March 2011 • trestle board

KennEwick Lodge #153 F&AM Of Washington

Kennewick Lodge No. 153 F. & A. M. of Washington

Kennewick, Washington99336


March 2011 • trestle board


March 2011

A.:L.: 6011

From The East

Greetings Brethren!

Each year in March the Wardens, and Senior Deacons, are invited to the Grand Lodge Wardens conference. There are two reasons for the conference. First, to provide the upcoming officers with training that will help them succeed in the years leading up to and including their year in the East. This training includes conflict resolution, program planning, mentoring, installation and grand lodge resources. Since line officers are so often the youngest Masons this is an excellent opportunity to get the experience they will need to succeed. Second, and I feel most important, the men we send to the conference will make friends and contacts outside our district. Friendships with their peers who are having the same experiences and facing the same challenges, and since they are outside our district they are exposed to many new ideas on how to solve challenges that have been tried elsewhere. It’s a time of cross pollination that can be extraordinary productive.

As we send our Wardens and Deacon off, let’s wish them well and give them all our support. They are our future!

Speaking of cross pollination, this month Richland and Kennewick performed its first officer exchange. Officers from Richland came to Kennewick March 2nd and acted as my officers, and on the 7th we returned the favor at Richland for WB Jeff Short. We had a great turnout at both events, and Officers and Brothers from other Lodges were in attendance to share in the experience. It was wonderful to see the Brethren from these two Lodges labor together, in peace and harmony!!

On March 23rd at 7:00 we will host our Past Masters Recognition Dinner. We will honor all our past masters with an evening of remembrance. Please plan on attending, and help us get the word out to all past masters! Let Brother Paul Tunnel know if you are coming, RSVPs are very helpful for planning. This event is open to all members and their families.

WB Mike Priddy

Worshipful Master, Kennewick 153

From the West


We are taught from the moment of our first introduction to Freemasonry that it is an organization where constant learning is revered. As members, we are expected to learn our way through the degrees and we are encouraged to continue to expand our knowledge throughout our lives. The Craft offers us many opportunities to continuegatheringknowledge. The concordant bodies, such as the Scottish Rite and York Rite, are dedicated to furthering Masonic knowledge. I think many of us, even the computer nerds, of which group I am a proud member, sometimes forget what an incredible learning tool for Freemasonry we have in the Internet. Typically, when the WM prods me for my contribution to the Trestleboard, I try to think back about things I have wondered about and I go looking for answers. Often, my search reveals information I hadn’t been looking for but that seems much more interesting than my original question. This month is no exception. I often wonder about the origin of words or phrases and one such phrase in Freemasonry is “Due Guard.” I decided to see what I could find on the Internet so I “Googled” the phrase. As is usual when I search for Masonic information, I was amazed at the number of results, 108 MILLION.

One of the most surprising things I learned is that not every Masonic jurisdiction uses Due Guards, and for those that do, the Due Guards used vary widely. Another interesting fact is that there is not a universally accepted explanation for the origin of the phrase. As is typical for many, if not all, of our Masonic symbols, there is evidence that Due Guards were being used long before there was any evidence of the Masonic fraternity. One interesting hypothesis was offered by Bro. Wildey E. Atchison of Kansas in 1922. He proposed that the phrase was a translation of the name of a French town, "Dieu le garde," which means "God Guard It," and was used for the watermarks employed by paper manufacturers before the Reformation in Europe. For the complete story, go to this web page:

I encourage every Brother to explore the fascinating world of Freemasonry and its many stories, interpretations and history available to you on the Internet. You don’t even have to know where to start, just Google “Masonic” and see where it takes you.

Bro. Larry Smith

Senior Warden, Kennewick 153

From the South


I just returned home tonight from conferring a Fellowcraft degree, the first I’ve ever conferred of any of the degrees, and I’ve never felt better about Freemasonry. I taught Hazmat classes at the HAMMER facility in Richland for several years, and I can attest that you don’t really know a subject until you teach it. That same thinking applies to the degrees of Masonry; you don’t really know the degree until you confer it.

I thought I knew this degree, but it has a wealth of ideas that I evidently didn’t examine while I was proving up as a Fellowcraft. There are several beautiful concepts here that I missed. The jewels of the degree are exquisite.” The Attentive ear receives the sound from the Instructive tongue, and the secrets of Freemasonry remain safely lodged in the repository of the Faithful breasts.” These are inspired words. The “G” lecture alone introduces several topics of Masonic ideas that deserve serious study.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Brethren that stepped up beyond their normal roles and contributed to the degree; WM Mike Priddy sat as Junior Warden, WB Ray Schulz sat as Senior Deacon, VWB Bruce Vesper did the Middle chamber lecture, WB Iman Wintz did the charge, and Brother David Husted did the tools lecture. I wish to thank the Brethren for your contributions to a successful degree. I also want to thank WM Mike Priddy and our Senior Warden Brother Larry Smith for giving me the opportunity to confer the degree.


Brother Paul Tunnell

Junior Warden, Kennewick 153



This week I will again have the great privilege of traveling the streets of our nation’s capital as well as Philadelphia. I am reminded of the great vision of great men who’s quest was to create a “New Atlantis” in the virgin western lands. As Masons and citizens we are to uphold our nation’s values through our individual actions squaring them with the square of virtue and circumscribing our passions within due bounds and by both example and interaction, prepare a people worthy of that great Quest. Our forefathers, well versed in the great Masonic truths, created a firm foundation for us to learn and grow as new citizens of very new and radical idea, a government by the people and for the people. Some weeks back Brother Jay White brought to my attention what I consider to be the best characterization of masonry I have seen on a video. It was produced in Spain and lasts about 8 minutes. It is done as if Masonry and our great Quest was explained by Benjamin Franklin. I will attach the link but also have the video available and offer it up to the lodge to be shown at some date to be determined for those without access. I know you will find it particularly rewarding and fill you with pride! As the video says in conclusion…”Prepare for Greatness”


Brother John Lawson

Sickness and Death

WB Holt Hensley was in Lodge recently and looked GREAT! It was a real treat to sit in Lodge with our good Brother again!

Upcoming programs

Here is the Lodge Schedule for the rest of my year in the East:

March 16Program Review of Wardens Conference by attendees

March 23Past Masters Dinner. All are welcome!

April 6Rainbow Girls presentation

April 133rd Degree

April 20Program on Astronomy

April 29-30 Temple Board Yard sale WB Dan Dickey coordinating

May 4Past Masters run the Lodge

May 18Step Up night

June 1Grand Lodge Resolution Review

June 152011-12 Officer Elections

July 162011-12 Installation of Officers

Special events at our and other Lodges and Concordant bodies.

Masonic Lunch 3rd Thursday each month, 11:30 Old Country Buffet, Kennewick

Masonic Breakfast 1st Friday each month 8:00 AM Country Gentleman, Kennewick

Temple Board Meeting 1st Wed each month at 6:30. All are encouraged to attend.

Past Masters Night March 23rd 7:00 PM RSVP Bro. Paul Tunnell

April 13 7:00 PM 3rd Degree, contact Brother Larry Smith if you want to help.

Officer Exchange

Richland 283 and Kennewick 153

Happy Birthday WB Iman and Brother Paul!!

Kennewick Lodge #153 Officers

Kennewick Lodge No. 153 F. & A. M. of Washington

Kennewick, Washington99336


March 2011 • trestle board

Worshipful MasterWBro. Mike Priddy

Senior WardenBro. Larry Smith

Junior WardenBro. Paul Tunnell

TreasurerVWBro. Allen Smith

SecretaryWBro. Steve Williams

Senior DeaconBro. Larry Brisbois

Junior DeaconBro. John Lawson

Senior StewardBro. Dave Husted

Junior StewardBro. Bob Baxter

MarshallBro. Rick Corson

ChaplainBro. Jim Door

TylerVWB Gene Spaulding

Kennewick Lodge No. 153 F. & A. M. of Washington

Kennewick, Washington99336


March 2011 • trestle board

District 23 Lodges

Euclid Lodge #1251229 Bennett Ave,Prosser2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:00 PM (509) 786-4010

Sunnyside Lodge #138 6th & Harrison,Sunnyside4th Tuesday, 7:30 PM(509) 839-0241

Pasco Lodge #173 1811 West Sylvester, Pasco1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM(509) 547-4506

Grandview Lodge #191207 Ash Ave,Grandview1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00 PM(509) 882-6432

Benton Lodge #2772ndAlma,BentonCity1st & 3rdThursdays, 7:30 PM(509) 588-3358

Richland Lodge #283412 Thayer Drive, Richland1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM(509) 627-2918

Other Lodges in the Area

Pioneer Lodge #391811 West Sylvester, Pasco2nd & 4th Saturday, 8:00 AM(509) 547-4506

Tuscan Lodge #136720 7th Street, Umatilla OR2nd Monday, 7:00 PM(541) 922-5091

Hermiston Lodge #138 200 West Orchard Ave, Hermiston , OR1st 3rd Tuesday, 8:00 PM(541) 567-5857

Umatilla Lodge #4020 South DuPont St, Echo, OR2ndTuesday,7:00 PM(541) 567-5930

Concordant Bodies

Valley of Kennewick, Scottish Rite2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 PM

Alma Chapter #100, Order of Eastern Star1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM

Kennewick Court of Amaranth #78 4th Saturday, 2nd Saturday, November & December, 5:00 PM

Youth Groups

Kennewick Assembly #66, Rainbow for Girls1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00 PM

Kennewick Bethel #46, Job’s Daughters2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00 PM

V.S. Bayne Chapter, Order of DeMolayRichland Lodge1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 PM

We are sending out the Trestleboard electronically!!

Provide your email address so we may continue to communicate with you.

Send it to:

Also, visit our website for events at the Lodge. You will also be able to read the latest Trestleboard on our website:

2B1 – ASK1

KennEwick Lodge #153 F&AM Of Washington

Kennewick Lodge No. 153 F. & A. M. of Washington


(509) 586-3520