Quickr 8.1 Fixpack Install Instructions
Table of Contents
Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer
Installing a Fixpack by copying directories and files
Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases
Documentation Updates / Addendums
Additional Information for special fixes
Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer
Currently the Lotus Quickr Fixpack Installer will only run on Win32 based systems.
· Win32 based system
· Java JRE 1.5 or above must be installed on the host OS of the server.
· The Domino program directory (eg: c:\Program Files\IBM\Domino) must be in the System PATH variable. To Access: Right Click on My Computer/Properties/Advanced/Environment Variables:
If the Domino Program directory is not listed, Click Edit and append it to the list.
Location of the Fixpack jar file:
Place the Fixpack jar file on the Domino server in the following location:
{Domino Program directory}\jvm\lib\ext
How to Install:
The Domino Server is required to be shutdown to run the Lotus Quickr Hot Fix Installer.
The Quickr Domino Hot Fix Installer can be launched in the by either:
Double clicking on the Fixpack jar file located in the {Domino program directory}\jvm\lib\ext directory
From a command line in the {Domino program directory}\jvm\lib\ext directory, type the following command:
java -jar {Quickr81_FP####.jar}
Once the installer launches, you will be prompted to select the Notes.ini file for the Domino server that you wish to upgrade.
The Fixpack Installer will backup the original files to the directory:
{Domino Program directory}\QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup. Once the original files have been backed up, the Fixpack files will be installed.
To change the default backup directory from the Domino Program directory to a different drive \ directory, create a notes.ini variable named QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory and set it’s value to the drive:\directory to backup to.
Example: QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory=d:\fixpackBackup
When the Fixpack installer has completed, you will be prompted to review the installation logs located in the Fixpack back directory {Domino Program directory}\ QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup which will have the following files and directories:
AllPlatforms / contains backup filesW32 / contains backup files
Backup.log / List of files that were backed up during the Fixpack installation
Error.log / List of errors (if any) that were encountered during the Fixpack installation
FP.log / List of files that were installed by the Fixpack Installer
The Lotus Quickr Fixpack installation is complete.
Installing a Fixpack by copying directories and files
Start by extracting the contents of the Fixpack file from either the Fixpack zip or the Fixpack jar file into a temporary folder / directory. Both of these archives contain the files needed for upgrade, the difference being the jar file has additional files used for install on Win32 based systems and that DOES NOT contain the AIX binaries.
Upon extraction, view the temporary directory you created.
Directories created after extracting the zip file:
If using the jar file you will see some files and a directory named QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}, go into that directory. You will find the following directories:
These directories contain files and directories that will be easily copied to their final destination.
Let’s start with your OS:
· Win32 If you are using a Win32 based system copy all of the files in the w32 directory directly into your Domino Program directory, IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino
· AIX If you are using AIX, copy all of the files in the AIX directory directly into your Domino Program Directory, IE: /opt/ibm/lotus
Now go into the AllPlatforms directory you will find the following:
· (file) quickplace.jar – Copy this file directly into your Domino Program directory
· (directory) data – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data
· (directory) html – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data\Domino\html directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\Domino\html
· (directory) LotusQuickr – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data\LotusQuickr directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\LotusQuickr *Please Note: if you have upgraded from a previous version of QuickPlace, you may not have a LotusQuickr directory. If you do not then copy the entire contents to your Domino Data\QuickPlace directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\QuickPlace
· (directory) QuickPlace – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data\QuickPlace directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\QuickPlace
Once these files have been copied, the Lotus Quickr Fixpack installation is complete.
Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases
After upgrading the files on your Lotus Quickr server, you may need to upgrade the place templates and other Quickr Domino databases so that they reflect the most current changes of the files you have upgraded.
To upgrade follow these steps:
· Make sure the Quickr Server is running
· From the Domino Console type the following commands :
*Note that you must wait for each of these commands to finish before proceeding to the next command. You will know that the command has finished when you see a message in the console such as qptool: command finished: {the command performed}
Command / Action It Performsload qptool unlock -a / Unlock all the places.
load qptool upgrade -f -server / Upgrade all the databases on the server.
load qptool upgrade -f -a / Upgrade all the places and PlaceTypes.
Documentation Updates / Addendums
Upgrading Lotus QuickPlace servers in a cluster to Quickr 8.x
You should upgrade all servers in a cluster to Lotus Quickr 8.x. Lotus Quickr 8.x interoperation with earlier versions of Lotus Quickr is supported only in non-cluster environments. To upgrade Lotus Quickr servers in a cluster, perform the following steps:
1. Back up places and PlaceTypes.
2. Stop one Lotus Quickr server in the cluster. If you are using Network Dispatcher, redirect HTTP traffic to the other cluster members.
3. Upgrade the server that you stopped to Lotus Quickr 8.x.
4. Restart the server, and disable replication between it and other cluster members.
5. Follow steps 1 through 4 with each server in the cluster. Do not allow Lotus QuickPlace 3.0 or higher servers or Lotus QuickPlace 6.5.1 servers or Lotus QuickPlace 7.0 servers to replicate with Lotus Quickr 8.x servers.
6. When all servers in the cluster are running Lotus Quickr 8.x, re-enable cluster replication and enable qptool replicamaker between the servers. For more information on qptool replicamaker, see the Lotus Quickr Administrator’s Guide.
7. Use the QPTool upgrade -server command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade the design of databases. Let replication pass the design upgrades to all servers. At this point you can make the cluster accessible to users again.
8. Use the QPTool upgrade -a command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade places and PlaceTypes. Then delete the PlaceTypes on all the other servers and let the upgraded PlaceTypes replicate throughout the cluster. After replication, sign in to each server as an administrator and refresh the list of PlaceTypes.
9. Use the QPTool unregister and register commands on all servers in the cluster to unregister and then re-register all places.
10. If there are offline users, clear the browser cache on offline clients before installing places offline in Lotus Quickr 8.x
11. Upgrade the on-disk structure of places.
12. Update Lotus Sametime integration features, if used.
· If users have unexpected results after applying this update, they should clear their browser’s cache. The user can also clear the Java cache, which is located in the Control Panel and may be named something like Java Plug-In or Java Control Panel. Go into this applet and find the Cache settings, there should be a way to clear the cache from there.
· If users are having problems in Internet Explorer, they should remove the Lotus Quickr ActiveX control. The user will be prompted to install the ActiveX the next time they browse to a Quickr Place.
· To remove the ActiveX control:
1. Close all instances of Internet Explorer
2. From the Windows Control Panel, open Internet Options.
3. Depending on your version of Internet Explorer:
Internet Explorer 6:
· On the General tab, press the Settings button.
· On the Setting dialog, select View Objects…
· Select the Lotus Quickr Class (qp2.dll) and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Internet Explorer 7:
· On the Programs tab, press the Manage Add-ons button.
· On the Manage Add-ons dialog, select the Lotus Quickr Class (qp2.dll).
· Press the Delete button.
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