Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held 17th October 2014

58.14 Attendance

Cllr Broome (Chair), Cllr Bennion (Vice Chair), Cllr Butler, Cllr Johnston, Cllr Pywell. Cllr Hewitt, Cllr Jardine, Cllr Clowes (Cheshire East)

Also present: 2 members of the public and C Jardine (Clerk).


Apologies: Cllr McFarlane, Cllr Brickhill

59.14 Declarations of Interest

Councillors were reminded to declare personal or prejudicial interests arising from matters on the agenda. Cllr Jardine as the husband of the Clerk declared a personal interest in min 78.14 Clerk Salary

60.14 Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th September were approved and signed by the Chairman.

61.14 Trees

·  Millennium Green – Cllr Clowes reported that the Cheshire East Arboricultural Officer has not been to site. However, a site meeting is to be arranged in the near future. Matter ongoing.

·  Pit Lane – The land owner has now cut back the overhanging trees as far as possible. The remaining work where the trees are in contact with overhead power lines is to be remedied by Scottish Power. The date given by Scottish Power for this work is 25th November 2014.

·  Marton Close – The trees have been assessed by Cheshire East and a quote for the work has been given. The issue was discussed and the Parish Council decided not to progress at this moment in time.

·  Foliage obscuring road signs – Reports from a local resident with regards to this issue have been investigated and remedied where necessary.

62.14 Police Matters

Cllr Butler reported on a recent attempted burglary in Hough village. This issue is in the hands of Nantwich Police.

The latest SID statistics show that there has been an increase in speeding on Cobbs Lane with 35.8% of vehicles exceeding the 30mph limit.

The next Police Cluster meeting is to take place on 20th October 2014.

63.14 Holly Hedge Farm, Newcastle Road, Hough

Cllr Clowes reported that the issues surrounding the above property remain ongoing and are currently being dealt with by the appropriate authorities.

64.14 Chorlton Lane Field

Cllr Clowes reported that concerns regarding unlawful activities in this field remain under scrutiny by CEC Planning and that all issues remain ongoing.

65.14 Memorial Stone

Cllr Broome reported that a quote for the plaque to be attached to the memorial stone in memory of Cllrs Doreen and Andrew Brereton has been received. The Council have agreed on the proposed wording but have decided to confer with the family prior to proceeding further.


66.14 Local Plan Strategy

Cllr Broome reported that the Local Plan Strategy Hearing had been deferred until the end of November.

67.14 Summer Fete

Cllr Hewitt reported that a grant may be available to fund a Summer Fete to commemorate WW1 on 28th June 2015 and requested Council approval to progress with the application. This was approved by the Council.

68.14 Parish Council Insurance

The Clerk reported that the new insurance policy was now in place with Hiscox and a long term agreement for 3 years has been agreed.

69.14 No 39 Bus Route

Cllr Clowes reported that the above rural bus service has been secured and has been confirmed for the next 7 years.

70.14 Wychwood Park Notice Board

Cllr Broome highlighted that the Perspex cover on the above notice board has deteriorated and it has become extremely difficult to read the notice board contents. It was agreed to investigate the possibility of a replacement cover.

71.14 Newsletter – December 2014

Cllr Broome reminded the Council that the above newsletter was due and requested members to submit items for inclusion.

72.14 Outdoor Gym

Cllr Hewitt reported that she had been approached by several residents with regards to the possibility of creating a play/outdoor gym area within Hough Village. This suggestion was discussed and whilst various logistical and financial issues were identified, it was decided to investigate the possibility of creating a “green gym” on Hough Common. Matter ongoing.

73.14 Traffic Calming Measures in Cobbs Lane

Following a request to the Police Commissioner with regards to advice and possible funding for the above, the Council have received a response from his office.

The Council felt that the response was inadequate and failed to address the issue and agreed to make further representations. Matter ongoing.

74.14 Former Co-op Dairy

Following enquiries from a local resident with regards to the status of the above site, Cllr Clowes reported that the property has now been sold and that the old planning application (11/2911N) had been re-submitted to extend the time limit for development of the site for light industrial use, storage and distribution.

75.14 Environment

Cllr Jardine reported that recent mole activity on Hough Common has been dealt with.

It was agreed to use the services of CEC again next year for the summer and winter bedding within Hough Village.

Cllr Jardine also reported on the Cheshire Community Pride Awards held at Congleton Town Hall on 9th October 2014.

Hough & Chorlton received a “little gem” award for the Methodist Chapel in Cobbs Lane. In the village category of population 1000 – 2500, Hough & Chorlton were commended but once again this category was won by Audlem.


76.14 Village Hall

It was reported that the Autumn Fayre held on 11th October raised £401 for the Village Hall.

Councillors were reminded of the following events:

·  13th December – Brass Band Concert

·  19th December – Christmas Carol Service

77.14 Planning

Address / Details / Reference / Parish council’s
The Anchorage,
Waybutt Lane
Chorlton / Lawful development certificate for an existing domestic
use of disused
agricultural building / 14/4284N / No objections
Rear of Uvedale, Hafan,
And Wynstaff
Newcastle Road,
Chorlton / Outline application for
Single storey dwelling for
Residential use / 14/4603N / Objections

Decision received

Address / Details / Reference / Decision
Birch Lane,
Hough / resubmission of application 13/4441N for replacement dwelling / 14/3632N / Approved with

77.14.1 414 Newcastle Road, Shavington

Cllr Hewitt is to draft the Parish Council’s response to the Planning Inspectorate with regards to application 13/4675N (conditions 3 & 4)

77.14.2 9 Kings Meadow – Fence on boundary wall

Cllr Broome informed the Council that there had been no response from the resident to the recent letter re the above. This issue to be pursued by CEC Cllr Clowes.

78.14 Financial Matters

a) Balance in Current Account @9.10.14 = 19541.98

b) Balance in Savings Account @ 9.10.14 = 2943.76

c) To agree payment of the following.

d) Before the accounts were approved the following invoices were added:

T W Heler £300 (Chq 1473) for new gate on Common and Hobbs Wildlife

Services £75 (Chq 1474) for dealing with moles on Common.

Making a new total of £1755.63


Chq No / Name / Reason / Amount
1465 / Broker Network Ltd / Parish Council Insurance / 265.00
1466 / A J Hardy / Payroll Processing / 30.00
1467 / HMRC / Clerk Tax / 12.00
1468 / Cynthia Jardine / Clerk Salary October / 263.00
1469 / Jeff Rance / Grass cutting October / 450.00
1470 / W Newton / Lengthsman October / 131.67
1471 / C G Spibey / Install commemorative bench / 197.50
1472 / Graham Bennion / Chains for Common gate / 31.46
Total / 1380.63

79.14 Members Reports

Cllr Jardine informed the Council that work to update the Parish Council website had been done and asked members to please check the content for accuracy and for any suggestions to improve further.

Cllr Butler reported several street lights were not working. Cllr Butler to inform the Clerk of light identification numbers so that they can be reported to CEC.

Cllr McFarlane raised issues with drains on Newcastle Road but it was highlighted that Highways were currently in the process of dealing with all drains in the area.

Cllr Bennion reported that there had been a serious water leak in Woolston Drive and this was currently being dealt with by United Utilities.

Cllr Broome reported that she had received an enquiry from a resident of Wychwood Park asking when superfast broadband would be available. Cllr Clowes was unable to give a definite date but said that the bulk of the work had been carried out and that all residents would be informed when the service becomes available.

Cllr Clowes informed the Council of issues being experienced on Wychwood Village with regards to school buses and requested our support on behalf of Weston & Basford Parish Council to assist with a survey of Wychwood Park residents to establish the overall school bus requirements in this area.

Meeting Closed 10.00pm

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Friday 14th November 2014 at 7.30pm at Hough Village Hall
