(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Zonal Office: Sitapur (U.P.)


Sealed tenders on item rate basis are invited from Bank’s empanelled furnishing contractors of works up to Rs. 10 lacs and electrical contractors for category of works in Rs. 1- 5 lacs for under mentioned branches under Zonal Office Sitapur.

1-Kasraila 2- Sonsari 3- Neer 4- Gaddipur

Also, Some Civil works of plaster on walls, maintenance of bathrooms and painting work is to be done at CL Shahjahanpur branch.

Tender documents with BOQ may be collected from and to be submitted to the Bank’s Zonal Office, Sitapur (U.P) as per following programme.

1 / Issue of the tender document / 17.09.2016 to 30.09.2016(between 10.30 5.00 P.M. from Monday to Saturday ,except 2ND Saturday)
2 / Time of completion / 21 days
3 / Submission of tender / 01.10.2016 up to 5.00PM
4 / Opening of tender / 03.10.2016at 11.00 AM
5 / Validity of Tender / 90 days
5 / Taxes / The price quoted will be inclusive of all types taxes, VAT, loading, unloading, carriage etc required for proper completion of the work. Service Tax extra shall be payable as per the prevailing rate & rule of the Service Tax Deptt. Govt. of India.
6 / Liquidated damages for delay / Should the work be not completed to the satisfaction of the Employer within the stipulated period, the contractor shall be bound to pay the Employer a sum of equivalent to 1% of the accepted tendered per week subject to ceiling of 10% of the accepted contract amount by way of liquidated damages and not as penalty during which the work remains uncommented or unfinished after expiry of the completion date.
7 / Payment terms / No advance will be paid. However running bill during progress of work may be paid considering the progress of work. The payment will be made on the basis of actual measurements. Income tax will be deducted as per the rules.
Retention Money @ 10% will be deducted from the bill and to be released after 6 months from the date of virtual completion provided no defects is observed during the period.
Final payment will be made on satisfactory completion of the job.

The Bank will not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the tender without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Asstt General Manager


1.1The Tender:

Sealed item rate tenders are invited on behalf of M/s ALLAHABAD BANK ZONAL OFFICE, SITAPUR for the proposed Interior, Furnishing & Electrical works.

1.2.Filling in the Tender:

Tender not properly filled, mutilated, with incorrect calculations or generally not complying with the conditions shall be rejected.

The Rates:

Tenderer should quote their rates both in figures and words. The schedule of quantities must be fully priced and the total of each page along with carried over figure of the previous page shall be given in ink and signed by the tenderer. No blank space shall be left. If any discrepancy is found in the rates quoted in figures and in words, the rate which is less will be considered.


Sealed tenders with name of the work and the name of the tenderer written on the envelope must be submitted to the Deputy General Manager, Allahabad Bank, Zonal Office, Sitapur in the stipulated time.

1.4.Signing the Tender:

If the tender is made by or on behalf of a company, incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, it shall be signed by their Managing Director, or one of the directors duly authorized on that behalf. If it is made by the partnership firm, it shall be signed with the co-partnership name by a member of the firm who shall sign in his own name and give the name and address of each partner of the firm and attach a copy of power of attorney with the tender authorizing him to sign on behalf of the partners. A certified copy of the registered partnership deed shall also be submitted along with the tender.

1.5.Acceptance Period:

The tender shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 30 days from the date of opening of tender.

1.6.Site Inspection:

Every tenderer is expected to inspect the site of the proposed work before quoting his rates. He must also go through all the drawings and documents. It will be construed that the contractor has inspected the site at his cost, and the quoted rates shall hold good in all conditions.

1.7.Schedule of Quantities:

A schedule of quantities for various items accompanies this tender. It should be definitely understood that the Employer/Consultant do not accept the responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the schedule in respect of items and quantities and this schedule is liable to alterations by omissions, deductions or additions at the discretion of the employer/consultant without affecting the terms of the contract. The Employer reserves the right to completely delete any item from the scope of the work without affecting the terms of the contract.

1.8 Contractor’s Rates:

The contractor’s rates must include the cost of transportation of material to the site, storage at site all taxes such as Sales Tax, Excise and Octrai etc. and the fixing or placing in position for which the items of work is intended to be operated.

1.9.Acceptance of Tender:

The acceptance of tender rest with the Employer, who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the authority to, reject any or the entire tender received, without assigning any reason(s). the Employer reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tenders and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at their quoted rates.

1.10.Site Supervision:

The work shall be carried out under the direction of the Employer/Consultant or their representative at site. On accepting the tender, the contractor shall intimate the name of his accredited representative who would be supervising the construction and would be responsible for taking instruction for carrying out the work on day to day basis.


The Employer’s/Consultant’s decision with regard to the quality of the material and workmanship will be final and binding. Any material rejected by the Employer/Consultant shall be immediately removed by the contractor from the site.

1.12.Defect Liability Period:

Any defect developed within “Defect Liability Period” of 6 months from the date of completion will have to be rectified by the contractor. In case of failure to do so, the employer with the concurrence of the consultants shall get the rectification work done by some other agency at the risk and cost of the contractor. The rectification of such defects shall be taken on receipt of written notice from the Employer/Consultant and such defects may extent “ liability period”.