncertain at this time. In November and March the Board will evaluate the budget again as well as be updated with Robert’s monthly dashboards.

KonChoo moves, Cedric Lutes seconds, and the Board approves the budget

7.0 Consent items

7.1 Director Reimbursements

Cedric Lutes moves,KonChoo 2nds, to approve consent items, and Board approves

8.0 Topics For Future Meetings



9.0 Closed Session

9.1 Personnel- Director’s Evaluation

9.2 Staff Retirements

10.0 Report From Closed Session

Accepted 2 staff retirements

Presented Director’s 2013-2014 evaluation

11.0 Adjournment


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