Registration form
IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Communication System (ISWCS2005)
September 5-7, 2005Siena, Italy (
International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC2005)
September 8-9, 2005Siena, Italy (
Registration form (3 pages) to be sent by FAX to the number: +39 0577 232134 or by EMAIL:
For questions only (no registration), please contact the ISWCS&IWSSC Conference Secretariat of the SienaUniversity: PHONE: +39 0577 232133 / 32 or EMAIL:
  1. Please print all information (in block capital) and check all boxes accordingly

Mr. Ms. Mrs. Dr. Prof.
First (given) Name for BadgeLast (family/surname) Name
Company/Organization NameStreetMail Stop
CityState/ProvinceZip/Postal CodeCountry
E-mail AddressPhone NumberFax Number

The registration fees must be billed to:

 Myself (Fiscal code / VAT number ______)

Required only for Italian participants

 My Institution (VAT number ______)

Required only for Italian participants

 Other Institution (______)

Required address and VAT number

I am

a participant

registering as author of the paper(s) with EDAS number(s) ______(Authors must supply this info)

Please note that each accepted paper requires a registration with the fees detailed below. Authors registering for multiple papers must consider the appropriate registration fees in the tables below.


2. ISWCS2005 Registration Fee (All amounts are in Euro) - September 5-7, 2005Siena, Italy

Category / BEFORE JULY 15
reduced fee for early registration / AFTER JULY 15 / AMOUNT DUE
Registrations and early registrations for single paper authors
R1a / IEEE MEMBER: IEEE Member Number ______/ € 495 / € 595 / €
R2a / NON MEMBER / € 545 / € 645 / €
R3a / IEEE STUDENT MEMBER: Number: ______/ € 295 / € 345 / €
(Proof of full-time status required e.g. photocopy of student ID Card) / € 395 / € 445 / €
Early registrations only for authors with two papers
R1b / IEEE MEMBER: IEEE Member Number ______/ € 645.00 / - / €
R2b / NON MEMBER / € 695.00 / - / €
R3b / IEEE STUDENT MEMBER: Number: ______/ € 445.00 / - / €
(Proof of full-time status required e.g. photocopy of student ID Card) / € 545.00 / - / €
Early registrations only for authors with more than two papers
R1c / IEEE MEMBER: IEEE Member Number ______/ € 795.00 / - / €
R2c / NON MEMBER / € 845.00 / - / €
R3c / IEEE STUDENT MEMBER: Number: ______/ € 595.00 / - / €
(Proof of full-time status required e.g. photocopy of student ID Card) / € 695.00 / - / €
Registration for Accompanying persons
R5 / € 120.00 / € 120.00 / €

Sub-total A

/ €

R1a, R2a, R1b, R2b, R1c, and R2c include: welcome reception, lunches, conference banquet, conference record (CD-ROM), and admission to all sessions

R3a, R4a, R3b, R4b, R3c, and R4c include: welcome reception, lunches, conference record (CD-ROM), and admission to all sessions.

R5 includes: welcome reception and conference banquet

3. IWSSC2005 Registration Fee (All amounts are in Euro) - September 8-9, 2005Siena, Italy

Category / BEFORE JULY 15
reduced fee for early registration / AFTER JULY 15 / AMOUNT DUE
Registrations and early registrations for single paper authors
R6a / IEEE MEMBER: IEEE Member Number ______/ € 345.00 / € 395.00 / €
R7a / NON MEMBER / € 395.00 / € 445.00 / €
R8a / IEEE STUDENT MEMBER: Number: ______/ € 295.00 / € 345.00 / €
(Proof of full-time status required e.g. photocopy of student ID Card) / € 345.00 / € 395.00 / €
Early registrations only for authors with two papers
R6b / IEEE MEMBER: IEEE Member Number ______/ € 495.00 / - / €
R7b / NON MEMBER / € 545.00 / - / €
R8b / IEEE STUDENT MEMBER: Number: ______/ € 445.00 / - / €
(Proof of full-time status required e.g. photocopy of student ID Card) / € 495.00 / - / €
Early registrations only for authors with more than two papers
R6c / IEEE MEMBER: IEEE Member Number ______/ € 645.00 / - / €
R7c / NON MEMBER / € 695.00 / - / €
R8c / IEEE STUDENT MEMBER: Number: ______/ € 595.00 / - / €
(Proof of full-time status required e.g. photocopy of student ID Card) / € 645.00 / - / €
Registration for Accompanying persons
R10 / € 120.00 / € 120.00 / €

Sub-total B

/ €

Grand Total A+B

/ € ______

R6a, R7a, R6b, R7b, R6c, and R7c include: welcome reception, lunches, conference banquet, conference record (CD-ROM), and admission to all sessions

R8a, R9a, R8b, R9b, R8c, and R9c include: welcome reception, lunches, conference record (CD-ROM), and admission to all sessions.

R10 includes: welcome reception and conference banquet.

4. Hard Copy of Proceedings

Proceedings will include both ISWCS2005 and IWSSC2005 papers. A printed copy of proceedings can be only obtained if booked with the early registration. The cost of proceedings is € 120,00 and must be paid at the Conference Registration Desk.

Note that also the CD-ROM of proceedings will contain all the papers (i.e., ISWCS2005 and IWSSC2005)

□ I would like to book no. ______proceedings copies.

5. Payment Method

□ credit card details:

Cardholder Name (please print): ______

Cardholder Mailing Address:______

Card Number: □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□Expiry date: □□□□

□ bank transfer details:

Bank draft (please fax a copy of the payment order to +39 0577 232134 )

Payable to: Università degli Studi di Siena

Bank: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Agenzia 7

Account Number: 50400,93 - ABI Code 1030.6 CAB Code 14209.0

Codes for international transfers: IBAN: IT22 P010 3014 2090 0000 5040 093 SWIFT CODE: PASC IT MMSIE

Please write only the participant's name and surname and "conference code no. 635" on the bank draft form

Note: The payment has to be made prior to the conference. Admittance will only be permitted upon receipt of full payment

6. Cancellation & Substitution

No refunds will be made for cancellations made after 10th August 2005. ISWCS2005 and IWSSC2005 reserve the right to cancel the conferences and tutorials due to unforeseen circumstances

7. Tutorial Reservation

People who have reserved a tutorial (by a mark in the appropriate row below) will be contacted by the secretariat for the payment before the conference. A tutorial will be confirmed only if at least 6 registered people will reserve them by July 20. Each ISWCS2005 half-a-day tutorial costs 145 €; whereas, each IWSSC2005 two-hour tutorial costs 72 €. See the Web site for more details on tutorials.

Category / Please check the item of your interest
ISWCS2005 half-day tutorials on September 5, 2005
Half-day Tutorial #T1"Scalable Ad Hoc networks - routing, transport and testability challenges" by Prof. Mario Gerla, Computer Science Dept, UCLA, USA
Half-day Tutorial #T2 "Broadband networking with WiMax" by Dr. Vinod Kumar, Alcatel Research & Innovation Marcoussis, France
Half-day Tutorial #T3 "IP-Oriented QoS in the next generation networks: application to wireless networks" by Prof. Pascal Lorenz, University of Haute-Alsace, France
Half-day Tutorial #T4 "Wireless networking using IEEE 802.11 standard: technology, applications and research challenges", by Dr. Rajeev Shorey, IBM India Research Laboratory, India
IWSSC2005 two-hour tutorials on September 8, 2005
Two-hour Tutorial #A1: part 1 "Fade mitigation techniques matched to the dynamic behaviour of the propagation channel for Ka-Q/V band DVB-S2/RCS systems" by Dr. Laurent Castanet and Prof. Michel Bousquet, SUPAERO, France; part 2"DVB-S2/RCS: surfing over long waveforms" by Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza, University of Bologna, Italy
Two-hour Tutorial #A2 "DVB-S2/RCS: Protocols and resource management" by Dr. Axel Jahn, TriaGnoSys GmbH, Germany
Two-hour Tutorial #B1 "Transport layer and QoS issues over satellite " by Prof. Mario Marchese, CNIT-University of Genoa, Italy
Two-hour Tutorial #B2 "Propagation characteristics of satellite-to-mobile and satellite-to-indoor links " by Prof. Istvan Frigyes, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

8. Social Tour Reservation

A free tour will be organised in Siena on September 7, 2005 at 17:30. The tour is aimed to permit the visit of the historical part of Siena. Details are available on the Web site:

Please check the box if you WISH TO RESERVE THE TOUR:

Information concerning the protection of privacy and the processing and utilization of personal data

In accordance with the Italian law n. 196,June 30, 2003, we wish to inform you that the personal data you furnished in filling out the registration form for enrolment in this Meeting will be used exclusively for enrolment purposes. In processing such information, we safely guarantee that your privacy will not be violated and that your data will not be given or communicated to third parties. Failure in furnishing information will entail no consequences, as you are not required to provide it. With regards to the utilization of such data, your rights are protected by arts. 7, 8, 9 of government decree 196/03. We finally inform you that the office in charge of processing data is the Congress Office of University of Siena (address: Via Banchi di Sotto, 55, Siena) and the person in charge is the scientific secretary of the Meeting.

Date ______Signature ______

(Without your signature we cannot accept payment by credit card)

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