AtMorris hall
Clark County School District
Mr. Gerald Bustamante, Principal
3801 East Washington, Las Vegas, NV 89110
Ph. 702-799-8850
School Organizational Team Meeting
Global Community High School
Library January 25, 2017
4:00 p.m.
The Global Community High School S.O.T. meeting was called to order at 4:oo pm on January 25, 2016.The meeting was held at Global Community High School in the library.
Members present:
Gerald Bustamante
Dennis Ball
Kapuaalii Maruyama
Catalina Acosta
Gabriela Solano
Members absent:
Gustavo Freyre
Blanca Suarez
This is the first meeting of the Global Community High School organizational team.
Agenda Items:
●Function of the school organizational team explained. The primary duty is to assist and advise the school Principal in decision making. The School Performance Plan due February 22, 2017 is the current school business to review/discuss. The SOT will also review/discuss the school Strategic Budget. For future reference, should a Principal vacancy occur for the school the SOT advises and assists in selection of replacement.
●Selection of Chairperson. The chairperson will run future meetings. The school Principal is not able to serve as Chairperson. A vote will take place to select a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. Volunteers for the position are solicited. Dennis Ball volunteers to be Chairperson asking if agenda is previously set. Mr. Bustamante explains that the agenda is set at each previous meeting. Mr. Dennis Ball voted unanimously by all members in attendance to serve as the Chairperson.
●Selection of Vice-Chair. Mr. Kapuaalii Maruyama is voted unanimously as the Vice-Chairperson after volunteering for the position.
●Designation of individual responsible for taking minutes during SOT meetings. Minute taker to be Ms. Linda Montano as agreed on by all members of the committee who are present on January 25, 2017.
●School Organizational Team agendas to be created by the team at the completion of each meeting. The agenda will be discussed at the following SOT meeting.
●Meeting Announcement will be the responsibility of Mr. Dennis Ball as voted unanimously by all members in attendance. SOT meetings minutes to add to Global Community High School website by Mr. Dennis Ball as well.
●Team unanimously agrees that all SOT meetings will begin at 4:00 pm.
New Agenda Items:
●Public comment will be allotted two minutes. The Chairperson, Mr. Dennis Ball, has the responsibility of keeping public comment within the time frame. Team members are permitted to make a comment to a public comment but must be conscious of time. Time cannot be deferred to another person.
General Discussion:
●All members encouraged to attend each meeting when at all possible. If any member is unable to attend they are requested to inform the committee members no later than the same day via phone or email. SOT team email list will be created by Mr. Gerald Bustamante and shared with each member of the SOT.
●Team members discuss importance of respecting one another, listening to one another and dedicating the SOT time to completing school business. Members discuss how to productively disagree during SOT meetings.
●Members suggest that future agenda items be discussed with staff. Student representative recommends discussing decision making with student council and/or student body before final decisions are made.
●Parent members invited to Global Family Night on Friday January 27, 2017 to be introduced to staff, students and parents.
●The school plan of operation (Strategic Budget and School Improvement Plan) will be presented, along with the data, by Mr. Bustamante. He will then present the data to the SOT at designated meetings prior to being sent for final approval. A public meeting will then be held, members will vote, materials will then be sent to Associate Superintendent for final approval.
●Members discuss that when voting takes place a motion will be made. Typically a motion is not made by the chairperson, although they may make a motion if so desired. All members must vote on a motion for approval or not. Members voting method is by consent however the team may use other voting methods if necessary to be clear on a motion. All motions will be placed in the minutes for public notice.
●SOT members reminded that professionalism and confidentiality be kept following meetings.
●SOT members agree to have future meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 pm.
●SOT members reminded to remain confidentiality of any information shared that is not for the public.
Agenda Planning: Items for Future Agendas
●Strategic Budget
●School Performance Plan
●School Data
●Funding Sources
●Possible community member to join SOT for future meetings
●Next Meetings
February 8, 2016 at 4:00 pm
February 15, 2016 at 4:00 pm
Public Comment Period:
●No members of the public were present.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 pm
3801 East Washington, Las Vegas, NV 89110
Ph. 702-799-8850