Foundations of Organizing for Local Strength

Offered: February 28 – March 3, 2018

Audience:Local affiliate teams

East Baton Rouge Parish Association of Educators (EBRPAE) is the largest local education association in the state of Louisiana.EBRPAE iscurrently on the growth edge of local ESSA implementation, early career leader engagement, and social justice organizing. The local, despite many external challenges, is growing in strength and membership. They have resilience and heart!

This three and a half day training will provide participants with an opportunity to participate in a true field learning experience focused in the challenging setting of competing organizations, economic injustice, and institutional racism. Additionally, EBRPAE has been involved in the formation of The Louisiana Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (LAROS) and will share the benefits of a parent, community, and civil rights coalition.

Participants will work through numerous organizing skills and theories in a classroom setting focused on building strong worksites, while also having a chance to practice these skills in the fieldwith EBRPAE members and potential members. The training aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Train participant teams in organizing skills
  • Practice those skills in the field in an active local organizing campaign
  • Write an organizing plan to create positive change in the day-to-day lives of your members, potential members, and communities as a whole

All participants will be required to participate in multiple field experiences throughout the training. This could range from participating in worksite visits,going door to door to talk to members/potential members and community members, and other activities that help move the local’s campaign forward.

Affiliate members, leaders, and staff are encouraged to attend as teams with three to four members. The teams may consist of local leaders and members and we strongly encourage the inclusion of a local or state association staff.Individual staff or member participants and participant pairs are also welcome to attend. Each participant should come with a commitment to advance a project in their organization.Participants will be expected to share their progress and success after the training.

As a condition of being accepted to participate in the Institute, participants agree to share their organizing plan, dedicate resources to implement the plan, and provide reports on the team's progress.One of the Institute’s signature supports is to continue a relationship post-training to ensure the success of local organizing programs.

Cost: NEA will cover the cost of hotel for four nights (February 27th, 28th, March 1st, 2ndchecking out on March 3rd), breakfast and lunch during the training, and program materials. All additional costs are the responsibility of the participant.

This training is limited to 32 participants.


All potential participants must fill out an interest assessmentusing the following link:

EBR Institute Interest Assessment Feb 2018

The process also requires a letter of support. Details are explained in the online form.

The deadline for submitting interest assessments is 5:00 PM ET on January 5th.Selected participants will be notified by January 15th.

Please donot make travel arrangements until you receive a letter of acceptance.


Individual staff or member participants and participant pairs are eligible to attend. A local affiliate may send a team of no more than four. We encourage careful, intentional consideration of the make-up of teams and attention should be given to establishing a team that reflects diversity in ethnicity, gender, age, and roles and responsibilities. We recognize that each organization has unique needs, so teams could include: association members, leaders, committee members, association staff and managers.

NEA will fund individual participants and local teams of up to four. If space is available and the affiliate assumes the expense, additional team members may be welcomed.


The training will take placeWednesday, Feb 28ththrough Saturday, March 3rdat the EBRPAE/LAE Office in Baton Rouge, LA.


NEA will provide funding forindividuals and affiliate teams consisting of up to four. The funding will cover the hotel costs, breakfast, lunch and snacks on days the Institute is in session, program materials,and transportation from the hotel to the EBRPAE/LAE Office.

All additional travel costs are the responsibility of the affiliate and are not covered by NEA.

Participants are expected to cover their own flight and transportation costs.

Participants will be expected to arrive on Tuesday, Feb27th. The training concludes on Saturday, March3rdat approximately 12:00 PM CT. Participants should plan travel home on March 3rdafter 2:00 PM.

Again, please donot make travel arrangements until you receive an acceptance letter.


  • February 28th – 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Reception – Meet and greet with EBR leaders from 6:00 to 7:00 PM

  • March 1st – 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
  • March 2nd – 8:30 Am to 6:00 PM
  • March 3rd – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Participants should plan their departure no earlier than 2:00 PM.