Resource Management Guide No. 418

Payment Terms for Australian Government Travel Arrangements – Card Services

JULY 2014

© Commonwealth of Australia 2014

ISBN: 978-1-922096-78-4(Online)

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Public Management Reform Agenda

Department of Finance

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This guide contains material that has been prepared to assist Commonwealth entities and companies to apply the principles and requirements of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and associated rules, and any applicable policies. In this guide the: mandatory principles or requirements are set out as things entities and officials ‘must’ do; and actions, or practices, that entities and officials are expected to take into account to give effect to those principles and/or requirements are set out as things entities and officials ‘should consider’doing.

Effective from <date of effect of the Guide> / Topic heading –RMG<XX> | 1


This Guide is relevant to all non-corporate Commonwealth entities and to corporate Commonwealth entities that access the Whole-of-Australian Government Travel Arrangements (the Arrangements). It is particularly relevant to Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and their staff, and officials who are responsible for the entity’s internal controls and processes.

Key points

This guide:

  • sets out the payment terms for the travel and related payment card established for the Whole of Australian Government travel arrangements (the Arrangements);
  • applies to all non-corporate Commonwealth entities subject to the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act (PGPA Act), and also applies to corporate Commonwealth entities subject to the PGPA Act that have opted in to the Arrangements;
  • reflects contractual arrangements that have taken effect from 2 July 2012; and
  • replaces Finance Circular No. 2012/03 Payment Terms for Australian Government Travel Arrangements — Card Services.


This Guide is available on the Department of Finance (Finance) website at

For any queries regarding this Guide, please contact Travel Arrangements Phase 2 at .


  1. The Arrangements are coordinated procurements established by Finance. In accordance with clause4.10 of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, the Arrangements, and therefore the Card, are mandatory for non-corporate Commonwealth entities. Corporate Commonwealth entities can opt in to the Arrangements by agreement with Finance.


Payment Terms

  1. Either a Diners Club card in hand or Diners Club Corporate Travel Service (virtual account) must be used for the payment of all flights, accommodation and rental cars booked through the Arrangements.
  2. Diners Club Australia (Diners Club) is the Card services provider for the Arrangements under a Deed entered into with Finance on 4June2012 (the Deed).
  3. Each entity must enter into an Agency Card Arrangement with Diners Club that is consistent with the Deed.
  4. The Deed requires entities to pay their account balance within seven (7) days after receiving their monthly Agency Statement of Account from Diners Club. The Agency Statement of Account aggregates the amounts payable for the Individual Cardholder Statements of that entity.
  5. Payment must be made by entities through electronic funds transfer (including direct debit or direct credit) or as otherwise set out in their Agency Card Arrangement.
  6. In accordance with the Deed, the greater of $30.00 or 3% will be charged by Diners Club on any amount still unpaid eight (8) days after the entity has received its monthly Agency Statement of Account.
  7. Transactions disputed by an entity will not alter the due date for payment of the Agency Statement of Account.

Disputed transactions

  1. If an entity disputes a transaction on a monthly Agency Statement of Account:
  • where the entity has already paid the amount of the disputed transaction, Diners Club will credit the entity with the full amount of the disputed transaction on the next Individual Cardholder Statement and Agency Statement of Account; or
  • where the entity has not already paid the amount of the disputed transaction, Diners Club will reduce the relevant Individual Cardholder Statement and Agency Statement of Account for that entity by the full amount of the disputed transaction.
  1. If, following resolution of the disputed transaction, it is determined that the transaction is payable in full or in part by the entity, then the amount of the disputed transaction payable by the entity will be included on the next Individual Cardholder Statement and Agency Statement of Account.

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