Year 9

My Student Voice - feedback from students


1. I enjoy coming to KC:

Strongly agree / 66%
Agree / 32%
Disagree / 2%
Strongly disagree / 0%

2. What were your major successes in Year 8?

Responses included:

·  I gained an award for getting all of my STAMPS

·  I became part of the cricket team and played against other schools

·  I gained lots of Achievement Awards

·  I improved my work in Maths and English

·  I am really proud that I met my targets grades in most subjects and exceeded them in others

·  I have enjoyed learning German

·  I have taken part in lots of sports activities

·  I was in the Christmas and summer shows

·  I was a College Council representative

·  I think that my work improved in most subjects but particularly in Maths, History and Art

·  I had 100% attendance

·  I was in the top set for English, Maths and Science – and I still am

·  I had six Aspiration Awards

·  I really got down to work

3. What things do you need to improve?

Responses included:

·  My concentration during lessons

·  My participation because I am sometimes too shy to talk in class, and particularly to answer questions

·  Keeping quiet. I have too much to say

·  My behaviour, I suppose, because I talk too much

·  My spelling as it’s always been a problem for me

·  Maths. I get stuck when I get home and have homework to do because I don’t have the teacher to help me

·  My way of working. I think I should be more organised

4. I feel I learn a lot during lessons:

Strongly agree / 75%
Agree / 24%
Disagree / 1%
Strongly disagree / 0%

5. Teachers are interested in my views:

Strongly agree / 56%
Agree / 40%
Disagree / 3%
Strongly disagree / 1%

6. Adults explain to me how to do my work:

Strongly agree / 77%
Agree / 20%
Disagree / 3%
Strongly disagree / 0%

7. I know how well I am doing at KC

Strongly agree / 92%
Agree / 7%
Disagree / 1%
Strongly disagree

8. If you have had a few or a lot of absences, what has kept you from attending College?

Responses included:

·  Just being ill generally. I try hard to attend all of the time but sometimes I can’t

·  I had to go to the doctors

·  I have had hospital appointments

·  I had a viral fever

·  I felt really sick

·  The car went into the garage and I missed my bus

·  I was absent when I had to go to a music exam

·  My absence was connected to a religious reason

·  I went on holiday

·  I went to a wedding

·  I couldn’t sleep and this went on for days. I had time off to catch up with my sleep

·  I had to attend a dentist appointment

·  I was in hospital

9. Have you been a victim of bullying at KC since September?

Yes / 1%
No / 99%

10. Do you feel safe at KC?

Yes / 99%
No / 1%

11.  List the trips, activities and sports you took part in during Year 8

Responses included:

·  I went on a trip to the Science Museum in London

·  I played rugby for the school

·  I really enjoyed going on a History trip to the Natural History Museum

·  I attended a Gifted and Talented super learning day

·  I played cricket against other schools

·  I was very involved in inter-House sports activities

·  I went to after school Dance clubs

·  I enjoyed the library quizzes and took part in many of them

·  I was a Sports Leader

·  I went to see the Olympic Torch as it came through Northampton

·  I joined KC Divas

·  I took part in organising the sports day at Sixfields Stadium during the summer term. This was great fun as we had to make sure that things went well for all of the primary school children who were competing

·  I went to the Saints Study Centre

·  I really enjoyed taking part in the ski trip to Italy

·  I went to the Olympic stadium

·  I took part in Dance and Drama activities

·  I represented the school as I was a member of the football team

·  I had clarinet lessons

·  I went on the Technology trip to Northampton University

·  I loved going to Alton Towers

·  I had extra language lessons after school to improve my English

12.  What extra things have you done in Year 9 so far?

Response included:

·  Lots. I have joined various teams and I have attended after school clubs

·  I have become a member of the school football team

·  I am having guitar lessons

·  I represented PE during the Open Evening

·  I am reading much more after school to improve my English skills

·  I am part of the netball team

·  I am going skiing very soon with the school

13. What extra things would you like to do in Year 9?

Responses included:

·  Go on more trips

·  Improve my work in Art by attending an after school club

·  Do more individual research on my own after school. I know that I need to develop the skill to do this

·  I would enjoy attending a photography club

·  I want to learn how to play the drums

·  How about having a cookery club?

14. A member of another school asks you what KC is like. What would you say?

Responses included:

·  It’s a good school and I feel very welcome

·  There are good facilities, especially in Performance Arts and PE

·  The staff are very helpful

·  I learn a lot during lessons

·  It’s a good school where teachers have high expectations of everyone

·  It’s a great school. I don’t want to go anywhere else

·  Love it

·  It’s a school that thrives on helping students to reach their full potential

·  I really love coming to school. I come even though I sometimes feel poorly

·  I enjoy it

·  The teachers are very good

·  It’s a friendly place where I make good progress

·  It’s safe

·  There are lots of extra activities

·  It’s a school where you can have fun but you have to concentrate on what you are learning. It’s strict

·  It’s a wonderful, supportive school. There are lots of activities to take part in

·  It’s a really good school. I’m proud to be a part of it

·  There is a happy environment at KC. Everyone is supportive

·  It feels like home

15. If you had one thing to change about KC, what would it be?

Responses included:

·  Having a better way to queue in the dining hall

·  The one way system in English and Humanities

·  The timetable. We are in half year groups and this means that I don’t get to see some of the students that I would like to see in my lessons

·  It would be good to have a swimming pool

·  I think we should be allowed to have extreme hair styles

·  FINE detentions

·  Homework. We get too much

·  I think we should have vending machines

·  Nothing. KC is fine as it is

·  Perhaps we could have shelters as well as racks for our bikes

·  I would change PE lessons so that I am only taught the sports that I enjoy

Year 9-Student Voice-Feedback-January 2013