Chipola College

ADN Nursing Program

NUR 2291 Medical Surgical Critical Concepts

NUR 2350C Advanced Concepts Pediatrics/NUR 2450C Advanced Concepts OB

Internship Experience

Preceptor’s Nursing Student Performance Assessment Tool

The evaluation tool for the Professional Nursing Internship is derived from the ten objectives of the course syllabus plus additional expected professional nursing behaviors. These serve as the performance levels that the nursing student must achieve by the end of the internship.

The formative and summative evaluation process is to assess the level at which the nursing student is able to demonstrate each of the professional nursing behaviors. You are to evaluate the performance of the nursing student each week that clinical hours are accrued and review with the student. The student will turn this tool in to the instructor at final. The following scale is used to determine the score on performance objectives:

0 = Unacceptable performance. Student is consistently inappropriate or in violation of established rules, policies, and procedures. Shows no understanding of knowledge, skills, or behavior. No progress is shown following instruction or counseling.

1 = Performance is marginal. Student is occasionally inappropriate or in violation of established rules, policies, and procedures. Does not associate or apply principles and theory from previous courses to current content and experiences. Requires continuous guidance.

2 = Fairly consistent, but performance is not yet acceptable. Student generally follows the established rules, policies, and procedures. Performance of skills, and behaviors, however, is superficial, incomplete, limited, or inaccurate. Student requires some guidance.

3 = Consistent. Needs minimal assistance. Student consistently follows established rules, policies, and procedures. Student independently incorporates principles and theory from current and previous courses and requires minimal assistance to meet objectives. Student is self-directed in the majority of activities and skills for which content has been presented.

4 = Independently applies knowledge and skills. Student consistently follows established rules, policies, and procedures. Independently and appropriately performs skills. Performance is complete and thorough. Evidences full understanding and appropriate application of theories and principles of nursing.

**Internship grade will be determined by the final assessment (summative) and is determined by comparing the total points earned with the maximum possible total points. For example, if the nursing student received 90% of the total possible points, the internship grade for the associated course would be 90. If grading criteria does not apply to a particular clinical setting, please mark the area N/A (not applicable) and DO NOT figure this into the final grade.

Applies core values, core competences, core knowledge, and role development to the internship to demonstrate a successful transition into the nursing profession
Integrates spiritual beliefs, cultural beliefs, values, and practices of individuals and families when providing nursing therapeutics
Enables individuals and families to access appropriate resources to meet identified health care needs
Incorporates professional standards and statutory rules and regulations pertinent to nursing into individual nursing practice
Incorporates therapeutic interpersonal communication techniques in the care of individuals and families
Applies effective and appropriate communication (verbally and written) with staff and in the medical record
Demonstrates appropriate problem-solving and decision making skills
Performs with minimal assistance and seeks assistance and advice when appropriate
Applies health care technologies to maximize optimal outcomes for clients in diverse healthcare settings
Provides safe, effective nursing care to promote the health of individuals and families
Exhibits professional behaviors with a positive attitude and enthusiasm for work activities that foster a positive public image of nursing
Demonstrates accountability in delegating responsibilities in a manner consistent with the state Nurse Practice Act

Chipola College ADN Nursing Program

NUR 2291/NUR 2350C/NUR 2450C / Internship Experience

Preceptor’s Nursing Student Performance Assessment Tool

Complete & review with student each week that clinical hours are accrued. Student to turn in to instructor

at final.

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Is punctual for work & meetings; informs appropriate staff/preceptor prior to absences
Dresses professionally by wearing the appropriate designated nursing uniform with the Chipola College identification and name tag
Works well with others
Overall nursing performance and behavior at new graduate level
Totals (add each column)
Total Score (Add columns 1-13 to equal total score); Calculate the percentage score

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

At the completion of the internship please provide comments pertaining to the following:

List and Describe Major Strengths:

List and Describe Areas for Improvement:

Other Suggestions in Preparation for Employment:


Preceptor’s Signature/Date Student’s Signature/Date


Instructor’s Signature/Date and Comments: