Anne Dayer, Chair
Nancy Loftus, Parent
Margaret Ross, Parent
Zoe Carville, Parent
Kerr Napier, Parent
Pam McVeigh, Parent
  1. Items for discussion
Head teacher post selection

2.1 Anne asked who would like to be put forward as a member of the interview panel.

  • Pam due to having an S2 and P3 child will be involved as a parent for many years. Pam feels that she could bring her many years of interviewing and selection experience to this.
  • Kerr due to having a child in the VI unit and an understanding of how the VI unit runs.
  • Anne as chair and pervious experience.
  • Nancy also has previous experience.

2.2 Once a date for interview has been decided the final 3 will be agreed. Anne to chase Wendy O’Donnell for the interview date.

2.3 There will be at least one Depute post being advertised next year. This will allow opportunities for other PC members to be on an interview panel.

Meeting 8th December 2010 – Kathryn Farrow

2.4 Meeting will start at 6:30 for parents and teachers. Kathryn will be arriving at 8pm. Kathryn has asked to meet with Anne and Rae Renwick in advance of this meeting.

Rae’s retiral

2.5 It was suggested that £10 per PC member be given to allow the PC to buy a gift for Rae from the RA PC. This should be given to Margaret at the meeting on the 10th of November.

  1. Swishing Party

3.1 Stuart to check costs for school let on the 29/1/11.

3.2 The option of using the Labour halls on Mosspark Drive was discussed. Nancy to find out costs and availability.

3.3 Timings were discussed 12-2pm or 4pm to 6pm.

3.4 Still to investigate where we could source clothes rails from. The Drama dept have some.

3.5 Zoe to email PC asking for volunteers.

  1. AOB

4.1 Nancy requested that the Newsletters have agreed dates for each School year. The next letter is planned for mid November. A date for the 3rd newsletter has still to be agreed.

4.2 There was also a request to change the layout of the Newsletter to make it more “eye catching” and easier to read. Anne and Stuart to take this forward.

4.3 Suggestions for the Newsletter were as follows:

Swishing- Zoe

Raising boys attainment evening – Pam

Note from the chair – Anne

Parental involvement – Pam’s email address to be added to the Newsletter

All other input welcome.

  1. Charity event

5.1 PC will have 3 tables – PC table, tombolla/jingle balls lucky dip and crisps and juice.

5.2 There is a great need for donations for the tombolla and jingle balls lucky dip. PC members to ask family members. Friends, work colleagues etc for donations.


6.1 The next meeting will be on Wednesday 10thNovember 2010.