
College donation letter sample specifically tells the area in which you should be able to make the contribution to. A college or any educational institution for that matter needs aid in the form of books, monetary donation for various projects, or to celebrate specific functions or to commemorate special jubilees and to make extensions of the existing buildings and build new ones. The target audience will be students, parents, organizations etc.

College donation letter sampleTips

Points to remember

  • The letter for college donation should specify the purpose clearly
  • It should state the need of the project in the context of the smooth ongoing function of the college
  • If it is for starting new courses and batches- the letter should mention how these new steps are going to add a new face to the college upgrading itself in tune with the modern trends.

Sample College donation letter sample










Subject: Requesting donation for new courses in our college

Respected Sir/Madam,

The purpose of this letter is to bring to your kind attention the new courses that our college management has planned to start in the college premises. These courses can enhance the educational value of this college as a prime centre of education in our city. It need not be stated here that our college has been executing the noble mission of education for the past several decades altogether and many student and every strata of society is being immensely benefited from it. Hence it is our decision to make contact and seek help from all those well wishers of our college for the grand enlistment of our educational institution as one of the prime centre of excellence in our area. Hope you will offer your unconditional support and financial contributions in our endeavour.

Hope for your positive reply at the earliest

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Joseph Sas

College donation letter sampleTemplate






Date: _____ (Date on Which Letter is Written)






Subject - ______(Mention the purpose)

Respected ______(Name of the donor)

I am _____ (Your Name) working as a part of the ______(project name) for the purpose of starting fresh courses in our college which will lift our institution as one of the most sought after one in the near future. As a well-wisher of our college, we hope you will extend your full cooperation and make generous contribution to the fund.

The total cost of the project comes around Rs 70, 0000. This project will be materialised in the month of ______(Mention the month). We hope you will extend your financial assistance in this regard.

Thanking you.


Name and signature


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