101 Forest Street

Union, MS39365

Phone: (601) 774-9517 Fax: (601) 774-9600

Adam De Venney, Director

Dear Director,

The Union High School Band and band boosters would like to cordially invite you to participate in the Sixth annual, “ChunkyRiver Band Classic,” to be held October 18, 2008.

The Classic is divided into two divisions with two classes in each division. Division 1 will be for bands that use their 8th grade class, or their 7th and 8th grade classes in the high school band. Division 2 will be for bands that are made up of high school students only, with the exception of those that use a select few junior high students. Bands may enter a higher class but not a lower one. This must be indicated at the time of registration. This contest is limited to bands of 90 or fewer playing members.

Division 1 (count winds and percussion)

Small Class – 1-50 playing members

Large Class – 51-90 playing members

Division 2 (count winds and percussion)

Small Class – 1-50 playing members

Large Class – 51-90 playing members

The above class breakdowns may be adjusted if necessary to accommodate the bands participating this year.

Registration deadline is September 26, 2008, and the entry fee is $100.

If you have any other questions, please call the Union band hall at 601-774-9517. You may also e-mail me at .


Adam De Venney

Director of Bands


Entry Form

Registration Deadline is September 26, 2008

School Name ______

School Address ______

City ______State ______Zip ______

Director’s Name(s) ______

School Phone ______Band hall phone ______

Director’s home phone ______Cell phone ______

E-mail address ______Fax number ______

Number of winds and percussion ______Total number of performing students ______

Number of student helpers/managers ______Number of Drum Majors ______

Check one: Students in our band are in grades 7-12 ___ 8-12 ___ 9-12 ___

Check the class you will enter:

Bands with students in grades 7-12 or 8-12 are Div. 1. Bands with students in gr. 9-12 are Div. 2. You may move up in class size or division but not down.

Division 1Small Class _____(1-50 players)Division 2Small Class _____ (1-50 players)

Large Class _____(51-90 players)Large Class _____ (51-90 players)

Check the units you wish to be judged:

Percussion ____ Color Guard ____ Drum Major ____ Majorettes ____ Dance Line ____

Number of buses and equipment trucks ______

We will provide transportation of equipment to and from the field. Will you need this service?

Yes _____ No _____

Director’s Signature ______

Principal’s Signature ______

Mail form and fee to Adam De Venney, Union High School Band, 101 Forest St., Union, MS 39365

Make checks payable to the Union Band Boosters. Please send $100 fee with entry form.