Paper margins: Left 4 cm, top 3 cm and bottom and right 2.5 cm.


Author Name a*, Author Name b, Author Name b (Font:11 pt, Cantered, Space After:6 pt, Presenter has to be Underlined, An asterisk (*) for corresponding Author)

aDepartment of ...... ……………, University Name, City, Country.

bDepartment of ...... ……………, University Name, City, Country.

cDepartment of ...... ……………, University Name, City, Country.

(Font: 10 pt, Italic, Centred, each affiliation in separate line)

*Corresponding author (Phone: + 00 (00) 000000; ). (Font: 10 pt, Centred, Space Before: 10 pt, After: 18 pt)
Abstract: (Font: 11 Bold, Left, Line spacing: single, Space Before: 12 pt, After: 12 pt)

Abstract text. Abstract (400-500 words) containing objective and scope of the study, and should notify the important and significant results of the study. The abstract should comprise a brief review of the contents and the conclusions of the research. (Font: Calibri (Body), 11 pt, Justified, Line spacing: 1.15 lines, Space Before: 6 pt).

Figure 1. Figure caption sample

Figure captions: (Font: Calibri (Body), 10 pt, Centred, Line spacing: single, Space Before: 6 pt, After: 12 pt, Centred,Bold)

Table 1. Table caption sample

Column 1 / Column 2
Row 1 / 0.000 / 0.000
Row 2 / 0.000 / 0.000
Row 3 / 0.000 / 0.000

Table captions: (Font: Calibri (Body), 10 pt, Centred, Line spacing: single, Space After: 6 pt)

Keywords: 3 – 5 words, in alphabetical order.

References: (Format: same as Abstract)
References are referred to any citations in the text, figures, tables and schemes and vice versa. References have to be listed at the end of manuscript in the numbered format according to their appearance order in the text. In the text, citations should be indicated by the reference number in square brackets i.e. [1]. (Font: 10 pt, Line spacing: single, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 6 pt)
Full reference should be given in a list at the end of the paper in the following format:
[1] Ahmed Z. M., Hassan A. A., Cerry C.: Complete title of the paper. Complete Name of the Journal, 4, 2273-2279 (2012)
In press article:
[2] Tomas A. M., Small B., Teribal C.: Complete title of the paper. Complete Name of the Journal, Jul. 2016 (In Press)
[3] Jeferson B.: Title of the book. Publisher, City (2010).
Book chapters:
[4] Tailor B.: Title of the chapter. in ‘Title of the book’ (ed(s).: James Z., Small U.) Publisher, City, Vol ?, 86-123 (2002).
[5] Smith D.: Title of the proceeding. in ‘Proceeding of Name of the Conference or Symposium. Place of the conference, Country’, Vol ?, 72-76 (2002).
[6] EN ISO 527: Plastics. Determination of tensile properties (1994).

[7] Jones G.: Title of the patent. Registration number, Country (2003).

Page number is avoided.