Chautauqua County Youth Hockey Association
Monthly Board Meeting
Jamestown Savings Bank Ice Arena
December 17th, 2014
Attendance: Travis Sanders, Henry Tomassi, Russ Bell, Greg Noon, Carl Olson, Merrie Maxon, Hyla Brinkley, Kristen Bentley, Lisa Levenstein, Mary Fales, Christine Munson, Patricia D’Angelo, Stephanie DePonceau, Henry Tomassi, Danielle Bergman, Joe Hirliman
Greg Noon makes a motion to approve November Minutes, Russ Bell seconds it, and all are in favor
President’s Report
-Tryouts can start March 31st
-Play offs will be at Hyde Park
-Score sheets, there has been a lot of fines, around $6,000.00 so far (we have only had 2 this year, so Thank you everyone who is taking care of this)
-Final rosters are due December 31st (no changes after this date)
-We are 100% verified
-Mite Jamboree this weekend, we have 7 teams coming
-We received $1,000.00 from the grow the game grant; we will be purchasing the small nets for the ADM in April with this money. Bauer will be making a special ADM net that will be out in April, which is why we are waiting
-A big thanks to Travis and Kim Barber for the float and organizing the Christmas Parade…the kids had a blast.
VP Travel- N/A
-Most of all the paper work is in, just missing a few birth certificates
-We will need coaching for ADM after January
-There has been some complaints from parents about coaching, practices, and scrimmages etc, some things will need to be addressed
Registrar’s Report
-Everything is looking good
Treasurer’s Report
-People need to turn in their ticket money
-Ice bills are due January 15th except JV and Varsity
-We are now tax-exempt again
Coaching Coordinator
-There are still a few coaches who need things, not too many though
Ice Coordinator
-Thank you everyone for being so prompt in confirming ice times for weekends
-Reminder to turn in unused ice within two weeks
Tournament Director
-Hotels are a big issues this year, no one wants to stay 30 or 40 minutes away
-Not as many teams are registered this year
-Laker teams- everyone will have slots to fill
-For every player there will be a requirement of 3 volunteer hours to be filled, or you can opt out for $50 per player
-Coaches, and managers are exempt from this
-We need a bake sale coordinator
New Business
-Need some changes or address some issues with the ADM coaching staff
-Fundraising- we need another fundraiser that we can start after the holidays
-Next year people may be charged the $100 up front for the tickets and then it would be their responsibility to sell and make their money back
-Possible idea for this year, a beer bash or adult mixer
-Modified Team- Spring league
-We would need coaching, a goalie, and a manager
-7th and 8th grade players only
-One game a week
-Bantams- have lost another player due to lack of ice time