Midwest Global Trade Association Annual Scholarship

The Midwest Global Trade Association and the MGTA Board of Directors are pleased to offer up to $1000 MGTA Annual Scholarship. Each year, the Board of Directors will make this scholarship available to individuals involved in international trade education. To file a completed application, it will be necessary for you, the applicant, to follow the steps below and to complete the enclosed forms as directed.

Eligibility: Any application will be accepted however, a higher priority will be given to any applicant that is a member of the Midwest Global Trade Association in good standing (having paid all dues for the current year), and that member needs to have been a member for one year. Applicant must be a full time student, have a grade point average of 3.0 or better and be able to provide full transcripts from current educational institution.

Procedure: The applicant must complete the following application in full and have submitted it to the proper location BEFORE the deadline. The deadline for this year’s application is December 31st, 2016. Any application received after the deadline will not be eligible. Transcripts must accompany application.

Review: Application will be reviewed by the Scholarship Review Committee.

Disbursement of Funds: The winning applicant(s) will be notified by January 15th, 2017. Actual monies will be disbursed as follows: Winning applicant must submit a copy of a receipt and transcript after the completion of the semester upon receipt and verification by review committee, a check will be made out to the school and mailed to the winning applicant.

Date of Application _____/_____/_____



December 31, 2016

Midwest Global Trade Association Scholarship Application

Name in full: ______

(Print) Last First Middle Initial

Home Address: ______



City State Zip Code

Home Phone: (___) ______E-Mail: ______

Area Code

Are you a member of the MGTA?


Name and Address of College: ______


Date of proposed entrance to college: ______

Planned dates of attendance: ____/____/_____ - _____/____/_____

Proposed field of study: ______

Please tell us about yourself, include how will this scholarship help you, why is education important to you/your community, who and what inspires you)

Describe the solutions you would propose to improve or resolve a current issue in Global Trade.

Special Recognition, Awards, Honors, Scholarships & Community Involvement

List special recognition, awards, honors, scholarships, and community involvement at the national, state, city, county or school level. Include involvement in private organizations and church groups as well.










Awards, Honors & Scholarships





Community Involvement – include total hours per activity





Work Experience –

Include present employment. List month/year employment began and ended, Job description, hours per week. (Please attach Resume)

Present or most recent Employer: ______

Date (s) employed: ______

Name and contact information: ______

Job Description: ______




Other work related information you wish to describe.






Please describe your current (or future) educational field of study (major) and how this will impact the Trade Industry in Minnesota, the Region or the Nation.











Return completed application with school transcripts (unofficial is acceptable) by email to or by mail to the address below:



1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 252

St. Paul, MN 55114
