New Build Updates

Things are happening very quickly now and on many fronts. I will try to keep everyone up to date with the developments through separate newsletters.

The main disruption to parents and carers will be during the drop off and pick up times, especially if you drive to school, as the temporary entrance will be at the side of the community centre car park which is very busy during the day and has limited park up space.

Please see the Quick Guide 1 and keep checking the website for updates.

Breakfast Club is moving!

From March the 23rd we will be running our very popular Breakfast Club from the community centre. The door will be opened between 8am and 8.30am for children to come in for an inexpensive and healthy start to the day.

Attendance Update

Thank you for your efforts to make sure your children are in on time. The whole school attendance has improved since Christmas. It is still not yet up to the 95% we are aiming for. Please continue to get your child in and on time. We will be giving special certificates to the children who reach over 96% attendance for the term.

If you received a RED letter last term, please contact Mr Nelson or Miss Barr so we can help you improve your child’s attendance.

I must also inform you again, that EDUCATION NOTICE PENALTIES are now being used for parents who do not make enough effort to get children into school or take children out of school in term time. These are fines that are enforced by the local authority.

World Book Day 5th March

We will be having a super learning day on the 5th March. The theme is Space and we are encouraging the children to come to school on the Thursday dressed in a Space Theme. This could be as an alien, astronaut, space ship etc. We will be having a special theatre group in school, working with all the classes and all the teachers are planning spaced themed activities for the day. It will be an “out of this world”day!

Parents / Open Evening - 19th March

After the great success of our November open evening, we will be hosting another one on March the 19th,3.30pm – 6.00pm.This evening is a chance to look around the school and learn about other things in the community.

So far there will be people from: First Leisure Sports, Chelwood Food Bank, Stockport College, SK School Dinners, Community Safety Team, St Matthews Church, Sure-start, NeighbourhoodTeams, Just-for-2’s Nursery and Stockport Academy. Refreshments will be served in the hall. We hope to have some children performingfrom 4.30pm - 5.30pm.

Bridge Hall Funny Faces

Mrs Morawski (our maths specialist teacher) has organised a Funny Faces display. All the children will be asked to draw the funniest face they can and these will all be displayed in a long line down the corridor. This will tie in with our red Nose day activities and be a good counting resource for the children.

New Staff

We have welcomedMissBarr as our new Learning Mentor. Miss Barr is already working with some of the children in year 5 and 6 and is keen to get to know everyone concerned with the school. She will be available at the beginning of the day and the end of the day for parents and carers to meet and share any concerns or worries they may have. Please say hello if you see her on the school playground.

New Children

We have had a few children joining us in the last couple of weeks.

Welcome toAndrew, Stanislava, Sebastian, Tegan andSteven and wewill soon be joined by Magenta, Mason, Rileyand Harrison.

All the children love getting new classmates and will be helping them feel at home at our super school.

Y4, Y5 and Y6 Bag Packing

Our first Bag Packing Session is on Saturday the 7th March. We will be packing bags at the Cheadle Sainsbury’s from 11.00am onwards. If you could drop your child off at the store at 11.00am it would be great. A few staff have volunteered to help transport and supervise the children for a couple of hours. If you cannot transport your children, please drop them off at school no later than 10.30. We will be dropping the children back at school at 1pm.

We want to ensure the children take ownership and raise the money for their residential trip themselves and encourage all the children in Years 4, 5 and 6 to take part. A separate letter will be given to the volunteers.

Social Media

Please note all our staff are required to sign an ICT code of conduct and have been advised to set their privacy settings at the maximum level and not to allow any pupils or parents of the school as “friends”. We frequently remind the children of the dangers that social media sites can present.

New Logo Designs

Jade Nicholson, our graphic designer from Stockport College has now produced final designs. She has been working with our Student Governors to narrow the design choices down to three. These will shortly be shared with the children in school and the community at the school open evening on the 19th March.