August 29, 2016

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Welcome to Geometry Honors! Attached is a copy of my syllabus and my procedures explaining a few things about the course. Please sign this letter indicating that you have read itand to let me know of the best time to reach you.

Course Materials: Binder with dividers, agraphing calculator (TI-84 plus or TI- 83 plus), a ruler, and dry erase markers. If you purchase a Texas Instrument calculator I would appreciate you bringing in the TI Technology Points barcode attached to the package.

Our Goals for the Year

  1. Understand the mathematics we do.
  2. Cooperate and respect each other.
  3. Be open to new ideas and new approaches to solving problems.
  4. Explain mathematical ideas clearly.
  5. Reason mathematically and make connections.

Classroom Expectations

1.Be prepared for class. Bring all materials each day (covered textbook, 3-ring binder, a pencil with an eraser, dry erase markers, a ruler, your assignment, and a calculator).

2.Be responsible for your actions and respect others.

3.Be proud of your work!


  • Every assignment you do in school is meant to measure your knowledge of something or your ability to do something. The grade you receive on the assignment should reflect that knowledge or ability, but an assignment cannot truly measure your knowledge or ability if you have not done your own work. Anyone found cheating/plagiarizing on all or part of any assignment will receive: a zero for the assignment, a parent phone call, 2-1 hour afterschool detentions, and be referred to an administrator for further disciplinary consequences.If a student provides his/her work to another student, and that student copies the assignment and submits it as his/her own work, both students will receive zeroes and face the disciplinary consequencesmentioned above.A second offense for cheating/plagiarizing could result in an immediate transfer from Collegiate Academy.
  • Quarter grades will be comprised of tests/quizzes, homework, classwork, and participation.
  • The quarter grade will be weighted as follows:

80% Tests and Quizzes

20% Classwork

  • The final grade is computed by averaging the percentages earned for each of the four quarters.


Honor RollGrade Scale

Summa Cum Laude4.0+PercentageHonor

Magna Cum Laude3.5 - 3.9997 – 1004.5

Cum Laude3.0 – 3.4993 – 964.0

89 – 923.5

85 – 883.0

76 – 842.5

70 – 752.0


  • Tests are announced at least one week in advance.
  • Students will prepare for test by completing assignments, participating in reviews, and by studying.
  • Retest Policy: Students are permitted to retake test. The scoring of a retest will be a 20% -80% split. The first test will be 20% and the retake will be 80% of the total test grade. To re-take a test, corrections must be made to the original during special help and a parent signature must be obtained.
  • The final exam is cumulative and those students who maintain a 95% or above can opt not to take it.

Extra Help

Anyone who needs extra assistance should plan to stay for extra help. Extra help is available Monday - Thursday morning from 7:30-8:00 a.m. and Tuesday after school until 3:30 p.m.


You will need to make up all work dues to absences. Be sure to find what assignments you have missed, get the notes from a friend, attempt the problems, and make sure that you turn in anything which was collected. It is your responsibility! If a test or quiz was missed you will need to take it when you return.

I am excited for the upcoming school year! If you have any questions or problems do not hesitate to contact me at school (874 – 6300) or by e-mail (). I look forward to meeting you at Open House September 15, 2016 and at Parent Conferences November 22, 2016 or November 23, 2016.


Ms. Ashley Enstrom

Geometry H Teacher

Please return this page


Student Signature: ______


Parent Signature: ______


Parent’s e-mail address: ______

Best way to reach you (number and time): ______
