Spring Term Newsletter 13th January 2014
We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. Welcome back to the spring term we would like to welcome all our new families who have joined us this term who are now settling in well.
We would like to remind you that there is no parking on the school site, and the use of mobile phones, are not allowed in the setting.
Please ensure that your children’s coats, bags are named and that they have a suitable warm coat as we will go out in most weathers. Wellington boots are very useful as this will allow the children to go on the grass but we would ask that a change of shoes for indoor use are provided the boots can be left at playgroup in a named bag on your child’s peg if you wish to do so.
If your child is away due to sickness then we would ask that your child does not return to the setting until 48 hours after the last episode of sickness.
The telephone number for emergencies during the session is 07816118130 please also use this to inform us if your child will not be at playgroup or if someone other than yourself will be collecting your child.
The playgroup email address is this can be used for any queries that you may have that are non-urgent. If you need to contact us out of session time then please use the mobile number above or you can contact Mrs Sharon Jackson on 01727 840421.
Please take the time to look at our website this has lots of information and we will post messages on this for your information the website address is www.stmichaelsplaygroup.com
We have opportunities for you to get involved with the setting by being our helping parent for one session each half term please sign up on the rota this can be found in the entrance or speak to Mrs Paton.
We are a committee run playgroup and we need members to be part of our committee if this is something you would be interested in please speak to Mrs Jackson or Mrs Paton.
Have a great term from all the team at St Michaels.