Operational Priorities Plan

Operational Priorities Plan




21 December 2007Version 2

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Operational Priorities Plan for 2006-200821 December 2007

Table of Contents




3.External Relations

4.Resourcing...... 9

5.STAFFING...... 10

6.MANAGEMENT...... 12

Page 1



We will influence policy and practice to improve the public health throughleadership in education

and in the discovery and communication of knowledge.


  • We will influence policy and practice to improve the public health through leadership in education and in the discovery and communication of knowledge.
  • We will be the public health education provider of choice in Western Australia, meeting theincreasing demand from traditional and existingstudent markets, and with a reputation for excellence in the quality and flexibility of delivery of our teaching.
  • We will be known throughout Asia, North America and Europe as the Australian teaching and research institution that welcomes and seeksmutually beneficial exchange with colleagues and students around the world. A significantproportion of our teaching and research incomewill be derived from sources abroad.
  • We will have forged longstanding and highlyproductive working partnerships with externalresearch and statutory organisations, with theWA teaching hospitals and with other schools inthe Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences.
  • We will have a broad range of research expertisein the traditional areas of public health researchas well as internationally recognised strengths inareas of importance and opportunity.
  • We will have created a comprehensive systemof population exposure and health databases,linked at the levels of individual, family andlocation, which will provide us with a world-class research tool.
  • Our programme of research into the healtheffects of social inequality, particularly amongstindigenous people, will provide strongdirections for State and Commonwealth healthand social policy.
  • The School will be a driving force in makingWestern Australia a centre of excellence both inresearch and teaching in the newly emergingfields of genomics and genetic epidemiology.
  • Our School will be the first point of call for allorganisations and researchers in WesternAustralia who require the highest quality adviceand service provision in research design,statistical analysis, survey methodology, healtheconomics and policy evaluation.
  • Consumer and community organisations willknow us for our commitment to theirparticipation in our research and teaching.
  • The mutual esteem, in which our staff hold eachother, and our regard for students, will result ina creative, highly productive workplace,dedicated to the pursuit of our research andteaching goals.
  • We will be working together in a safe, healthyand productive environment appropriate to ourresearch and teaching needs and the needs ofour students and visitors.
  • Our teaching and research efforts will be greatlyenhanced by the quality of the informationservices we are able to access, and theresponsiveness of those that provide them.

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Priority Objectives / Performance Indicators/Targets / ImplementationStrategies / Responsibility
Strategic Objective: / General Indicators: / Executive:
To improve the quality of the student learning experience / Improvement in the teaching and learning indicators:
  • Student Satisfaction (SURF, CEQ)
  • Course Completion Rates
  • Student Retention and Progression Rates
  • Graduate Outcomes (GDS)
  • National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
/ Head of School
Teaching Executive Group (TEG)
Operational Objectives: / Specific Indicators: / Operational:
To extend good teaching approaches and improve learning outcomes / Improvement in results on:
  • Overall Satisfaction
  • Good Teaching Scale
  • Generic Skills Scale
  • Learning Communities Scale
  • Good Education Experience
  • Completions per Separation
  • Student Progress
/ Maintain and improve student experience through excellent teaching within all courses / Deputy Head of School
Sub Dean Health Sciences
Director of Teaching Programs
Continue to review SURF, SPOT, CEQ etc scores annually
Respond to any issues arising from the evaluations
BHlthSci Course Review along with FMDHS & FLPS
Review all teaching during SPHSchool review
Continue to provide internal Teaching & Learning Forums
Continue to promote teaching and supervision courses through CATL and Education Centre
Continue to promote Teaching internships and fellowships
Encourage development of innovative teaching methods
Encourage applications to CATL and Carrick Institute grants and awards for improved teaching and learning
Review class and tutorial sizes in all courses
Curriculum mapping and database / Support and contribute to FMDHS project on curriculum mapping
Greater balance in teaching loads / Develop and implement a workload formula for examining teaching and learning contribution and workload


Priority Objectives / Performance Indicators/Targets / ImplementationStrategies / Responsibility
Operational Objectives: / Specific Indicators: / Operational:
To diversify the experience of UWA students / An increase in the number of students enrolled inunits involving a practicum. / Develop and expand the practicum opportunities for students within undergraduate and postgraduate courses. / TEG
Sub Dean Health Sciences
An increase in the number of students enrolled in or educated about Aboriginal Health. / Continue to teach and promote Aboriginal Health as an Summer School unit for postgraduate students and as a professional experience unit for others
Continue to incorporate lectures on Aboriginal Health into relevant undergraduate and postgraduate public health units.
An increase in external academics giving seminars and participating in teaching activities, notably in Summer School / Encourage participation of Adjunct staff in teaching activities
Encourage visiting academic staff to give seminars or teach
To improve access to and participation in SPH courses / First year Population Health unit developed in BHlthSci and level of uptake is high / To improve sense of identity amongst Health Science students / Sub Dean Health Sciences
Deputy Head of School
Director of Heath Sciences
Increased diversity of pathways in public health education / Develop articulation pathways for postgraduate coursework in public health for BHlthSci graduates
Develop new postgraduate courses within specialized areas of public health – clinical epidemiology, nursing
Develop a new two year (advanced) postgraduate course, particularly for international students
Map Commonwealth public health core competencies to SPH units and enhance current units and develop new units as required


Priority Objectives / Performance Indicators/Targets / ImplementationStrategies / Responsibility
Operational Objectives: / Specific Indicators: / Operational:
To further develop the links between teaching, learning and research / Increased number of senior teaching academics capable of undertaking research student supervision. / Use teaching academic job opportunities to appoint senior level staff. / Head of School
Deputy Head of School TEG
Increased participation of research students and career researchers in teaching and learning. / Provide opportunities for career researchers to participate in tutoring, lecturing and student supervision.
Promote UWA Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme.
Provide opportunities for research students to participate in tutoring.
Develop fractional teaching positions for research staff.
Increased enrolments in BMedSci. / Increased promotion of research opportunities in School.
Allocation of a BMedSci Course Coordinator.
Maintain enrolments in BHSci Honours and increase international student enrolment. / Review course content for development of research skills among BHlthSci undergraduate students, notably in ethics and confidentiality of data and records.
Increased promotion of end-on honours research opportunities in School.
Increased enrolments in MPH (Research) and increase international student enrolment. / Encourage conversion of excellent MPH coursework students into research students
To improve the student learning environment and provision of facilities and services both within and beyond the classroom / Improvement in the level of student satisfaction reported in relevant surveys on services and facilities provided by the School, e.g. accommodation, infrastructure support, IT access. / Review student accommodation and facilities. / School Manager
Resources Committee
Refurbish seminar rooms.
Build new student rooms and refurbish old student rooms.
Determine a system of equitable allocation of student desks.
Upgrade IT facilities for students. / School Manager
Faculty IT Manager
Establish a Computing facility on Nedlands Campus
Facilitate interaction between students from different research groups. / School Manager
Social Committee
Organise a group of support staff and/or students for new International students.
Encourage student engagement in the Population Health PSA and other School social activities.


Priority Objectives / Performance Indicators/Targets / ImplementationStrategies / Responsibility
Strategic Objective: / General Indicators: / Executive:
To improve the quality and impact, and productivity of research and research training /
  • An increase in the total percentage share of national research income.
  • An increase in the research income per academic staff FTE (at level B and above).
  • An increase in the amount of Australian Competitive Grant income by 20%.
  • An increase in the amount of international research income by 50%.
  • An increase in the amount of research contract income by 50%.
/ Head of School
Operational Objectives: / Specific Indicators: / Operational:
Prioritise school research strengths and opportunities / An increase in the number of financially viable groups and closure of unsuccessful/unviable groups. / Identify areas of strategic weakness and strength by reviewing all research,consulting and service programs. / Head of School
Finance Committee
An increase in thenumber of collaborative projects. / Encourage across school, faculty and institute collaborations through communication and promotion of opportunities via networks.
Strategic appointments to be made in areas of school strength or potential growth. / Review research profile of any potential candidates for collaborative capabilities with other areas of school research.
To increase school research income from all sources / An increase in the success rateand research income from grant applications. / Enhance the quality of competitive research grant applications by using peer review within the school. / Head of School
Postgraduate Research Coordinator
Mentor junior staff during research career development.
Promote and encourage attendance at UWA workshops on grant writing and grant opportunities, particularly by junior staff.
Maintenance of, or increase in, research contract and consulting income. / Build closer relationships with stakeholders i.e. Industry, Government Departments, particularly the Health Department of WA.


Priority Objectives / Performance Indicators/Targets / ImplementationStrategies / Responsibility
Operational Objectives: / Specific Indicators: / Operational:
To increase the impact and quality of school research / An increase in the number of articles published and their average impact factor per staff member. / Measure, publish and promote school’s publication record. / Head of School
Postgraduate Research Coordinator
Benchmark the publication impact of school researchers with other researchers within Faculty, UWA, nationally and internationally.
Introduce annual prizes for research publication excellence.
Reward researchers for publications.
An increase in the numbers of HDR students enrolled in areas of research strength. / Promote research excellence of school staff and groups through internal and external communication and marketing strategies.
To increase the number of higher degree by research students and their completion rates / Maintenance of highHDR student load/FTE level B and above. / Recruit and retain senior academics with research supervision capabilities.
Increase in international HDR student load by 20%. / Encourage increased application rate for International Scholarships from within the School.
Develop marketing plan for overseas recruitment of research students.
Develop partnership with ZhejiangUniversity
An increase in the number of Doctoral completions by 20%. / Continue to promote and encourage attendance at UWA workshops on thesis writing
Maintenance or improvement in completion rates and time. / Undertake annual review of HDR student progress.
To improve the quality of HDR programmes and theses / Increase in student satisfaction measured by indicators such as PREQ and student exit surveys. / Improve the student experience through delivery of generic skills training and through the activities of the Graduate Education Officers, Institute of Advanced Studies such as the HDR Student Master Classes.
An increase in the number of HDR students authoring high quality journal articles and monographs by 20%. / Encourage publication in high-quality publications as an integral part of HDR programmes.
Introduce annual prizes for research publication excellence.
Reward student researchers for publications.

3.External Relations

Priority Objectives / Performance Indicators/Targets / ImplementationStrategies / Responsibility
Strategic Objective: / General Indicators: / Executive:
To improve the University’s positioning, reputation and strategic relationships / Improvement in the University’s standing in national and international rankings, particularly:
  • Melbourne Institute of Social and Economic Research
  • ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity
  • The Times Higher Education Supplement
/ Head of School
Operational Objectives: / Specific Indicators: / Operational:
To ensure the School is positioned to maximise its potential as a high quality comprehensive research intensive school, locally, nationally and internationally / Increase in the numbers of undergraduate, postgraduate coursework and HDR students from overseas, inter-state and locally / Develop and implement a School Marketing Plan as a key driver of positioning, reputation and relationships strategies. / Head of School
Prof Holman
Prof Finn
School Manager
Monitor the local public health higher education environment and develop strategic responses to ensure that the School strengthens its position as the premier teaching and research school.
Liaise with UWA Office of Development, International Office andFMDHS to ensure a coordinated approach to marketing.
Develop clear entry points for course access for the wider community and particularly health industry
Actively promote Summer School locally and nationally
Increased collaboration with partner University i.e. ZhejiangUniversity. / Develop and implement a coordinated plan to leverage benefit from existing collaborations and relationships through the School’s research programs / Head of School
Prof Holman
Encourage staff from strategic partner universities to spend time (e.g. sabbaticals) at UWA.
Increased involvement in state and national conferences – Public Health Association of Australia, Australian Network of Academic Public HealthInstitutions. / Ensure coordinated and frequent attendance at fora with access to national decision-makers and politicians. / Deputy Head of School
Rotation of chair of WACPH to UWA / Increased involvement in (WACPH)


Priority Objectives / Performance Indicators/Targets / ImplementationStrategies / Responsibility
Operational Objectives: / Specific Indicators: / Operational:
To ensure the School’s reputation appropriately reflects its performance / Increase in national and international reputation. / Promote reputation off existing international collaborations and relationships and individuals. / Head of School
School Manager
Increase in local recognition of School’s leading community role in WA (measured by positive media coverage). / Develop promotional materials for use by staff on study leave and/or attending major conferences.
Increase in articles in UWA publications and local newspapers / Implement a program of media stories.
To develop strategic relationships between the School and industry and business; government (local, state and federal); and, community decision makers and leaders / Increased school representation on DoHWA committees / Proactively seek involvement with DoHWA committees. / Head of School
Deputy Health of School
New Chair established / Seek industry funding for a new Population Health Chair. / Head of School
Development Officer
Increased number of health agencies participating in Health Science Practicum Program / Expand existing databases, invite expressions of interest for studentsand promote testimonials from agencies. / Sub Dean (Health Sciences)
Alumni established / Establish alumni for Health Science graduates.
Increased involvement of Community Advisory Council in research grant applications / Promote Consumer and Community Advisory Council involvement. / Consumer Liaison Officer


Priority Objectives / Performance Indicators/Targets / ImplementationStrategies / Responsibility
Strategic Objective: / General Indicators: / Executive:
To increase and diversify the University’s income, with particular emphasis on general purpose income / Increase total income by 20% over the triennium.
Increase the level of General Purpose income as a proportion of total income to 53%. / Head of School
Operational Objectives: / Specific Indicators: / Operational:
To increase income from the Commonwealth Government / Renewal of PHERP grant / Seek to renew PHERP funding / Deputy Head of School
High individual and average Socrates scores / Seek to maximise potential income from Research Quality Framework / Head of School
To increase income from the State Government / Increase in income from the State Government / Develop closer funding relationships with public sector: DoHWA, DOIR, Marine Safety
To increase income from investments / Receipt of investment income / Review management of school funds and develop an investment program to add value to retained funds. / Finance Committee
To increase income from industry / Establishment of Industry funded Chair. / Increase engagement with industry and establish an industry funded chair. / Head of School
Development Officer
Increased infrastructureincome from Consulting and Contract Income. / Develop closer funding relationships with public sector and industry / Staff
To increase income from fees / New courses and programs developed. / Develop new high demand postgraduate fee-paying courses to meet requirements of customer needs. / TEG
Prof Finn
Increase in student enrolments, particularly in Summer School, and increase in international student %. / Review marketing of School and its courses; develop a marketing strategy for local and international markets. / School Manager
Develop international collaborations to establish links to highquality international students. / Prof Holman
Less loss making units run. / Review cost effectiveness of fee paying units. / School Manager


Priority Objectives / Performance Indicators/Targets / ImplementationStrategies / Responsibility
Strategic Objective: / General Indicators:
To recruit, develop and retain the highest quality staff, supporting development of their full potential, within a ‘onestaff-one University’ philosophy / Increase in the proportion of academic staff holding a doctorate and in the proportion of professional staff holding a bachelor degree or above.
Improvement in the equity indices for staff in identified equity groups.
Improvement in staff effectiveness, as measured by relevant student surveys and per capita research output. / Executive:
Head of School
Operational Objectives: / Specific Indicators: / Operational:
To recruit the highest quality staff / Appointment of academic staff with a significant research track record / Use national and international recruitment strategy to appoint staff with international reputation / TEG
Recruit quality staff by offering incentives such as substantial start-up grants. / Dean
Head of School
Increase in quality job application numbers / Enhance reputation of the Schoolthrough better marketing and publicity / School Manager
Increase in high quality part-time staff / Increase flexible working options for staff to assist them in creating improved work quality and life balance. / Head of School
To retain the best-quality staff / Workload model implemented annually / Develop work load model to balance load distribution for School core budget activities – Teaching, Administration and Research / Prof Knuiman
Prof Finn
School Manager
Greater balance of workload distribution / Review the duty statement for all staff annually (as part of PDR) and re-design as required for all academic staff / Head of School
Increased number of part time and flexible positions / Increase flexible working options for staff to assist them in creating improved work quality and life balance.
Increased number of researchers with fractional teaching appointments / Increase teaching experience and potential for academic career for researchers
Retention of staff / Build a positive, inclusive and diverse workplace culture / SEC

STAFFING (cont...)