Chapter 13: Urban AreasName: ______

1.What is usually the oldest and most visually distinctive area of a city?______

1. Why are consumer and business services attracted to downtown?

3. What THREE types of services were clustered in the CBD in the past? Circle the only one that is increasing in the CBD. Underline the two that have moved to the suburbs.



4. What type of specialty shops are increasing downtown? Give examples

5. How can the CBD attract retail shoppers? Give two examples of large cities have been successful with this plan.

6. Most professionals prefer face to face contact rather than communications via high telecommunication. True or False? ______

7.Because land values are HIGH in the CBD, what two types of activities are not usually found today in an American CBD?

8. In what city is an acre of land in the CBD worth $60 million?______

9. CBD’s are known for intensive land use. Name two structures that reflect the intensive demand for land in the CBD:

10. What activity would you find on the bottom floor of a skyscraper today?______

-The middle floors?______

-The top floors? ______

11. Why are there few skyscrapers in European cities such as Paris? What does this do to the price of land In Europe’s CBDs?

12. Why is Washington, DC a “flat city” ?

13. Why have factories moved to the suburbs? What have cities done with the empty warehouses on waterfronts?

14. Name two groups that are moving back to the CBD in North American cities:

15. Define:



16. What three structures might be found in the CBD of a European city?

17. There are more residents in the CBD of European city than an North American city. True or False?

18. Geographic Urban ______predict where people with certain characteristics will live in in a city.

19. The concentric zone, sector, and multiple nuclei model were all based on the city of ______, found on a prairie.

20. The concentric zone model is also called the ______model.

What is in the center? ______

What is in the Zone of Transition?______

Who is in the 5th ring? ______

21. The sector model was developed by:______

Sectors are developed based on :______

Hoyt found that the highest class/ wealthiest people remained ______.

22. The Multiple Nuclei model was created by: ______

It claims there is more than one center; there are nodes. Give an example of two nodes AND the businesses they would attract:



23.The models were created based on data collected by the ______.

24. Name the TWO places that you will find the wealthiest people in a European city:

25. Give TWO reasons why Europe built high rise public housing in the periphery of their cities:

26. Why are the urban models of European cities and LDC cities very similar?

27. What city did the British government build in order for the administration of India?______

What city did the French build in Vietnam?______

What city did Spain destroy?______and build in its place?______

28. Give TWO reasons why people in LDC’s are migrating in large numbers to the primate cities:



29. Favela:

30. Filtering:

31. Redlining:

32. Urban renewal:

33. What percentage of housing in the USA is public housing? ______In Western Europe? ______

34. Gentrification:

List three results of gentrification, positive or negative:

35. Central cities usually have low income families who pay little in taxes. Name two things a central city can do about this fact:

36. Subprime mortgage:

37. _____% of Americans live in suburbs. ____% would prefer to live in a suburb.

38. The process of legally adding land to a city:______

39. Create four bullet points that help define a city:

40. Where in America have cities lost over 50% of their population since 1950?

41. The central city and the surrounding suburbs is called an ______.

42. List four fun facts that define an MSA:

43.How many people are in a micropolitan statistical area? ______

44. Explain one way in which the fragmentation of government can be solved:

45. Overlapping MSA’s can form a continuous, massive urban complex called a megalopolis. Who first defined the megalopolis?


What is BOWASH?

Name 3 other places you can find a megalopolis:

46. The ______model points out the problems of urban sprawl.

47. Nodes of consumer and businesses services near the beltway of an urban area are called ______cities.

48. The ______means that as one travels from the center of a city, the number of houses per unit of land diminishes.

49. ______is the progressive spread of development over the landscape.

50. List FOUR problems caused by urban sprawl:

51. How does a country like England prevent Urban sprawl? ______

52. The plan to protect rural land for agriculture, recreation, and wildlife is called ______growth.

53. What was the purpose of Zoning ordinances?

54. What percentage of trips are work-related?______

What percentage of city land is devoted to automobiles?______

55. How did RR’s affect the size and shape of cities?

56. How did automobiles affect the size and shapes of cities?

57. How did the US government encourage the usage of automobiles?

58.List at least four advantages of Public transit:

59. Why is there more public transit in Europe than in the USA?

60. What is the “bid rent” theory?

61. What is ghettoization?

Name three ways in which banks and real estate agents can encourage ghettoization:

62. Draw and label the Von Thunen Model and the Burgess Model. Write at least four important facts about each model.
