Book List of Recommended Reading for Parents and Educators of Gifted Students

Topics Include:

·  Adolescents

·  Boys

·  College Planning

·  Dual Exceptionalities

·  Educational Planning/Program Options

·  Girls

·  Identification/Testing

·  Legal Issues

·  Minority Issues

·  Miscellaneous

·  Reading/Books

·  Parenting

·  Social Emotional Issues

·  Talent Development

·  Underachievement

·  Young Gifted

·  Links to more recommended reading lists


Bireley, M. & Genshaft, J. (1991). Understanding the gifted adolescent: Educational, development, and multicultural issues. New York: Teacher’s College.

Csikszentmihalyi, M., Rathunde, K. R., & Whalen, S. (1997). Talented teenagers: The roots of success and failure. New York: Cambridge University.


Glennon, W. (2000). 200 ways to raise a boy's emotional intelligence: An indispensable guide for parents, teachers & other concerned caregivers. Berkeley, CA: Conari.

Gurian, M. (1998). A fine young man: What parents, mentors and educators can do to shape boys into exceptional men. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam.

Kerr, B., & Cohn, S.J. (2001). Smart boys: Talent, manhood, and the search for meaning. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential.

Kindlon, D. J., & Thompson, M. (2000). Raising Cain: Protecting the emotional life of boys. New York: Ballantine.

Pollack, W. S. (1999). Real boys: Rescuing our sons from the myths of boyhood. New York: Henry Holt & Company.

Pollack, W. S. (2000). Real boys’ voices. New York: Random House.

Thompson, M. (2000). Speaking of boys: Answers to the most-asked questions about raising sons. New York: Ballantine.

College planning

Asher, D. (2000). Cool colleges: For the hyper-intelligent, self-directed, late blooming, and just plain different. Berkeley, CA:Ten Speed.

Berger, S. (2006). College planning for gifted students: Choosing and getting into the right college. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Featherstone, B. D., & Reilly, J. M. (1990). College comes sooner than you think! The essential guide for high school students and their families. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.

Springer, S. & Franck, M. (2006). Admission matters: What parents and students need to know about getting into college. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Toor, R. (2001). Admissions confidential : An insider’s account of the elite college selection process. New York: St. Martin's.

VonGruben, J.F. (2000). College countdown: The parent's and student's survival kit for the college admissions process. New York: McGraw Hill.

Dual Exceptionalities

Besnoy, K. (2006). Successful strategies for twice-exceptional students. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Bireley, M. (1995). Crossover Children: A source book for helping children who are gifted and learning disabled (2nd Ed.). Reston, VA: Council for Exceptional Children.

Kay, K. (2000). Uniquely gifted: Identifying and meeting the needs of the twice-exceptional student. Gilsum, NH: Avocus.

Lovecky, D. (2004). Different minds: Gifted children with AD/HD, Asperger's syndrome, and other learning deficits. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley.

Reis, S. M. & Baum, S. (2004). Twice-exceptional and special populations of gifted students. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Webb, J. (2005). Misdiagnosis and dual diagnoses of gifted children and adults: ADHD, bipolar, OCD, Asperger's, depression, and other disorders. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential.

Weinfield, R., Jeweler, S., Barnes-Robinson, L., & Shevitz, B. (2006). Smart kids with learning difficulties: Overcoming obstacles and realizing potential. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Educational Planning/Program Options

Callahan, C. (2006). Assessment in the Classroom: The Key to Good Instruction. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Clark, B. (2002). Growing up gifted: Developing the potential of children at home and at school. Columbus: OH: Prentice Hall.

Coleman, L. J., & Cross, T. L. (2005). Being gifted in school: An introduction to development, guidance, and teaching (2nd Ed.). Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Cramond, B. (2005). Fostering creativity in gifted students. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education . Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Davis, G.A. & Rimm, S. (2004). Education of the gifted and talented. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Gilman, B. J. (2003). Empowering gifted minds: Educational advocacy that works. Denver: DeLeon.

Johnsen, S. K. & Goree, K. (2005). Independent Study for Gifted Learners. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education . Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Moon, S. & Dixon, F. (2006). The handbook of secondary gifted education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Rakow, S. (2005). Educating gifted students in middle school: A practical guide. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Reis, S. M. & Renzulli, J.S. (2005). Curriculum compacting: An easy start to differentiating for high-potential students. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Roberts, J. L. (2005). Enrichment opportunities for gifted learners. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Rogers, K. B. (2002). Re-forming gifted education: Matching the program to the child. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential.

Rogers, K. B.(2006). A Menu of options for grouping gifted students. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Shaunnessy, E. (2005). Questioning strategies for teaching the gifted. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Siegle, D. (2005). Developing mentorship programs for gifted students. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Siegle, D. (2005). Using media and technology with gifted learners. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Smutny, J. F. (2001). Stand up for your gifted child: How to make the most of kid’s strengths at school and at home. Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Southern, W. T. & Jones, E. (1991). The academic acceleration of gifted children. New York: Teachers College.

Tomlinson, C.A. (Ed.) (2004). Differentiation for gifted and talented students. In. S.M. Reis (Ed.) Essential Readings in Gifted Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Tomlinson, C.A., Kaplan, S.N., Renzulli, J. S., Purcell, J., Leppien, J., & Burns, D. (2001). The parallel curriculum model. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Van Tassel-Baska, J. (2005). Acceleration: Strategies for teaching gifted learners. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Van Tassel-Baska, J. (Ed.)(2003). Curriculum for gifted and talented students. In. S.M. Reis (Ed.) Essential Readings in Gifted Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Van Tassel-Baska, J. & Stambaugh, T. (2006). Comprehensive curriculum for gifted learners (3rd edition). New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Winebrenner, S. (2001). Teaching gifted kids in the regular classroom (revised, expanded, and updated edition). Minneapolis: Free Spirit.


Karnes, F. A. & Bean, S. M. (1993). Girls and young women leading the way. Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Karnes, F. A. & Bean, S. M. (1995). Girls and young women inventing. Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Karnes, F. A. & Bean, S. M. (1997). Girls and young women entrepreneurs. Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Karnes, F. A. & Bean, S. M. (2000). Adventures and challenges: Real life stories by girls and young women. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.

Karnes, F.A. & Stephens, K.R. (2002). Young women of achievement: A resource for girls in science, math, and technology. Amherst, NY: Prometheus.
Karnes, F.A. & Stephens, K.R. (2005). Empowered girls: A girl's guide to positive activism, volunteering, and philanthropy. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Kerr, B. A. (1985). Smart girls, gifted women. Columbus, OH: Ohio Psychology.

Kerr, B. A. (1997). Smart girls: A new psychology of girls, women, and giftedness. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.

Pipher, M. (1995). Reviving Ophelia: Saving the selves of adolescent girls. New York: Ballantine.

Rimm, S. B. (2000). See Jane win: The Rimm report on how 1,000 girls became successful women . New York: Crown.

Rimm, S. B. (2001). How Jane won: 55 successful women share how they grew from ordinary girls to extraordinary women. New York: Crown.

Sadker, M., & Sadker, D.M. (1995). Failing at fairness: How our schools cheat girls. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Shandler, S. (1999). Ophelia speaks: Adolescent girls write about their search for self. New York: HarperPerennial.


Gilman, B. J. (2003). Empowering gifted minds: Educational advocacy that works. Denver: DeLeon.

Johnsen, S. K. (Ed.)(2004). Identifying gifted students: A practical guide. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Johnsen, S. K. (2005). Identifying gifted learners: A step-by-step guide. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Legal Issues

Karnes, F. A. & Marquardt, R.G. (1991). Gifted children and legal issues in education: parents’ stories of hope. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.

Karnes, F. A. & Marquardt, R.G. (1991). Gifted children and the law: Mediation, due process, and court cases. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.

Karnes, F. A. & Marquardt, R.G. (2000). Gifted children and legal issues: An update. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.

Minority Issues

Boothe, D. & Stanley, J. (2004). In the eyes of the beholder: Critical issues for diversity in gifted education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Castellano, J. (2003). Special populations in gifted education: Working with diverse gifted learners.. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Castellano, J. & Diaz, E. (2002). Reaching new horizons: Gifted and talented education for culturally and linguistically diverse students. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Cline, S. & Schwartz, D. (1999). Diverse populations of gifted children: Meeting their needs in the regular classroom and beyond. New York: Prentice Hall.

Ford, D. Y. (1996). Reversing underachievement among gifted black students: Promising practices and programs. New York: Teachers College.

Ford, D.Y. & Harris, J. J. (1999). Multicultural gifted education. New York: Teachers College.

Ford, D. Y. & Milner, H. R. (2005). Teaching culturally diverse gifted learners. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education . Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Matthews, M. (2006). Working with gifted English language learners. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.


Coleangelo, N. & Davis, G. A. (2003). The handbook of gifted education. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Corwin, M. (2000). And still we rise: The trials and triumphs of twelve gifted inner-city high school students. New York: Morrow, William & Co.

Davidson, J. & Davidson, B. (2004). Genius denied: How to stop wasting our brightest young minds. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Karnes, F.A. & Riley, T.L. (2005). Competitions for talented kids. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Perry, S. K. (2001). Playing smart: The family guide to enriching, offbeat learning activities for ages 4-14. Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Piirto, J. (2004). Understanding creativity. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential.

Ruf, D. (2005). Losing our minds: Gifted children left behind. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential.

Silverman, L. (2002). Upside down brilliance: The visual spatial learner. Denver: DeLeon.

Tallent-Runnels. M. K. K. & Candler-Lotven, A.C. (1995). Academic competitions for gifted students: A resource book for teachers and parents. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Webb. J., Gore, J., Karnes, F.A., & McDaniel, S. (2004). Grandparents guide to gifted children. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential.

Winner, E. (1996). Gifted children: Myths and realities. New York: BasicBooks.


Alvino, J. (1996). Parent’s guide to raising a gifted child. New York: Ballantine.

Delisle, J. (2006). Parenting gifted kids: Tips for raising happy and successful gifted children. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Matthews, D. J., & Foster, J. F. (2005). Being smart about gifted children: A guidebook for parents and educators. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential.

Olenchak, R. (1998). They say my kid’s gifted: Now what? Ideas for parents for understanding and working with schools. Washington, DC: National Association for Gifted Children.

Rimm, S. B. (2001). Keys to parenting the gifted child (2nd ed.). Hauppauge, NY: Barron's.

Sayler, M. F. (2002). Raising champions: A parent handbook for nurturing gifted children. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Strip, C. & Hirsch, G. (2000). Helping gifted children soar: A practical guide for parents and teachers. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.

Walker, S. Y. (2002). The survival guide for parents of gifted kids: How to understand, live with and stick up for your gifted child (revised and updated). Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Webb, J. T. & DeVries, A. (1998). Gifted parent groups: The SENG model. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.


Halsted, J. W. (2002). Some of my best friends are books: Guiding gifted readers from preschool to high school (2nd edition). Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential.

Odean, K (1998). Great books for boys: More than 600 books for boys 2 to 14. New York: Ballantine.

Odean, K (2002). Great books for girls: More than 600 recommended books for girls ages 3-14 (1st revised ed.). New York: Ballantine.

Social Emotional Issues

Cohen, L. & Frydenburg, E. (1996). Coping for capable kids: Strategies for students, parents, and teachers. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Cross, T. (2005). The social and emotional lives of gifted kids: Understanding and guiding their development. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Delisle, J., & Galbraith, J. (2002). When gifted kids don’t have all the answers: How to meet their social and emotional needs. Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Galbraith, J. (1999). The gifted kids’ survival guide for ages 10 & under (revised and expanded). Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Galbraith, J. & Delisle, J. (1996). The gifted kids’ survival guide: A teen handbook. Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Hipp, E. (1995). Fighting invisible tigers: A stress management guide for teens (revised and updated). Minneapolis: Free Spirit.

Milgram, R. M. & Runco, M. A. (1991). Counseling gifted and talented children: A guide for teachers, counselors, and parents. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Neihart, M., Reis. S., Robinson, N. and Moon, S. (eds.) (2002). The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know? Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Nugent, S.A. (2005). Social and emotional teaching strategies. In F. A. Karnes and K.R. Stephens (Eds.). Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Webb, J. T., Meckstroth, E. A., & Tolan, S. S. (1994). Guiding the gifted child: A practical source for parents and teachers. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.

Talent Development

Assouline, S. & Lupkowski-Shoplik, A. (2005). Developing math talent. Waco, TX: Prufrock.

Borland, J. (2003). Rethinking gifted education. New York: Teachers College.

Bosse, M. & Rotigel, J. (2006). Encouraging your child’s math talent. Waco, TX: Prufrock.