Board of Directors Candidate Information Form


The IDA-Rocky Mountain Branch is recognized as the premier authority in the Rocky Mountain Region for providing state-of-the-art expertise in the area of literacy so all individuals with Dyslexia, language and literacy challenges are afforded the opportunity to achieve their highest potential.


The IDA‐Rocky Mountain Branch supports those living with Dyslexia, language, and literacy challenges by providing research‐based education and resources to individuals, families, and educators.

Thank you for your interest in serving on The International Dyslexia Association’s Rocky Mountain Branch Board of Directors. Please fill out this information form so it may be shared with our Nominating Committee for consideration. All information will be held in strictest confidence.

Please review the Board Member’s Duties and Responsibilities (on last page), which you will be expected to sign if elected to the board. Most board member positions are three years in length with the possibility of being elected to three consecutive terms.

Visit our website at for more information on our organization.For questions regarding Board service, please email us at .



Address: City: State/ZIP:

Home Phone #: --

Cell Phone#: --

Which is the preferred number to call?

Home E-mail:



Current Member of IDA:

Yes (# of years: )


  1. Please check all areas where you can contribute to the IDA-RMB Mission and Vision.

Branch Board Candidate Information Form – Page 1

Community / Family Education

Conference / Special Events

Educational Programs

Finance / Accounting




Legal Topics


Marketing /Public Relations / Newsletter


Nominating / Governance

Professional Training

Student Advocacy

Technology / Website


Branch Board Candidate Information Form – Page 1

  1. In what area(s) are you most interested in contributing?
  1. Please tell us about other local and/or national boards or organizations with which you have been involvedduring the past 5 years:

OrganizationCapacity ServedResponsibility/Contributions

  1. If you are nominated for a Board position, could it be perceived that there is a potential conflict of interest? No Yes

If yes, please explain:

*Please attach current resume.

I give permission to have my name placed into consideration for a nomination to TheInternational Dyslexia Association’sRocky Mountain BranchBoard of Directors. I understand that my name will stay on a resource list for up to three years. I understand that a member of the Nominating / GovernanceCommittee will contact me should there be an opening in my area of expertise or interest.

Name: Date:

Please email, or post the completed form with resume to:

International Dyslexia Association – Rocky Mountain Branch

c/o Nominating / Governance Committee

740 Yale Road, Boulder CO 80305




I am willing to accept the responsibilities incumbent upon a member of the Board of Directors of The International Dyslexia Association - Rocky Mountain Branch.

These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. I agree to maintain membership in good standing in the International Dyslexia Association throughout my tenure on the Board.
  2. I agree to be an active advocateand promote the Association’s vision, mission, policies, programs, and services to the community, putting aside personal concerns, philosophies and affiliations.
  3. I agree to act as the fiduciary and guardian of the Association’s assets and ensure that policies are in place for IDA-RMB to meet all federal and state laws and regulations.
  4. I agree to attend and actively participate in 75% of the board meetings and committee meetings and stay up-to-date with the status of the organization.
  5. I agree to act in the best interest of the organization and excuse myself from discussions or votes where I have a conflict of interest.
  6. I agree to support and participate in events sponsored by the International Dyslexia Association - Rocky Mountain Branch, including Reading in the Rockies.
  7. I agree to serve in a leadership position on at least one committee.
  8. I understand I will be spending a minimum of 5-10 hours a month for meetings and committee work.
  9. I agree to actively recruit potential members for IDA-RMB committees and identify potential candidates to be considered for the Board of Directors.

10.I agree to consider an annual financial donation to the IDA-RMB Branch.

Branch Board Candidate Information Form – Page 1