Sweeney Elementary PTO

Board Meeting

Tuesday, November 16, 2016, 6:30 PM


  • Todd Kirkland (President)
  • Jill Wockenfuss (Vice-President)
  • Brenda Kauhane (Treasurer)
  • Tracy Nelson (Secretary)


  • Sally Stockey - Sweeney Counselor (sitting in for Principal Zahn)
  • Jill Anderson – Sweeney 2nd Grade Teacher
  • Robin Hanson - Sweeney Physical Education Teacher
  • Elizabeth Duehr – Sweeney ______

At 6:30 pm, T. Kirkland welcomed attendees. All attendees introduced themselves.

S. Stockey provided the Principal update:

  • Playground equipment assessment
  • This was done this week
  • Some equipment removed that was deemed outdated
  • Looking for woodchips to be installed by the end of the school year
  • Sound System update
  • Principal Zahn working on getting the sound systems in the cafeteria and gymnasium to be updated

S. Stockey update:

  • Recently attended a social media conference
  • Signs to look for, ways to be involved
  • Putting together a flyer for resources available
  • Possibly putting together a parent workshop
  • Donations needed for spare clothes in the nurse’s office
  • Fair amount of kids are struggling w/toileting issues
  • Specifically need boys pants and underwear
  • Sizes 5, 6, 7
  • A note about this will be put on the Gingerbread House Night flyer

T. Kirkland and B. Kauhane asked the teachers in the room how things are going and if there’s anything they would like to see from the PTO. Teachers asked about receiving a mini-grant from the PTO towards “flexible seating” in the classroom,some teachers have already purchased tables that can be adjusted to a standing position.

T. Kirkland moved on to old business:

  • We now have a chair for Gingerbread Night on December 9th
  • Treasurer Brenda Kauhane
  • We still need a coordinator for donations.
  • We want to have one person spearhead the effort and coordinate when/where we ask for donations.
  • This will hopefully make us more successful if we’re not overlapping each other in donation requests.
  • We still need help with Child Care Toy Supplies
  • Our bin has “walked away” or been misplaced
  • Looking for donations of toys, books, etc.

T. Kirkland moved on to new business:

  • Board Secretary nomination
  • Todd Kirkland motioned for Tracy Nelson to be the Secretary
  • Brenda Kauhane seconded the motion
  • Votes
  • Yes = 9
  • No = 0
  • Reminded everyone to track their volunteer hours and turn them into Julee Gessing, or email the PTO gmail address to be forwarded to Julee
  • Friendship Week
  • Books handed out totaled $395.00
  • Board voted to give a one time $250.00 donation towards this project
  • Brenda Kauhane motioned
  • Robin Hanson seconded the motion
  • Discussed making this a line item on the budget for next year
  • This will be decided later in the year when creating the budget for the 2017-2018 school year

T. Kirkland moved on to Committees:

  • Box Tops
  • The Fall campaign raised $1,200
  • Year Books
  • Reminder that we’ll need photos taken throughout the year from teachers.
  • Classroom activities
  • Etc.
  • Photos should be emailed to the PTO Gmail account
  • Student Directory
  • This should be out around January 1st
  • Family Dinner Night:
  • First Family Dinner Night is tomorrow, the 17th, at the Buffalo Wild Wings in Savage
  • Another possibility will be Chili’s in Shakopee
  • Waiting to finalize the specifics of this

B. Kauhane moved on to the Budget:

  • Discussed the YTD expenses
  • Saber Gear line item
  • Brenda will contact ______putting together a list of what’s available, prices and who to contact for creation of some sort of posting and fundraiser
  • Poster board
  • Display case

J. Anderson made a motion to adjourn; Seconded by S. Stockey;None opposed; Motion carried; Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Todd Kirkland
