Monthly reports from the Senior Management Team –February 2017
Every month the Senior Management Team (SMT) hold a meeting to discuss and agree key aspects of RAPt work and strategy.
Each member of the SMT submits an update on their directorate ahead of the meeting. These are edited to remove any commercially sensitive or confidential information and published here on the intranet. For that reason not all departments have a report included.
Please note that these reports are not intended to be a comprehensive list of all the work of each department.
Sean Cox, March 2017
General update
Middle management review – This is now completed, we are currently reviewing the structures and assure ourselves we have not gone to lean on team Leader Roles for example.
Head of services - we have brought Mark Johnstone as an interim HoS to support the directorate while James and Sarah focus on East Kent community implementation.
Across the prison estate our teams continue to see large amounts of change. These include prisons doing accommodation reviews and population changes. There has been a big drive on recruiting more officers. I feel we won’t see the benefit of this until the middle of next year.
Surrey - we go live with taking the clinical service in-house as from the 1st April 2017. All TUPe meetings have gone well. We are in the process of getting our policies in-place ready for the 1st April. We have a team on-call and a team that will be present in surrey over the weekend of the 1st April.
CQC registered managers - we still need to increase the number of CQC registered managers we have. This work will continue once we have transferred East Kent over to us.
Contracts – Kent prisons we are working with Research and Development currently. Tender due in this week.
London – Wandsworth and Brixton will be out very soon. A draft spec has been released and it looks very much like an IAPT/MH spec.
Norfolk – Looks like the council will be retendering the whole service for a go live date of April 2018. We have not heard formally yet what will happen with the prison part of this contract, we may well get an extension until 2018 or NHSE may tender our part earlier.
Performance and Data
We are into Q4 of data collection, I will do a full update once all Q4 data is in and this will be presented at the SMT/head of quarterly review meeting in April.
As discussed in previous meetings we have seen the target for starters and completer on our accredited programme drop this year, we are now currently looking how we manage this for the upcoming year.
Contractual/Service delivery
HMP Lewes – the service continues to grow and posts are being filled, we need to keep an eye on nurse agency costs. The service credit part of this contracts talks effect from April 2017.
HMP Wandsworth - we continue to have conversation with the prison regarding prison reform. New service manager as settled in well, the team continue to deliver a good service.
HMP Brixton Service continues to go well.
Norfolk - Still no further news on commissioning direction for the healthcare services. All 3 service continue to deliver quality services.
Kent –
- Elmley - we have responded to the commissioner regarding the report following the NHSE audit.
- Swaleside/East Sutton Park - continue to deliver a good service
- Rochester/Maidstone - services are going well, we need to keep reviewing the clinical part to ensure the team are getting the right support.
- We still have an ongoing recruitment drive for nurses, just seams as we fill a post and then someone else leaves
- Service managers have been busy supporting the tendering process
- No concerns with the contract.
Surrey –
- Downview – service is developing well, struggling to recruit staff that come from a recovery background.
- Gatwick – service is picking up. The new Team Leader has settled in well.
- Send – the key here is to keep on top of the service in relation to new model. Research have now appointed a staff member to help with doing the evaluation.
- Highdown - service going well, regime is much better and groups are being delivered.
- Coldingley- service is going well.
Scrubs - the team continue to work with the new model. Looks like this model will be used for Wandsworth and Brixton.
Feltham – We say goodbye to this service at the end of the month, Addaction have decide to take this service in-House.
Stoke Heath - Contract due to end 2018, we are just waiting for more formal conformation.
Renew - the service continues to grow, we have reviewed the staff profile and agreed with CGL that a vacant post will be a spit role of family work and DAAP.
The Mount – the unit continues to develop the health and wellbeing wing,
The Bridges – The unit is settled and performing well, main issue is the lease, we have a 2 month extensions while negations go on. We are also looking at other properties. DDD continues to look for new business opportunities in the north area.
Prison Exit Team – We are waiting to hear from the commissioner regarding our contract. This is due to expire, but we are hopeful we get some kind of extension.
Recovery support - the main focus is the Hub. We are currently reviewing this service.
East Kent – Finally we got conformation that we were the successful bidder. Go live date has been delayed for one month. We go live on the 1st May. As a result of the delay in the process of announcing the outcome and the delay by 1 month as caused us a few problems. The co-design process is starting to pick up pace. The implementation meetings are well represented and we are trying a new online project planner. We are meeting the TP staff this week as a first contact meeting.
I will go into more details of any urgent matters at the SMT meeting.
Gail Jones, March 2017
We have attended Bidder Events for upcoming community opportunities – Dorset Community, Bolton/Salford/Trafford, Southend, Redcar and Cleveland.
The NE prisons will be tendered soon – they plan to tender as lots which play to our strengths. We are keen to prioritise this tender; we already have an established relationship with Rethink who are the incumbent primary mental health provider.
Community versions of Living Safely and Stepping Stones are being developed ahead of the East Kent contract going live. R & D are adapting Living Safely and Stepping Stones so that they are suitable for service users in the community.
Theory of Change - R & D have been developing new assessment booklets in line with NDTMS data set which came into effect on the 1st April.
Outcome measures for Levels model at Send - The first 3 month analysis of the new Levels model at Send has been completed, with some early indicators of positive change. The number of clients on maintenance scripts has decreased, while those on a reduction script and completing a detox have increased. Service Users are also demonstrating increased motivation to change and improve problem solving skills. We need to consider our approach in Downview.
Hattie and Katie presented at the Royal College of Psychiatrists - ‘Transitional and post-release support for substance misusing offenders’ at RCPsych’s ‘Through the Gate’ conference. The presentation was well-received, with many in attendance commenting on how impressed they were with the outcomes RAPt achieve.
Governance and Quality
The final two core audits are taking place in March. When these are done all services would have been audited including Gatwick IRC, Renew and Prison Exit Team.
Work on the Case Management Manual is progressing, this was discussed at the recent Training Strategy Meeting and training will be developed in accordance with this manual.
Jason has now completing the annual NHS information governance assessment (version 14),
Closure of the current strategic risk register and the drafting and opening of the new one for 2017-18 is a priority after the submission of the HSCIC assessment.
Datix has been formally ordered and the implementation is about to commence starting with a testing session at a number of our prison-based services. This whole project will take around 5 months to complete.
Controlled Drug licenses (x4) have been approved in good time for the implementation of clinical services in Surrey. There have also been some renewals in Kent following recent and positive Home Office inspections.
G&Q continues to support the East Kent Community implementation project with regards to:
- Datix roll-out
- CQC Registration of locations and management (the largest risk)
- Stewardship of the safeguarding, information governance and H&S agendas
Hannah Fox, March 2017
Current staffing
There are a number of staff changes in the External Affairs department.
- ChandniRadia starts as Fundraising Manager on 1st May 2017.
- Amy Williams is now acting up as Community Communications Manager to support the implementation and co design of the East Kent Community Drug and Alcohol Service. An interim Senior Communications Officer for this period is being recruited.
- An apprentice will be joining the team for two days per week at the end of March to assist in the collection and writing of case studies.
Summary of income this financial year target:£854,923.91
Received by previous SMT (20th Feb):£848,752.59
Received since 20th Feb SMT: £6,171.32 through a combination of grants and individual unrestricted donations
Fundraising general
- We have five runners for the London Marathon, which is one month away. Three of the runners are members of staff – Rob Chrystal, Rosanna Stroud and Oliver Kendall - who will be promoting their involvement internally to boost fundraising.
- The Fundraising and Finance Teams have now gone through intensive training on our fundraising database ThankQ to ensure we use it as effectively as possible. Both teams are working up clear policies and procedures to ensure we make best use of functionality, are compliant with regulation and to ensure the smooth running of fundraising administration.
- The Living Proof visit at HMP Brixton with the potential major donor went very well. She was very moved and positive about the work. We are now planning how we will best activate her support.
- A meeting is taking place on Thursday 23rd March with Colin Kemp, fundraising compliance consultant, to agree a plan to ensure RAPt fundraising, particularly data protection, is compliant with new regulation and legislation.
Trusts and foundation
- Reports for funders are due at the End of April, including the Rothschild and Rausings
- We are currently working on an application to The Rayne Foundation for the Safe Ground work at HMP Lewes.
- Discussions have taken place with regard to added value in the Kent Prisons bid. It has been agreed that we will offer family work with Porchlight. Fundraising flagged the importance of constructing a partnership model rather than pure outsourcing model if fundraising is to be successful.
- Discussions are underway with regard to the next three years of funding from the Rausings. Mike is preparing a submission.
- An updated three year (starting April 2017) fundraising plan discussion paper has been prepared and is with Mike for consideration and response.
Fundraising income for The Bridges
Target: £100,000.00
- The Bridges will be holding a fundraising Living Proof visit on 20th April
- The Northern quiz date has been set for 11th October 2017
- Garden Party has been set for 29th June 2017. We are currently sending out invitations
- A team of RAPt staff and Bridges graduates are running the Hull 10k on 18thJune. The Fundraising Team are supporting their efforts
- The Communications Team are working on a fundraising leaflet for The Bridges for Charlie Forbes Adam, Rory Wardroper and the team to use with prospective donors
Brand and web development
- The brand steering group has made a recommendation on a new name for the organisation which was accepted by the board of Trustees. Work is now underway to ensure the name can be used from a legal point of view. Lawyers have been consulted and next steps need to be agreed.
- The brand steering group is now working with the agency Embrace on the visual identity. Once this is finalised it will be circulated by email to Trustees for decision.
- The new website is being developed and a site map has been agreed and the wireframes are being finalised. Once fully signed off these will now be built into a framed site which the Internet steering group will help to fill.
- A communications roll out plan is being developed to engage all stakeholders, including employees, in the new brand ready for launch.
- A new set of photography was completed for the Hull projects. A photography brief is being finalised to gather a new bank of photography in preparation for the new brand launch.
Recovery Support
- The Hull recovery hub launch event will take place on the 24 March. Invites have been sent and a news story will appear on both the DISC and RAPt websites.
East Kent Drug and Alcohol Partnership
- Amy Williams is working with the implementation group to support the new service with communications. A new standalone website is being developed for the service.
HMP Send Café
- A copy writer is working up a ‘copy bible’ for the project including strapline and menu. This will be used across all communications
- A communications and marketing plan has been prepared – and will be signed off by the prison.
- Delivery of the plan is on hold until obstacles with the refurbishment have been overcom3
Client advocacy group
- The Client Advocacy Group proposal will be submitted to the March SMT for approval.
- Once approved work will begin on rolling out the new scheme
Internal Communications
- A proposal of the future direction of internal communications is being prepared, and will take into account the needs of the East Kent Community services. This will be submitted to April SMT.
- Hannah and Caroline have been meeting with agencies with regard to a cultural change programme for the health and wellbeing of employees.
- Staff conference venues have been reserved, a steering group will be set up to start planning the implementation of the conference.
- A film maker has expressed interest in working with RAPt to develop an employment and training project in a prison accompanied by a documentary
Media enquiries
- HR magazine featured an article about our apprenticeship scheme as a featured organisation alongside the BBC and Barclays Bank
- Mike Trace wrote an article for Custodial Review which went out on 24 Feb
- Good Morning Britain contacted us for a piece about how drugs got into prisons. We were unable to fulfil the request due to lack of available client at short notice
- Mike Trace is assisting with an article for the Guardian Society exploring effects of cuts to funding for drug services. Amy is assisting with sourcing a client.
- A press release to trade magazines about East Kent will be sent once the contract is complete