Honors Biology

Mrs. Yvonne Arnsdorff

ECHS 9th Grade


Course Description:

This is an introductory course that is designed to provide current and comprehensive information concerning the biological sciences. It will consist of lecture, laboratory, group activities, projects, and demonstrations. The term biology can be broken down into its two components: “bio” means life or living; “ology” is the study of. Therefore, we will study living things (aka: organisms).

I look forward to a great year!

Course Outline:

Each student will cover the following units throughout the length of the course:

Introduction to Biology

Organization of Living things –understanding that life is organized at all levels from cells to the biosphere.

Energy transformations –understanding that energy is neither created nor destroyed but can be changed from one form to another as it flows through the ecosystem and levels of organization

Growth and Heredity – understanding that organisms must be able to grow and reproduce to ensure species survival

Equilibrium – understanding that survival and stability require that living things maintain biology balance at all levels

Review for Final

Reading assignment (test given over the assigned book)

Photo-essay project***

Pre-AP Labs***

Student Supply List:

3-ring binder with colored tab dividers, plenty of loose leaf notebook paper. If you keep one large notebook, keep Biology papers separate from other subjects & organized with dividers!

Colored pencils

#2 pencils (plenty of lead if mechanical), good erasers and small sharpener

Blue or black ink pens

If you use correction fluid, please bring your own. It is not required, but I will not be able to provide it for you.

I do not require you to have highlighters, but I recommend them.

Classroom wish list:


Pump hand soap

Disinfectant wipes

Hand sanitizer


Notes, worksheets, lab sheets, study guides, etc… should be kept in your binder so that you will have them at all times. Please keep this course outline in your binder.


Zero tolerance is given to anyone who is caught cheating. A zero will be given for that assignment, and additional violations will result in disciplinary action.


  1. Be on time (in your seat when the bell rings).

Please refer to the handbook for ECHS policy regarding absences and tardies.

  1. Be prepared! Arrive each day with your notebook, pen and

sharpened pencils or extra lead for mechanical pencils, notebook paper, and homework. Be ready to participate. Sharpen pencils and visit the restroom before class.

  1. Keep an organized notebook.
  2. Be courteous- respect the classroom, the teacher, yourself and others. Listen to directions and keep the classroom and lab areas clean!
  3. Eating, drinking, and chewing gum in class are prohibited as is stated in the handbook. Our classroom is also a lab, so this is very important.
  4. Late work will not be accepted unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  5. Consequences for breaking rules on the Silver team:

1st offense – Verbal warning/conference with teacher

2nd offense- Detention/Parent contact

3rd offense – Afternoon detention

4th offense - Office referral

  1. Work must be neat and legible. Papers should be stapled on the top left

corner; full name, date and class period should be written on the top right corner of all assignments turned in.

  1. Follow all safety rules! Failure to do so may result in your not being

allowed to participate in lab and receiving a zero as a grade. Additionally, students are not allowed in the lab area of the classroom without the teacher’s permission.

Make-up work:

Tests must be made up before school by appointment within 3 days of the absence. If you miss a lab, it may be impossible to make it up, so an alternate assignment may be given.


Your grade in this class will be based on the following percentages:

Each Nine-weeks:

Tests 50%

Class-work/Quizzes 15%

Homework 10%

Laboratory 25%

***The Georgia Milestone Exam will be 20% of the final grade!***

Feel free to contact me anytime about your child.

Yvonne Arnsdorff

***NOTE: In addition to the state Biology curriculum, Honors Biology students must also do a project and read an assigned book.

A rubric for the Photo-essay project will be given in January 2018. The rubric must be turned in with the project in April. NO LATE projects will be accepted! Students will read the assigned book fall semester and be tested the 2nd nine weeks over the book.

Parents & students: both please sign below. Students: Keep pages 1-3 of the syllabus and return ONLY page 4 to me.*


I have read the syllabus for Mrs. Arnsdorff’sHonors Biology course and I understand what is expected of me/my child this semester.

Cell phones must be turned off and out of site every day in my class!!!

I understand that cell phone use is NOT allowed in Mrs. Arnsdorff’s classroom unless she specifically allows it for use as a research tool, a lab timer, etc. in which instances the instructions for this will be explicit. Parents please do not text your child during instructional time. It is critical that this time be used for instruction and students are easily distracted. We have very limited time with your child each day and it is imperative that we keep them on task. If warnings are given and the cell phone continues to be a problem, the cell phone will be given to an administrator and the parent must come to the school and pick it up from the discipline office.

Student name (printed)______Class period_____

Student signature______

Parent/guardian signature______


Thanks very much for your help in making this a great year in Honors Biology!!!