The Scribe (rps grammateu>v literatus).

The mouthpiece and representative of the people; a recognized authority. the Rabbi, ‘my, great one,’ Master, amplitudo. the ‘lawyer,’ the well-plastered pit,’Divine aristocrat, the ultimate authority the Exegete of the Laws, the ‘teacher of the Law, a judge in the ecclesiastical tribunals, the Talmid or learned student,the Chakham or sage. the Sopherim (Scribes).

Luke 5:17- doctors of the law- 3547. nomodidaskalos, nom-od-id-as'-kal-os; from G3551 and G1320; an expounder of the (Jewish) law, i.e. a Rabbi:--doctor (teacher) of the law. 1) a teacher and interpreter of the law: among the Jews 1a) of those who among Christians went about as champions and interpreters of the Mosaic law. Acts 5:34, 1 Tim 1:7.

Mat 22:35- lawyer,- 3544. nomikos, nom-ik-os'; from G3551; according (or pertaining) to law, i.e. legal (cer.); as noun, an expert in the (Mosaic) law:--about the law, lawyer. Interpreter and teacher of Mosaic law. Luke 7:30, Luke 10:25, Luke 11:45-52, Luke 14:3, Titus 3:9, Titus 3:13.

Mat 2:4-scribes1122. grammateus, gram-mat-yooce'; from G1121; a writer, i.e. (professionally) scribe or secretary:--scribe, town-clerk. in the Bible, a man learned in the Mosaic law and in the sacred writings, an interpreter, teacher. Scribes examined the more difficult and subtle questions of the law; added to the Mosaic law decisions of various kinds thought to elucidate its meaning and scope, and did this to the detriment(damage, wear away) of religion. Since the advice of men skilled in the law was needed in the examination in the causes and the solution of the difficult questions, they were enrolled in the Sanhedrin; and are mentioned in connection with the priests and elders of the people. Mat 5:20, 7:29, 9:3, 12:38, 15:1, 16:21, 17:10, 20:18, 21:15, 23:2, 23:13, 23:14, 23:15, 23:23, 23:25, 23:27, 23:29, 23:34, 26:3, 26:57, 27:41, Mark 1:22, 2:6, 2:16, 3:22, 7:1, 7:5, 8:31, 9:11, 9:14, 9:16, 10:33, 11:18, 11:27, 12:28, 12:35, 12:38, 14:1, 14:43, 14:53, 15:1, 15:31, Luke 5:21, 5:30, 6:7, 9:22, 11:44, 11:53, 15:2, 19:47, 20:1, 20:19, 20:39, 20:46, 22:2, 22:66, 23:10, John 8:3, Acts 4:5, 6:12, 23:9.