Welcome to the Pre-Junior Program. This is the first step in becoming a “figure skater”.

Let us answer the most commonly asked questions:

Why is my child being asked up to Pre-Junior? Once a CanSkater has passed his/her complete Stage 5 they will be given the opportunity to advance to Pre-Junior.

What exactly is Pre-Junior? Pre-Junior is the first step to becoming a figure skater. The CanSkate program is designed as a learn to skate program for all kids wanting to learn to skate. Once your child advances to Pre-Junior they will begin to learn skills that are specific to figure skating. This is still done in a group format, with your child having a coach for the entire session, much like CanSkate. They will also continue to receive a report card while completing their badges.

Does my child have to advance to Pre-Junior? No your child does not; we will give the option to you. Perhaps you don’t feel that your child is ready, perhaps your child wants to be a hockey player. Our job is to give you the option to enter into this program, but ultimately the choice is 100% yours.

Can they stay on CanSkate time? This is a yes and no answer! On Tuesday CanSkate there is a Pre-Junior group which your child would be in, but there are also 2 additional times outside of CanSkate that your child would attend. Having said that an option would be to do the Pre-Junior on Tuesdays, but continue with regular CanSkate on the other days and advance to the additional Pre-Junior days at a later date.

What comes after Pre-Junior? Once your child completes all 7 stages, this may take up to 2 seasons in Pre-Junior, they will advance to the Junior level. Once this happens your child will be in the full figure skating program. This becomes a bit more complex, your child would now need a Private Coach and the group lesson format is no longer used, but we recommend not looking too far ahead, as your child continues with Pre-Junior you will begin to understand how they will advance and what it entails. When your child is ready for this next level you will be notified by a letter, and at that time our registrar will fully explain all of your options.

CanSkate  Pre-Junior  Junior  Senior

When is Pre-Junior?

Tuesdays 5:15-6:00 (CanSkate session)

Thursdays 3:30-4:30 (Pre-Junior only sessions)

Fridays 3:30-4:30 (Pre-Junior/Junior session) **this session will be an opportunity for your child to begin receiving private lessons, it is also the first session where they will experience less group time and more on their own practice time.

What are private lessons and do I need them? Your child can start receiving a private lesson while in Pre-Junior, this lesson would be given on the Friday. You will have to choose a private coach, and speak to them about lessons. Private lessons are billed separately from your registration. You do not need to have these lessons right away, in fact it would be a good idea to let your child get to know the coaches and then make a educated choice once they (you) are familiar with them. You may also contact Sandra for information. Each coach will have an information package about themselves that you may ask for to help with your decision. A private coach is necessary to advance to Junior when that time comes. (Sandra’s contact number & coaches are listed at the bottom of this letter)

What should my child wear? They may now wear “skating apparel”, for females it would be a skating dress/skirt, tights, gloves and a warm sweater. Males will need to wear pants that are comfortable, but fitting closer to the leg (for safety), gloves and a warm sweater. Helmets are optional on Pre-Junior ice.

I hope this has answered some of the main questions about Pre-Junior.

For more information you may contact me (Barb) at 250-635-9760 or our registrar (Sandra) at 250-635-4500.

Thank You

Barb Kubik

Director of Programs


Barb Kubik – NCCP Level 2, Partial 3 Certified

15 years experience

Director of Programs/Club Coach

250-635-9760 e-mail

Kelsey Minhinnick – NCCP Level 1 Certified

3 years experience

Club Coach

250-631-9659 e-mail

**Sandra Lenuik will answer any questions about private lessons and explain your options.