Iris Murdoch Building, Stirling Campus, University of Stirling

Iris Murdoch Building, Stirling Campus, University of Stirling

/ 2011
Developing Graduates for the 21st Century: Enhancing the Student Experience
Iris Murdoch Building, Stirling Campus, University of Stirling

Tuesday 17th May 2011

0930 – 1630 hrs


(Submission deadline: Friday 8th April 2011)

The University of Stirling’s learning and teaching conference, EduFair 2011, will focus on enhancing the student experience, within the context of developing graduates for the 21st Century. The conference provides an ideal opportunity to showcase innovation and good practice, from all areas of the University. In addition, it provides a forum within which to learn about, and discuss, current and forthcoming developments both within the University and Higher Education more broadly.

Session proposals are sought,addressing at least one of the following themes:

  • Research-Teaching Linkages;
  • Employability (and PDP);
  • The First Year;
  • Responding to Student Needs;
  • Assessment (including feedback);
  • Flexible delivery (including elearning);

Proposals seeking to integrate more than one of these areas will be particularly welcome.

(Information on, and resources generated in these areas by, sector-wide engagement with QAA enhancement themes are available from the QAA web site at

Conference sessions will be delivered using a number of different formats such as invited keynotes, seminars, workshops, roundtables, symposia and poster presentations. (Further details are shown overleaf)

The conference aims to:

  • Provide colleagues with an opportunity to share/disseminate effective and innovative practice;
  • Position practice at Stirling within the wider context of developments across the Sector;
  • Promote dialogue about learning and teaching at Stirling.

Colleagues are invited to submit proposals for the conference, on the following proposal form,by Friday 8th April2011.

Early proposals/bookings would be much appreciated to facilitate event organisation.

Further details will appear on the conference web site as they become available:


  • Requests for further information about EduFair and enquiries about proposal submissions, should be directed to Ginny Saich (email: , ext. 7942) or Bob Matthew (email , ext 6418).

Types of session within the conference for which proposals are sought:

  • Poster session: held throughout the day of the Conference. Colleagues will be free to gather around, listen to and question a presenter, and move between posters. Presenters will, periodically, provide a brief overview to assembled colleagues.
  • Seminar session (30 minutes): offers presenters the opportunity to present details of, and explore with colleagues, the issues surrounding effective practice or an innovation with which they have been directly involved, or a theoretical or conceptual aspect of teaching and learning innovation that would benefit from wider discussion and feedback. Presentations should last no more than 20 minutes to allow time for discussion.
  • Workshop (60 minutes): provides practical, interactive sessions which demonstrate a particular piece of software/system, or an innovative/effective teaching approach, with guidance provided by the presenter. Inputs from facilitator(s) will be short and infrequent, with emphasis placed on active participation by attendees.
  • Roundtable (30 minutes): Roundtables will give participants the opportunity to meet in small and informal groups to discuss issues of common interest. The main purpose is to meet with colleagues to consider joint initiatives, discuss and/or respond to presentations and issues within the conference and identify future areas for development/collaboration. Also, topics can be discussed that are not reflected in the conference sessions but in which several participants have an interest. The purpose is to turn ideas and visions into concrete proposals/ideas. A table will be established upon request by at least one person who is interested in bringing colleagues together and is ready to act as the ‘table host’. The ‘table host’ acts as chair during the meeting, provides a short introduction at the beginning and makes sure that a brief report on outcomes is available after the meeting. The ‘table host’ also acts as a link to the conference organisers for the meeting. The session description should identify the roundtable issue/topic and its objective(s) and expected/desirable outcome. Where applicable target participants should be identified, along with any maximum number of participants.
  • Symposium (90 minutes): Symposia are collections of up to 4 individual paper presentations that relate to a defined topic of interest. Each symposium session has an organiser who will also chair the session. The organiser is responsible for: securing the cooperation of all the participants who are to be involved in the symposium before the proposal is submitted, submitting the overview and all individual abstracts, and deciding on the internal structure of the symposium. The organiser will be the only person who receives the information on the symposium and it is their responsibility to pass this information onto the individual paper authors.

Presentation Proposal

Please complete the details below and return to:Ginny Saich


Cottrell 4B48


by the close of Friday 8th April 2011

Personal Details of Lead Presenter/Chair

Title: ………………………First Name: ………………………………………………………………………….……………….…

Surname: ….……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Department: ..………………………………………………………………………………………….

Telephone No:………………………………………………………………………………………….


Please provide details ofany other presenters at the end of this form

Session Details

Title of Session: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


ConferenceTheme(s) Addressed: ………………………………………………………………………………………….


Type of Session:Poster Presentation* (attended over lunch)

Seminar - 30 mins*

Workshop – 60 mins*

Roundtable – 30 mins*

Symposium – 60 mins* (please provide paper titles and authors at the end of this form)

(* please delete as applicable)

Further details on the format of these sessions are provided at the end of this form.

If you have a preferred time of day for your session, please indicate this below. Your preference will be met where possible:

Morning* (*please delete as applicable)

Afternoon*(*please delete as applicable)

Equipment Required (please tick all appropriate boxes):

Laptop (PC) / Overhead Projector
Data Projector / Whiteboard & Pens
Flipchart & Pens
Poster board/push tacks
Projection screen / Network Connection
Other. Please specify: ……………………………………………......

Software Required (please tick all appropriate boxes):

PowerPoint / Internet Explorer
Elluminate / WebCT
CampusPack / Turnitin
Other (Please specify):

Please provide an Abstract below of up to 200 words to describe your session to participants.

In the case of Symposia the Abstract should include an overall summary of the session and individual paper abstracts (no more than 600 words in total).

Details of Other Presenters (where applicable):

Title / First Name / Surname / Department / Tel. No. / Email

Symposia papers (where applicable)

Author / Paper Title

I understand, and agree, that the above information may be published and/or used within the University in both electronic and hard copy format for advertising and promoting the EduFair Programme.

Signature(s): Date:

Presentations and related materials may be published following EduFair 2011 in the form of conference proceedings. Please sign and date below if you AGREE to any, or all, of the following use(s) being made of your presentation and related resource(s).

  • Published online via the CAPL web site (internal and externalInternet access)

Signature(s): Date:

  • Published online via the Intranet (for access by Stirling Staff and Students only)

Signature(s): Date:

  • Published in hard copy and made available (on request) to Stirling Staff only.

Signature(s): Date: