Minutes for College of Humanities

Academic Council

Monday, April 20, 2015


In attendance:


Scott Andrews, Christina Ayala-Alcantar, R. Dianne Bartlow, Amanda Baugh, Tim Black, Lauren Byler, Douglas Carranza, Brian Castronovo, Ranita Chatterjee, Stephanie Kim, Jennifer C. Lee, Evelyn McClave, Jody Myers, Gina Masequesmay, Mary Pardo, Beth Say, Khanum Shaikh, Jackie Stallcup, Karin Stanford, Rick Talbott, Claire White


Shadi Ganjavi, Linguistics/TESL

1. Call to Order and Introductions

2:03 p.m.

2. Approval of minutes

Minutes approved.

3. Spring 2015 College Election Nominations

College of Humanities Personnel Committee (2-year term / 4 nominees)

v  Robert Lopez (ENGL)

v  Peter Garcia (CHS)

v  Ken Lee (RS)

v  Sheena Malhotra (GWS)

College of Humanities Sabbatical Committee (2-year term / 2 nominees)

v  Kent Baxter (ENGL)

v  Beth Wightman (ENGL)

v  Lara Medina (CHS)

v  Beatriz Cortez (CAS)

v  Marta Lopez-Garza (GWS)

Faculty Senate (2-year term / 3 Full-time and 1 Lecturer)

v  J.C. Lee(ENGL)

v  Amanda Baugh (RS)

v  James Findlay (RS)

v  Freya Rojo (CAS)

v  Linda Alvarez (CAS)

Standing Committees

Extended Learning Committee (3-year term / 1 nominee)

v  Santosh Khadka (ENGL)

Library Committee (3-year term / 1 nominee)

v  Ramon Garcia (CHS)

Personnel Planning and Review Committee (3-year term / 1 nominee)

v  Christina Ayala-Alcantar (CHS)

Research and Grants Committee (3-year term / 1 nominee)

v  Claire White (RS)

v  Douglas Carranza (CAS)

Advisory Committee
Academic Grievance and Grade Appeals Board (2-year term / 1 nominee)

v  Mutombo Nkulu-N’Sengha (RS)

v  Teresa Williams-Leon (AAS)

4. Curriculum Reviews

·  New Course: ENGL 215


·  Program Modification: ENGL-Minor in Writing and Rhetoric


·  Program Modification: M.A. in English


·  New Course: KOR 201


·  New Course: KOR 202


·  New Course: LING 113A


·  New Course: LING 113B


·  New Course: LING 330


·  New Course: LING 510


·  New Course: LING 517


·  New Course: LING 541


·  Program Modification: M.A. in LING


·  Program Modification: M.A. in TESL


·  Program Modification: Minor in TESL


·  Program Modification: Major in Modern Jewish Studies Program


·  Course Modification: KOR 201


·  Course Modification: CHS 312


·  Course Modification: RS 305

Approved with the following corrections

o  Change implementation date

o  Add syllabus for EPC Review

·  Course Modification: RS 367

Approved with the following corrections

o  Change implementation date

o  Add syllabus for EPC Review

5. EPC/GSC Update:

·  A handout of items passed by Academic Council, EPC and GSC Spring 2015 will be distributed to council members for review at the May meeting.

·  CHIN 312 and LSEKG program will be reviewed at Wednesday, April 22’s EPC meeting.

·  Humanities curriculum will be reviewed by GSC on Tuesday, May 12.

6. Announcements

·  Karin will email everyone information on AB 386. The legislation will be discussed further if necessary at the next Academic Council meeting.

·  The culminating experience and what we need to know about it will be further discussed by Karin ant the next Academic Council meeting.

·  Maggie Shiffrar, Asst. VP of Research and Graduate Studies will meet with Department Chairs and Graduate Coordinators to discuss Graduate programs. Please let Karin know if you like her to come to Academic Council or schedule a separate meeting.

·  Brian Castronovo announced that the Spanish in Translation B.A. was passed by EPC.

·  President Harrison has indicated an interest in Online Tutoring and would like to know how many departments and programs offer it? AAS has offered online tutoring before.

·  Jewish Studies Event: Graphic Novelist Emily Cohen will be present on Tuesday, April 28th in SH 182 @ 11:00 am. Jody will send out more information to the chairs.

7. Adjournment

3:21 pm