DigiTools Digital WorkbookChapter 4 Name:

Reminder: Save the CH04 Workbook file under a new name if you plan to key your answers in the document. Use the filename Workbook CH04 and place the file in your DigiTools your name\Chapter 4 folder.

Review Questions

Instructions: Write or key your answers to the questions below.

þ Peer Check Check your answers by comparing them with those of a classmate.

1. Name a form of repetitive stress injury suffered by people who use personal computers.

2. Name ways a computer user can reduce the risk of repetitive stress injuries.

3. What is ergonomics?

4. Which finger should you use to strike the 5 key on the top row? The 6 key on the top row?

5. When keying fractions, how many spaces should go between the numbers and the /?

6. Which finger should you use to strike the Exclamation Point key?

7. When keying percentages, how many spaces should go between the number and the percent symbol?

8. How many spaces should be used with the & symbol to join names?

9. How many spaces should go between the left and right parenthesis and the copy they enclose?

10. When using an on-screen calculator or a spreadsheet application, using which set of number keys is likely to be more efficient?

11. When your fingers are in home-key position on the numeric keypad, which key is each finger on?

12. Which finger should you use to strike the decimal point on the numeric keypad?

13. Which keys on the numeric keypad should you strike with your little finger?

14. To use the numeric keypad, which key must be activated?

15. Which math functions can be performed from the numeric keypad?

Symbol Review

Instructions: Write or key your answers to the questions below.

þ Peer Check Check your answers by comparing them with those of a classmate.

1. What is the less than symbol?

2. What is the greater than symbol?

3. What is the ampersand symbol?

4. What is the at sign?

5. What is the asterisk symbol?

6. What is the proofreaders’ mark for lowercase?

7. What is the proofreaders’ mark for delete space?

8. What is the proofreaders’ mark for capitalize?

9. What is the proofreaders’ mark for add space

10. What is the proofreaders’ mark for transpose?

Math Practice: Calculating Mark-up and Mark-down Amounts

Instructions: Calculate answers to the following questions.

þ Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the last page of this document.

1. The Athletic Boosters run the concession stand at home football games. They mark up all items 25% above their cost. They currently pay $.40 per can for soft drinks. What is the selling price per can of soft drinks?

2. Maria works in a clothing store where employees receive a 15% discount on purchases. She purchased a blouse that sells for $17.99. What did Maria pay for the blouse (before sales tax)?

3. You have a friend who works in an electronics store. She told you that she will sell a portable CD player to you for 10% above cost. The cost of the CD player is $35.00. What would you have to pay for the CD player (before tax)?

4. Buddy’s Extreme Sports is having a 20% off sale on all in-line skates. Samuel purchased a pair of skates that originally sold for $79.99. What is the sale price of the skates? When Samuel went to the cash register, the cashier gave him a coupon good for an additional 10% discount on the sale price. What did Samuel pay for the skates (before tax)?

5. Your business club is selling calendars to raise money for a trip to the state competition. The calendars cost your club $2.00 each. The supply company suggests that your club sell the calendars for $3.50 each. What is the suggested markup percentage on the calendars?

From the Editor’s Desk: Numbers in Text


1. Open your browser software. Use the bookmark on your Favorites list to access the From the Editor’s Desk page on the Corporate View intranet. (If you do not have a bookmark, access the Corporate View intranet. Choose Corporate Communications, From the Editor’s Desk.)

2. Choose the Numbers link. Under Numbers, choose the Numbers in Text link. Read the information provided and follow the directions for completing the practice exercise.

þ Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the intranet page.

Keyboarding Practice: Tab Technique

Instructions: Print this page. Key each short story title and opening line. Key the copy again at a faster pace.

“The Scotty Who Knew Too Much”

Tab ® Several summers ago there was a Scotty who went to the country for a visit.

“Roughing It”

Tab ® After leaving the Sink, we traveled along the Humboldt River a little way.

“The Autobiography Moral Perfection”

Tab ® It was about this time that I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection.

“The Chrysanthemums”

Tab ® The high grey-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world.

“The Story of My Life”

Tab ® The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me.

“The Doll’s House”

Tab ® When dear old Mrs. Hay went back to town after staying with the Burnells, she sent the children a doll house.

Answers to Math Practice

1. $.50

2. $15.29

3. $38.50

4. $63.99; $57.59

5. 75%

DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 4 4