Chittenango Middle School
September 20, 2016
6:30 P.M.
Chittenango Middle School
September 20, 2016
6:30 P.M.
Dan Gibbons called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. This meeting was held in the Board of Education Conference Room.
Present: Phil Austin, Siubhan Bongiovanni, James Boswell, Louis Cianfrocco, Dan Gibbons, Edward Gratien, Russell Wehner
Absent: Daniel Mayer, Geoffrey Zimmer
Also Present: Michael A. Schiedo, Superintendent of Schools
Scott P. Mahardy, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Michael R. Eiffe, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Visitors: Sherry Czarnecki, Erma Boswell, Nick Fersch, Katie Muller, Ricky Martini, Jason Clark, Kaleigh Barrett, Megan Putnam
There was no Addendum to the Agenda.
II. Public Comments
The Chittenango Central School District Board of Education welcomes and encourages public input and comments. Board meetings are open meetings held in public, but are not public meetings in the sense of traditional town meetings. The Board accepts and understands its obligation to represent and to listen to the community. The time for public comments is offered at the beginning of every Board meeting. Members of the public are also encouraged to contact Board members before or after Board meetings to express concerns. The Board reserves the right to encourage or exclude comment at any other time. Public comments, at Board meetings, are welcomed within a controlled forum format, as facilitated by the Board President, which does not permit open discussion of confidential issues, such as, but not limited to, student discipline and personnel performance. Issues of a confidential nature would be forwarded to the Superintendent for further review and response.
There were no public comments at this time.
III. Consent Agenda
Upon motion made by Wehner, seconded by Austin, the following resolutions were offered:
A. Minutes
1. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board of Education meeting from September 6, 2016.
B. Financial
1. It is recommended that the Treasurer’s Reports for July and August 2016 be accepted.
2. It is recommended that the Budget Status Report for August 2016 be accepted.
3. It is recommended that the Revenue Status Report for August 2016 be accepted.
4. It is recommended that the Claims Auditor’s Report for August 2016 be accepted.
IV. Educational Presentation/Topics
A. New Teaching Staff Introductions: Mike Eiffe – Information/Discussion
Nick Fersch introduced two of his new staff members at the high school. Katie Muller (Mathematics) will be in Jeri McKenna’s class while Jeri is recovering from her surgery and undergoing further treatment. Katie has a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from SUNY Geneseo and is currently enrolled in a Master of Arts in Adolescence Education: Mathematics program at SUNY Cortland. Richard Martini (Special Education) will be in our exceptional learner’s classroom. Richard worked at OCM BOCES in Cortland the past two years as a STELLATA teacher. He has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from SUNY Oswego and a Master’s of Science in Teaching, Elementary and Inclusive Education, from LeMoyne College.
B. Open House/Curriculum Nights: Michael Schiedo – Information/Discussion
The middle school curriculum night was a big success. The parent attendance was outstanding. The high school open house will be held on Thursday, September 22nd at 6:00 p.m. Bridgeport’s open house will be on Wednesday, September 28th at 6:30 p.m. and Bolivar’s open house will be held Thursday, September 29th at 6:00 p.m.
C. Local, State and National Recognition: Mike Eiffe – Information/Discussion
We have had teaching staff and students receive local, state or national recognition recently. They are as follows:
Beth Bennett (MS teacher) was one of 50 teachers across the world to be selected to attend the Honeywell Green Camp in San Diego, CA, this past summer. The curriculum included activities such as designing and building solar houses, using watt meters to measure energy use and identify potential “energy vampires,” as well as collecting and analyzing water samples. Sustainability education offers an opportunity for educators to not only share insights in the classroom, but to inspire students to take those principles out into the real world and affect change. The camp arms teachers with the latest practices in renewable energy and technology innovations, so they can prepare students for the green jobs of the future.
Erica Martin (MS teacher) was the only New York State social studies teacher to be granted the James Madison Senior Fellowship Award. The James Madison Memorial Foundation selects one Senior Fellow per state per year. This degree will lead to a Master’s specializing in the study and teaching of the United States Constitution. One component of the Fellowship is attending Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. with a cohort of Senior Fellows for four weeks in the summer of 2017. This four week stay is required for the Fellows and serves to provide the capstone networking and affiliation opportunity with the James Madison Memorial Foundation.
Nancy Gates (HS foreign language teacher) was recognized as a Distinguished Concurrent Enrollment instructor by the College Now program through TC3 this past summer. Concurrent enrollment provides high school students the opportunity to take college-credit bearing courses taught by college-approved high school teachers. Concurrent enrollment instructors are required to participate in annual professional development workshops at least once a year.
The Chittenango High School Library, under the guidance of Mary Klucznik, was recognized as the CNY Library of the Year in this category from the Central Library Resource Council (CLRC). The library received several nominations from users and faculty. All of the positive comments made our high school library rise to the top for the panel of judges. This was the first year in which this award was granted; we believe we set the bar extremely high.
Two of our students, Jonah Capella and Robert Gustke (home-schooled) were recognized as two of the 16,000 National Merit Semi-Finalists across the Country for their academic performance on the PSAT test. They are in the top 1% of students recognized in the nation and they will have the opportunity to be two of 7,500 students to receive a National Merit Scholarship. To become a finalist and be considered for the national scholarship, they must submit an application detailing their skills, accomplishments and potential for success in college studies. The program's finalists and Merit Scholars will be named in the spring of 2017.
V. Old Business
A. Proposed Capital Building Project: Michael Schiedo – Information/Discussion
We are in the process of compiling a list of upgrades and repairs to facilities and grounds across the district for the next Capital Building project. Building Principals have begun discussions to seek input from their respective staff members and Parent Teacher Organizations. Support staff supervisors are also seeking input from their respective staff members.
B. Workshop on the Use of Narcan: Michael Schiedo – Information/Discussion
Senator Valesky’s office will utilize our high school auditorium on Monday, October 24, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. to present a workshop on the use of Narcan in emergency opioid overdose situations. This presentation will be open to the public. Information for registration will be in our October newsletter and advertised in the local media.
C. Policy 8130, School Safety Plans and Teams: First Reading – Information/Discussion
VI. New Business
A. 2017-2018 Budget Preparation – Information/Discussion
It is already time to begin preliminary discussions for the 2017–2018 budget. There is concern across the state regarding projected low school aid from the state in conjunction with the Consumer Price Index remaining below 1%. We also know that our health insurance costs will increase by at least 6%, with approximately 4% of that increase being directly related to the Affordable Care Act.
Motion by Wehner, seconded by Boswell to approve new business recommendations B - C.
B. It is recommended that the Board of Education (District), as a local agency of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”), ECL Section 8-0101, et. seq. and implementing regulations, 6NYCRR Part 617 (“the Regulations”) having reviewed the impact of the Project (Smart School Bond Act Work) hereby determines that such action constitutes a “Type II Action” under Section 617.5 ©(8) of the regulations and is not subject to review under SEQRA. Discussion/Action
C. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve King and King as the district architects. Discussion/Action
VII. Superintendent’s Report
A. NYSCOSS Fall Leadership Summit Report: September 24-27, 2016 – Information/Discussion
B. Curriculum Half Day on September 29, 2016 – Information/Discussion
C. DALI Conference, October 5-8, 2016 – Information/Discussion
D. Next Board of Education Meeting at Bridgeport Elementary School on October 11, 2016 – Information/Discussion
E. NYSSBA Conference: October 27-29, 2016 – Information/Discussion
F. Board of Education Recognition Week October 24-28, 2016 – Recognition at the November 1, 2016 Board of Education Meeting – Information/Discussion
VIII. Board Members’ Reports
A. Member Reports
1. Audit Committee: The Committee will meet on October 11, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
2. Budget Committee
3. Facilities/Transportation Committee
4. Policy Committee
B. Board Member Comments: The Board recognized the custodial staff for their hard work during the cross country invitational.
IX. Personnel
A. Motion by Boswell, seconded by Austin to accept personnel recommendations 1 - 6.
1. It is recommended that the resignation of Chris Orbesen as Fall Play and Spring Musical Set Construction Supervisor be accepted effective September 7, 2016.
2. It is recommended that Katie Muller be granted a long-term substitute position as a Mathematics teacher from September 6, 2016 through on or about February 17, 2017 at Step 1, Class 1 pending verification of official collegiate transcripts.
3. It is recommended that the following be approved as co-curricular advisors for the 2016-2017 school year:
High School
Name Position
David Abell Fall Play Set Construction Supervisor
Tim Byrne Spring Musical Set Construction Supervisor
4. It is recommended that Michelle McDougal be granted a long-term substitute position as an Instructional Aide (Students with Disabilities) effective September 6, 2016.
5. It is recommended that the following names be approved for the Support Staff Substitute List for the 2016-2017 school year:
Fields, Laurie Roppel, Rebekah Stuenzi, Robert
6. It is recommended that the following names be approved for the Teacher/Nurse Substitute List for the 2016-2017 school year:
Costanzo, Sam Fraser, Michelle Siedsma, Susan
X. Executive Session
Motion by Austin, seconded by Wehner that the Board adjourn into Executive Session at 7:05 p.m. for the discussion of negotiations and personnel issues.
Motion by Boswell, seconded by Cianfrocco that the Board return from Executive Session at 7:30 p.m.
XI. Adjournment
Motion by Boswell, seconded by Wehner to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott P. Mahardy
District Clerk