78 Main Street, Hudson, MA01749

(978) 562-2020

Leif Longtine, Chairman Paul Byrne, Vice Chairman
Marianne Iarossi ____ David Mercer___ Joseph Rodrigues______W. Minot Wood

Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by vice chair Paul Byrne

Roll Call: Paul Byrne, David Mercer, Joe Rodrigues, Marianne Iarossi and Minot Wood

Public Hearings

Update, Violation at 19 Glendale Road, 190-0588

Representative: David Burke

David Burke reported that contractors took advantage of favorable weather conditions to remove the fill and restore the original topography of the BVW and Buffer Zone, then to seed with New England wetlands seed mix and a hydro seed slurry. He hopes that the disturbed area will re-vegetate naturally. There was a site visit today with Gary Dolman from DEP who suggested that the Commission establish a No Disturb Zone. A site visit for the Commission will be scheduled in April.

NOI, 99 Hunter Ave, 190-05xx

Representative: Greg Roy

The property abuts Lake Boon. The applicant proposes to remove existing wooden retaining walls, stairs and deck and replace with a new stone wall, concrete staircase and concrete paver patio. The proposed stone wall will be right at the edge of Lake Boon. The new patio will be terraced and will be larger than the existing patio. Approximately 60 cubic feet of floodplain will be filled. An existing dock will be relocated. Some landscaping work including removal of invasives was discussed.

The applicant needs to submit new plans which show weep holes and drainage for the stone wall, correct the height of the stone wall, and add compensatory flood storage. The applicant also needs to determine whether state permission is required to move the dock.

Paul Byrne moved to continue the hearing to March 3 at 7:00. Second by Minot Wood, vote 5-0-0

NOI, Zina Road, DEP 190-05xx

Representatives: David Haines, John Henry

The proposed project is the installation of a solar facility on a capped landfill and abandoned gravel pit. There will be some footings in the floodplain but there is excess compensatory flood storage due to regrading in the gravel pit. Wooded sections of Outer Riparian Riverfront Area will be cut and replaced with a native seed mix. The possibility of planting native shrubs was discussed. There was a question of how many trees will be cut; the applicant will provide that information at the next meeting. There was a question about how vegetation would be controlled and whether herbicides would be used.

The Planning Board will be discussing the project on March 15. Paul suggested that the Commission wait for Planning Board feedback beforescheduling a site visit and continuing discussion. A number of members of the public asked to be included at the site visit, which may be scheduled as a posted meeting.

Paul Byrne moved to continue the hearing to March 17 at 7:00. Second by Minot Wood, vote 5-0-0

Discussion, Gerwick Property fireroad

Present: James Quinn, Ian Mazmanian

Mr. Quinn and Mr. Mazmanian requested that fireroads be maintained in the 27 acre Gerwick Property. They offered to do the work as volunteers. Paul Byrne requested the Conservation Agent obtain a legal opinion from Town Counsel as to the Town’s liability if a private person maintains public land.

Administrative Business

Paul Byrne made a motion to approve the February 4, 2016 minutes. Minot seconded, vote 5-0-0
