1)Prime Bidder: Prime bidder means any individual or firm who submits the bid against tender called by the owner. In the case of collaboration arrangements, the prime bidder means any individual or firm who is authorized by the other collaborator to submit the bid.
2)Terminal Bay: Terminal bay for a line or bus coupler shall contain one circuit breakerand two Isolators, three Nos. of Current Transformers and two nos. of LAs.
3)Transformer Bay: Transformer bay shall contain power transformer, 2 circuit breakers, 6 current transformers and 4 Isolators and six Nos. of LAs.
4)Labour Contractor: A contractor who has executed the erection of various equipments in sub-station or transmission line with the materials supplied by the owner or turnkey contractors.
5)Partial Turnkey Contractor: A contractor who has executed the erection of various equipments in sub-stations or transmission lines with the major equipment supplied by the owner and the remaining equipments supplied by that contractor himself.
/Amended during April’ 2004
a) For 220KV Transmission lines / / A) For 220KV Transmission linesQualifying Requirements: Provisions as per clause I or II or III
a) The prime bidder should be a manufacturer of Lattice type galvanized steel tower for the past 3 years as on the date of opening of bids.
b) The prime bidder shall have fabrication and galvanizing 220KV tower parts of capacity of at least 1000MT. Per year.
c) The prime bidder should have manufactured and supplied at least 1000MT. Of 220KV galvanized steel parts in any one of the calendar year during last 5 years.
/No Change
/ Qualifying Requirement (Technical) in the case of 220KV lines either on total turnkey or on partial turnkey basis.The Prime bidder should have the following qualifying requirements(Technical).
Any of the conditions in I, II & III noted below.
a)Should have constructed 220KV Transmission line or above category on Total Turnkey or Partial turnkey basis to an extent of 50 Kms. over a period of 5 years, out of which at least 25 Kms. shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.
/Amended during April’ 2004
(B)a) The Prime bidder should be manufacturer of ACSR Drake or equivalent or higher size conductor over thepast 3 years as on date of opening of the bids.
/b)Should have constructed 110 / 66KV transmission line or above category on Total Turn key or Partial turnkey basis to an extent of100KMs. over a period of 5 years, out of which at least 50 Kms shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.
b) The Prime bidder shall have a manufacturing capacity of at least 600KM of Drake of equivalent or higher size ACSR conductor.c) The prime bidder should have manufactured and supplied ACSR conductor of Drake or equivalent or higher size to an extent of atleast 600Kms. in any calendar year during last 5 years.
(C)In addition to (A) or (B), the Prime bidder should have constructed transmission lines of 66KV and above category for at least 50Kms. and these lines should be in successful operation for at least 12 months as on the date of opening of the bid. /
c)The Prime Bidder shall be a Labour Contractor or sub contractor of a turnkey contractor and who has executed the work of construction of 220KV transmission line for a distance of 100Kms. over a period of 5 years, out of which atleast 50 Kms. of the line shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.ORd)The Prime Bidder shall be a Labour Contractor or sub contractor of a turnkey contractor and who has executed the work of construction of 110/66KV transmission line for a distance of 150Kms. over a period of 5 years, out of which atleast 75 Kms. of the line shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid
Note: In addition to the above, the prime bidder shall meet the financial qualifying requirements as at 2.0
a) The Prime Bidder who does not have the qualifying requirement specified in (I) but meets the financial capabilities as specified is eligible to participate subject to the following: /
In case the prime bidder having the technical qualifying requirement as at I, and is unable to meet the financial requirement, he may have collaboration with an individual or firm who meets the stipulated financial requirement.
Existing / Amended during April’ 2004 / Proposedb) The firm should have successfully constructed transmission lines of 220KV and above category for at least 50 Kms. and these lines should be in successful operation for at least 12 months as on the date of opening of the Bid.
The Prime bidder who has the financial capabilities specified is eligible to participate, in the following cases.
a)The Prime Bidder who does not have the Qualifying requirement specified in (I) but meets the financial capabilities as specified is eligible to participate subject to the following:
b)If the firm enters into a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having qualifying requirement as mentioned in (I) or (II) above.
ANDc)The collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract.
Note: It is sufficient that only Prime bidder should have Financial capability and Financial capability need not be insisted on collaborator. / The Prime bidder who is having the Technical qualifying requirements specified but does not meet the financial capabilities as specified are eligible to participate in the following cases:
a) The firm should enter into a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having financial qualifying requirements as specified.
b) The collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% Bank guarantee to an extent of only 10% of the value of the entire scope of work of the collaborator as identified in the contract in the form of Bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract. / (III)
The Prime bidder who has the financial capabilities specified in 2.0 is eligible to participate, in the following case.
d)The Prime Bidder who does not have the Qualifying requirement (Technical) as specified in (I) but meets the financial capabilities as specified in 2.0 is eligible to participate subject to entering into a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having qualifying requirement as mentioned in (I) above.
The collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement with prime bidder in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract.
/Amended during April’ 2004
c) For 110/66KV Transmission lines / B) For 110/66KV Transmission linesQualifying Requirements: Provisions as per clause I or II or III
a)The Prime bidder should be a manufacturer of Lattice type galvanized steel tower for the past 3 years as on the date of opening of bid.
b)The Prime bidder shall have fabrication and galvanizing capacity of atleast 500MT per year.
c)The Prime bidder should have manufactured and supplied atleast 500MT. of galvanized steel parts 66KV and above lines in any one calendar year during last 5 years.
a)The Prime bidder should be manufacturer of ACSR coyote and above size conductor over the past 3 years as on the date of opening of the bid.
b)The Prime bidder shall have a manufacturing capacity of least 600Km. of Coyote of higher size of ACSR conductor.
c)The prime bidder should have manufactured, supplied ACSR conductor of Coyote or higher size to an extent of least 600Kms. in any calendar year during last 5 years.
In addition to (A) or (B), the prime bidder should have constructed transmission lines of 66KV and above category for atleast 50 Kms. and these lines should be successful operation for at least 12 months as on the date of opening of bids. /
No Change
No Change
/ Qualifying Requirement (Technical) in the case of 110/66KV lines either on total turnkey or on partial turnkey basis.The Prime bidder should have the following qualifying requirements (Technical).
Any of the conditions in I, II & III noted below.
a)Should have constructed 110/66KV Transmission line or above category on Total Turn key or Partial turnkey basis to an extent of 50 Kms. over a period of 5 years, out of which at least 25 Kms. shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.
b)Should have constructed 33KV transmission line or above category on Total Turn key or Partial turnkey basis to an extent of 100KMs. over a period of 5 years, out of which at least50 Kms shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.
c)The Prime Bidder shall be a Labour Contractor or sub contractor of a turnkey contractor and who has executed the work of construction of 110/66KV transmission line for a distance of 100Kms. over a period of 5 years, out of which atleast 50 Kms. of the line shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.
ORd)The Prime Bidder shall be a Labour Contractor or sub contractor of a turnkey contractor and who has executed the work of construction of 33KV transmission line for a distance of 150Kms. over a period of 5 years, out of which atleast 75 Kms. of the line shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.
Note: In addition to the above, the prime bidder shall meet the financial qualifying requirements as at 2.0
a)The Prime Bidder who does not have the Qualifying requirement specified in (I) but meets the financial capabilities as specified is eligible to participate subject to the following:
b)The firm should have successfully constructed transmission lines of 66KV and above category for at least 50 Kms. and these lines should be in successful operation for at least 12 months as on the date of opening of bid. /
In case the prime bidder having the technical qualifying requirement as at I, is unable to meet the financial requirement, he may have collaboration with an individual or firm who meets the stipulated financial requirement.(III)
a) The Prime bidder who has the financial capabilities as specified is eligible to participate, in the following cases.
a)If the firm enters into a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having qualifying requirement as mentioned in (I) or (II) above.
ANDb)The collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract
Note: It is sufficient only prime bidder should have financial capability and Financial capability need not be insisted on collaborators. / The Prime bidder who is having the Technical qualifying requirements specified but does not meet the financial capabilities as specified as eligible to participate in the following cases:
a) The firm should enter into a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having financial qualifying requirements as specified.
b) The collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% Bank guarantee to an extent of only 10% of the value of the entire scope of work of the collaborator as identified in the contract in the form of Bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract. / (III)
The Prime bidder who has the financial capabilities specified in 2.0 is eligible to participate, in the following cases.
e)The Prime Bidder who does not have the Qualifying requirement (Technical) as specified in (I) but meets the financial capabilities as specified in 2.0 is eligible to participate subject to entering into a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having qualifying requirement as mentioned in (I) above.
The collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement with prime bidder in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract..
/Amended during April’ 2004
c) For 33KV Transmission lines / B) For 33KV Transmission linesQualifying Requirement (Technical) in the case of 33KV lines either on total turnkey or on partial turnkey basis.
The Prime bidder should have the following qualifying requirements (Technical).
Any of the conditions in I, II & III noted below.
a) Should have constructed 33KV line or above category on Total Turn key or Partial turnkey basis to an extent of 50 Kms. over a period of 5 years, out of which at least 25 Kms. shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.
b) Should have constructed 11KV transmission line or above category on Total Turn key or Partial turnkey basis to an extent of 100KMs. over a period of 5 years, out of which at least50 Kms shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.
c) The Prime Bidder shall be a Labour Contractor or sub contractor of a turnkey contractor and who has executed the work of construction of 11KV line for a distance of 100Kms. over a period of 5 years, out of which atleast 50 Kms. of the line shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to the date of submission of the bid.
Note: In addition to the above, the prime bidder shall meet the financial qualifying requirements as at 2.0
In case the prime bidder having the qualifying requirement as at I, is unable to meet the financial requirement, he may have collaboration with an individual or firm who meets the stipulated financial requirement.(III)
The Prime bidder who has the financial capabilities specified in
2.0 is eligible to participate, in the following cases.
The Prime Bidder who does not have the Qualifying requirement
(Technical) as specified in (I) but meets the financial capabilities
as specified in 2.0 is eligible to participate subject to entering into
a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having qualifying
requirement as mentioned in (I) above
The collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement with prime bidder in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract..
/Amended during April’ 2004
For the purpose of this particular bid, prime bidder shall meet the following minimum criteria:a)Average annual turnover for the best of one year out of last five years of the company as annualized in supply of materials/equipments and execution of works should be atleast Rs. X, and
X = Cost of the Estimate x 1.5
Commissioning period in years
b)A project manager with five years experience in executing such contract of comparable nature including not less than five years as manager.
c)Liquid assets and /or evidence of assets to or availability of credit facilities of not less than Rs. Y, and
Y= Cost Estimate ------x 4
Commissioning period in months
NOTE: For SSI established in Karnataka, the above financial capability of 50% is sufficient for both X & Y on production of certificate from Industries & commerce department. /
No Change / The Annual financial turnover of the prime bidder during any one of the previous five years shall not be less than the cost of the estimate for the line put to tender
/Amended during April’ 2004
e) For 220KV Sub-Stations / A) For 220KV Sub-StationsQualifying Requirement for Prime Bidder: Provision As per clause I or II or III.
a)Should be a manufacturer of Power Transformer of 100MVA, 220KV class and above.
OR Should be a manufacturer of SF6 Breakers of 220KV class and above
b)Either of these equipments must have been designed manufactured, type tested are supplied by the Prime bidder.
c)Either of these equipments must be in satisfactory operation for at least a period of 2 years as on the day of bid opening. /
No Change / Qualifying Requirement (Technical) in the case of 220KV stations either on total turnkey or on partial turnkey basis.
The Prime bidder should have the following qualifying requirements (Technical).
Any of the conditions in I, II & III noted below.
a)Should have carried out erection of one station of 220KV class or above category on Total Turnkey or partial Turnkey basis having at least two nos. of circuit breaker terminal bays (out of which at least one must be transformer bay including erection of transformer) which shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to date of submission of the bid.
b)Should have constructed 3 stations of 110/66KVclass or above category on Total Turnkey or Partial Turnkey basis having at least two nos. of circuit breaker terminal bays (out of which at least one must be transformer bay including erection of transformer) which shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to date of submission of the bid.
/Amended during April’ 2004
c)The firm should have carried out erection of 66KVclass and above sub-stations/switchyard works having at least two nos. of circuit breaker terminal bays (out of which at least one must be transformer bay including erection of transformer)(II)
a)The Prime bidder who does not have the qualifying requirement specified in (I) but meets the financial capabilities as specified is eligible to participate subject to the following.
b)The firm should have successfully erected one 220KV class and above sub-station/switchyard having at least two circuit breaker terminal bays (out of which at least one must be a transformer bay including erection of transformer) These equipment should be in satisfactory operation for atleast for a period of 2 years as on the day of bid opening. /
No Change / c)Should have carried out erection of 3 stations of 220KV class or above category on labour contract or as sub-contractor to any turnkey contractor having at least two nos. of circuit breaker terminal bays (out of which at least one must be transformer bay including erection of transformer) which shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to date of submission of the bid.
d) Should have carried out erection of six stations of 110/66KV class or above category on labour contract or on sub-contractor to any turnkey contractor having at least two nos. of circuit breaker terminal bays (out of which at least one must be transformer bay including erection of transformer) which shall be in satisfactory service for a period of one year prior to date of submission of the bid.
Note: In addition to the above, the prime bidder
shall meet the financial qualifying
requirements as at 2.0
In case the prime bidder having the technical qualifying requirement as at I, is unable to meet the financial requirement, he may have collaboration with an individual or firm who meets the stipulated financial requirement(III)
a)The Prime bidder who does not have the qualifying requirement mentioned in (I) or (II) above, but meets financial capabilities as specified is eligible to participate in the following cases.
b)The firm should enter into a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having qualifying requirements as mentioned in (I) or (II) above.
ANDThe collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract
Note: It is sufficient that only prime bidder should have financial capability and Financial capability need not be insisted on collaborators. / The Prime bidder who is having the Technical qualifying requirements specified but does not meet the financial capabilities as specified as eligible to participate in the following cases:
a) The firm should enter into a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having financial qualifying requirements as specified.
b) The collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% Bank guarantee to an extent of only 10% of the value of the entire scope of work of the collaborator as identified in the contract in the form of Bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract. / (III)
The Prime bidder who has the financial capabilities specified in 2.0 is eligible to participate in the following cases.
f)The Prime Bidder who does not have the Qualifying requirement (Technical) as specified in (I) but meets the financial capabilities as specified in 2.0 is eligible to participate subject to enterring into a collaboration agreement with a collaborator having qualifying requirement as mentioned in (I) above.
The collaborator should execute a collaboration agreement with prime bidder in the approved format and should furnish additional 10% performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee within 30 days from the date of award of contract.