NatWest Island Games Gotland 2017

Medical Team:

Dr Adam Garnett

Physiotherapy – Helen Richardson and Verity Simon

Osteopath - Bill Aston

Masseuse – Kirsty White


Please see the following information from the Gotland 2017 Organising Committee.


Short practical information on anti-doping

Doping tests will be conducted during competitions!

We follow the national Swedish Sport Confederation/National Anti- Doping Organization (NADO) and international WADA rules. There will be unannounced in-competition testing which will be carried out by Sweden NADO authorized control officials and in accordance with the WADA International Standard for doping controls.

The TUE procedure associated with the competitors will be as follows:

1. An Athlete at the national / high level of competition that already has a dispensation from his federation should bring it with him/her to the Games.

2. Other athletes are subject to a retroactive exemption procedure. Which means that you must indicate if you take any medicine when you are asked to go to the doping control centre. Bring a certificate from your doctor if you are prescribed anything on the current banned list:

Remember all competitors are solely responsible for any banned substances they use. Not knowing that it is banned is not an excuse.

All the best,

Dr Fia-Lotta Pipping, Medical Co-ordinator, NWIG Gotland 2017

For Team Jersey the process therefore is:

1.  Only those International/National level athletes who require TUEs - please make sure you take the TUE form to the Games.

2.  There is NO requirement for your other competitors to take a TUE until they are selected for testing at the Games when they will then complete a Retro-active TUE. If they are on banned medication please take a note from their own doctor to confirm the medication.

Anti-doping awareness & checking medication:

It is of vital importance that athletes are aware regarding the concept of anti-doping. They should be prudent about any medications or supplements they take. There is evidence that approximately 16% of sport supplements may contain banned substances and therefore any sport supplement should be bought from well established and known brands/companies.

As regards checking medication the Global DRO website ( is an excellent resource and gives ease of access for checking any medication. It is imperative that the athlete takes full responsibility for their medication but I am available to help check medication and advise accordingly.


This is a very individual issue. If it is hot/humid it is sensible to ensure that adequate salt is taken with meals and hydration drinks are used in sensible quantities. Drinks such as Poweraid and Gatoraid have salt and carbohydrates in them and a balance of commercial hydration drinks and plain water can be used. Or make your own – cheaper – orange juice and water 1: 10 and a pinch of salt!

The current advice as regards hydration is that athletes should drink to quench their thirst. We are no longer suggesting guidelines that excessive hydration should be advised, particularly in endurance athletes, nevertheless good hydration is appropriate for proper sporting performance and athletes should attend to making sure they have fluids available. It is important that the athlete checks the colour of their urine. Fairly clear urine will mean adequate hydration and darker, yellow obviously means that hydration is behind schedule.

If any athlete is concerned regarding hydration I am happy to talk further with them on a one to one basis. We can offer weighing and more personal hydration regimes.


The last thing we need is any athletes falling ill with gastroenterological problems and therefore I suggest vigilance in washing hands and use of individual water bottles.

Hand washing with soap and water is better than hand gels!!


Many athletes will be sharing rooms and eye masks and ear plugs can be beneficial. It is usually helpful to start using such items at least a month prior to the Games so that athletes get used to them and it is not a new phenomena when they are away for the Games.


Zinc is an interesting mineral iron that is involved in over 300 immune system enzyme reactions and therefore is important for athletes. There are studies that show a zinc depletion, particularly in endurance athletes. I advise athletes to Google sources of zinc in their diet and ensure that their diet is appropriate. I am always recommending seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and flax seeds which have zinc and are a good supplement for this. Leafy greens are excellent source – Broccoli ++. Also consider taking commercial products such as Barroca or Redoxon which contain Zinc, to supplement zinc levels.


None specific, but be up to date with Tetanus and Polio.

If you need vaccinations the MASTA Travel Clinic at Health Plus Medical Centre, Queens Road can help. Please telephone them on 733322 or see your own GP.

Medical Record Forms:

Please complete and send back to me (paper copy) – main issue is for med team to be aware of significant health issues, allergies and medication – I will double check medication but reiterate it is the Athletes responsibility to have checked the doping position regarding their medication.

Minors and Chaperones:

Please ensure minors have had forms signed and have chaperones available.

Sun Protection and insect repellent:

Hats, long sleeves, sun cream and shade! Midges could be a bother!

In Gotland:

Clinics in camp morning and evening – times to be confirmed.

As always we are delighted to be involved with the Jersey Island Games team and if there are any questions please be in touch.

Wishing you and Team Jersey a very healthy and successful Games!

Best Wishes,

Dr Adam G. Garnett

Fellow of Faculty Sports and Exerciser Medicine UK

BUPA Sports Medicine Consultant

London 2012 Paralympics Sports Doc