MLK 2001: Questions by Michigan
Packet 3
1. This man was associated with the cloth exporting association known as the London Merchant Adventurers. Falling from power after forcing Henry VIII to marry Anne of Cleves, within a year he had been arrested and executed without a trial. Named Earl of Essex in the year of his execution, he had also served as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Lord great chamberlain for Henry VIII. FTP identify this man who ascended to power after the fall of Cardinal Wolsey.
Answer: Thomas Cromwell
2. The PDP-6 and PDP-10 proved to be a major improvement, as they allowed a cons cell to be stored in one word, and single instructions could extract cdr and car parts. Key early ideas for it were developed in 1956 at Dartmouth by John McCarthy, though the language was not standardized by ANSI until 1986. These days little software development is done with it, though EMACS is written in it. FTP, identify this programming language, the most famous functional language, which is widely used in AI.
Answer: LISP
3. Educated at the London School of Economics, he went on to chair his country’s national holding company, the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction. 1996 saw him sweep into power as he led the Olive Tree Alliance to victory and as prime minister governed the first left-leaning government since World War II. His economic expertise helped him slash the deficit and guide the nation to Euro qualification. FTP, identify the Italian politician, now president of the European Commission.
Answer: Romano Prodi
4. He argued the Odyssey had actually been written in Sicily by a woman. A sometime artist and composer, he wrote a comic cantata, Narcissus, and one of his oils hangs in the Tate. In Evolution, Old and New he reversed his earlier support of Darwin, but it is for two novels- one featuring a Utopian world modeled on New Zealand and the other the trials of Ernest Pontifex- that he is best known. FTP identify this author of Erewhon and The Way of All Flesh.
Answer:Samuel Butler
5. When this painting was released it met with criticism such as “She has three vertebrae too many” and “No bone, no muscle, no life.” A blue curtain hangs to the side of the subject and a hookah is propped up beside her feet. In her right hand she holds a fan made out of peacock feathers, while her head is wrapped in a decorated cloth as she lounges on a blue and gold divan. FTP identify this 1814 work showing a naked member of the Turkish harem by Ingres.
Answer:Grande Odalisque
6. Comprised of more than 180 local chapters and over 70,000 members, its headquarters is in New York City. Its founder had been the race-relations secretary for the Fellowship of Reconciliation, but policy differences caused him to resign and form the groundbreaking organization in 1942. That same year, it showcased its faith in the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi by staging a sit-in at a Chicago coffee shop. FTP, name this interracial coalition founded by James Farmer that sponsored the “Freedom Rides” of the 1960’s.
Answer: CongressofRacialEquality (accept CORE)
7. In his essay, “Two Concepts of Rules”, he makes the distinction between the summary and the practice conception of rules, as an elaboration of act and rule utilitarianism. In his main philosophical project, he tries to argue for an ethical system similar to Kant’s. In his later work, “Political Liberalism”, he espouses the idea of the “overlapping consensus” to defend his pluralistic system. FTP, identify this philosopher, who saw ethics as springing from the idea of the original position, in his “A Theory of Justice.”
Answer: John Rawls
8. They took Jenne in the siege of seven years, repulsed a Mossi attack on Timbuktu, and by defeating the Dogon and Fulani in the hills of Bandiagara, they secured their borders from immediate threat. Endangered by competition over salt, during the reign of Issihak II they were defeated by the Moroccans at Tondibi. FTP identify this African kingdom with capitol at Gao, whose famous rulers include Askia Muhammad and Sonni ‘Ali.
Answer: Songhai
9. They received their name because they combine with acids to form salts. Consisting of an organic compound containing nitrogen in an amine group, generally in some sort of ring formation, it is thought they have something to do with seed ripening and release. They make excellent sedatives and painkillers, though they also tend to become addictive. FTP, identify this class of chemical compounds, contained in codeine, morphine, and heroin.
10. He started writing one act farces that combined Marxist ideology with gags and songs. Plays like We Cant Pay? We Wont Pay! and Archangels Dont Play Pinball demonstrate his use of art as an instrument for political change. He used the reactionary atmosphere of his own country as an inspiration in plays such as Mistero Buffo and The Accidental Death of an Anarchist. FTP Identify this Italian dramatist, winner of the 1997 Nobel for Literature.
Answer:Dario Fo
11. The third part was inspired by a poem by Robert Underwood Johnson. The monument to Colonel Shaw and the Massachusetts 54th served as the inspiration for Boston Garden. The second part quotes Revolutionary songs and is set in a small park that served as a camp for General Putnam’s forces during the war. FTP, identify the work that contains the sections Boston Common, Putnam’s Camp, and The Housatonic at Stockbridge by Charles Ives.
Answer:Three Places in New England
12. The death of Prime Minister Roosevelt Douglas in October 2000 hampered this nation’s attempts to develop economically and establish its first university. Independent since 1978, it is located at the boundary between the Leeward and Windward Islands, and was named for the day of the week on which Columbus discovered it. For 10 points – identify this Caribbean nation with capital at Roseau.
13. His favorite quote was "politics is the art of the possible." He resigned briefly after the setback of the 1859 Treaty of Zurich, which was negotiated without him. Less than a year later, he negotiated the Treaty of Turin with France, in which Piedmont agreed to cede Nice and Savoy in exchange for French recognition of territory he had annexed. FTP-name this unifier of Italy under the House of Savoy and founder of the newspaper Il Risorgimento.
Answer: Count Camillo Benso di Cavour
14. Consisting of repeating units of the sugar glucosamine, it can be used as a flocculating agent for waste water, an ion-exchange resin, and as a binder for dyes and fabrics. Its most common manifestation, however, is resecreted by arthropods after the molting period. FTP identify this rigid substance which forms the protective exoskeletons of insects, crabs, and lobsters.
15. The title action occurs while the heroine is drinking her coffee. Modeled after the writing of Boileau it features sylphs and gnomes, as well as a journey to the Cave of Spleen, to recover what had been lost in real life through the actions of Lord Petre. FTP identify this poem in 5 cantos completed in 1714 in which Belinda’s hair is violated.
Answer:The Rape of the Lock
16. Known to the Romans as Libera, she was originally a fertility goddess from Crete. Said to have been found sleeping by Dionysus after being abandoned by her lover on Naxos, it was she who had provided him with the means to complete his legendary feat. FTP, indentify the daughter of King Minos who gave Theseus a magic sword and a ball of string to escape the Labyrinth after slaying the Minotaur.
Answer: Ariadne
17. The Mau Mau movement in Kenya had strong support from the proponents of this religious practice. Ranging from a simple drawing of blood to the more drastic Pharaonic variety, Egypt made it legal for doctors, but has since made even that a crime. FTP, name this procedure which varies from infibulation, the suturing of the pudendum, to its most common form in which the clitoris is excised.
Answer: Female Circumcision (also accept clitoridectomy and prompt on Infibulation before is mentioned)
18. Originally it did not explain magnetic fields that arise without electric current, this extension was done by Maxwell. It is only useful in situations with a great degree of symmetry, in other situations its more complicated counterpart, the Biot-Savart law is used. FTP, name this law that states the line integral of the magnetic field around a path is proportional to the current enclosed by that path.
Answer:Ampere’s Law
19. It is included in the same collection as “Death and the Child”and “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.” In the aftermath of the Commodore’s demise off the Florida coast, four men debate the wisdom of swimming for their lives. All but the oiler make it in, FTP, what 1898 Stephen Crane short story about a dinghy in the middle of the ocen.
Answer:The Open Boat
20. Venice acquired it from Catharine Cornaro, widow of James of Lusignan partly as a gift and partly through extortion. Captured by the Arabs during the reign of Othman, England officially annexed it on the day it declared war in World War I, though it had been occupied by her since 1878. FTP, identify this island set independent from Britain in 1960 that intensified the conflict between the Greek majority and the Turk minority.
21. According to one folktale, he escaped the wrath of King Manasseh by hiding inside a tree that opened miraculously to admit him, but he eventually perished when it was sawn asunder. In the year of the death of King Uzziah, he offered his services to God with the words "Here I am, send me!" He called upon the people of Jerusalem to return to the morals of their ancestors, that God might spare them from the Assyrians. For ten points, identify this Old Testament prophet whose book is traditionally placed before that of Jeremiah.
Answer: Isaiah
22. Recent research has suggested it represents the nonzero energy of empty space, therefore, it may help to explain the origin of the Universe. Originally proposed to obtain a meaningful solution to the Field Equations, it was designated by the letter lambda, but was discarded upon Hubble’s discovery of galactic recession, thus proving the Universe was expanding. FTP, identify this term, which Einstein later called his “greatest blunder.”
Answer:cosmological constant (prompt on “lambda”)
23. Posthumously published in 1821, minor characters in this drama include Field Marshall Doerfling and Count Truchhs. The title character has a dream that foretells of his marriage to the elector of Brandenburg’s niece, Natalie, but he almost ruins his chance when he gets too excited during the next day’s battle and charges prematurely. FTP identify this drama the most famous work of Heinrich von Kleist.
Answer:Prince Friedrich von Homburg
24. His first teaching position was at Clark University and his work with Indian tribes resulted in the International Journal of American Linguistics. In Race. Language, and Culture he promoted the idea that differences between societies were due to socio-historical factors rather than genetic ones, and in Primitive Art he analyzed ceremonial artifacts. FTP, name this German-born anthropologist, the author of “The Mind of Primitive Man.”
Answer: Franz Boas
25. It created the first-ever goose down insulated garment, as well as a redesigned shuttlecock that helped popularize badminton in North America. It also created the first unconditional guarantee in American retail history and the B-9 Flight Parka used by the U.S. Army Air Forces pilots during World War II. Opening their first store in downtown Seattle in 1920, it has been owned by Spiegel since 1988. For 10 points-name this clothier with goose logo.
Answer:Eddie Bauer
26. After withstanding a counter attack the soldiers shoot prisoners and hunt drunkenly among the corpses for souvenirs. Told primarily through flashbacks, personal conflict develops between the characters of Hearn and the General, while Private Valsen disagrees with Sgt. Croft’s brutal methods on Anopopei island. FTP identify this 1948 novel focusing on Genral Cummings’ division, a work by Norman Mailer.
Answer:The Naked and the Dead
1. Identify the following steroid hormones, FTPE:
10: The so called steroid nucleus is this structure of 17 carbon atoms arranged in four rings.
Answer: gonane
10: This is the isoprenoid hydrocarbon that serves as a starting material to make steroids.
Answer: squalene
10: This is the best known of the steroids, consisting of 27 carbons used to create cell membranes
Answer: cholesterol
2. Identify the following Salman Rushdie works from characters FTPE:
10: Ormus Cama; Vina Aspara
Answer: The Ground Beneath Her Feet
10: Gibreel Farishta; Saladin Chamcha
Answer: The Satanic Verses
10: Padma; Shiva; and Saleem Sinai
Answer: Midnight’s Children
3. Identify the following characters from Renaissance art outside of Italy FTPE:
10: This German painter’s works include The Ship of Fools and Temptation of St. Anthony. Answer: Hieronymus Bosch or Jerome van Aiken
10: Known as Pictor celerrimus he painted portraits of Duke Henry the Pious and Duchess Katharina von Mecklenburg during his time at the court of Wittenberg.
Answer:Lucas Cranach the Elder or Lucas Muller
10: This representative of the Danube Style created the famous Battle of Issus as well as the first landscape for its own sake Danube Landscape, Near Regensburg.
Answer:Albrecht Altdorfer
4. Answer the following questions about a group of economists FTPE:
10: This group of 18th century economists attacked mercantilist principles, because of their emphasis on the natural economic order which they believed was agrarian.
Answer: physiocrats
10: The most important of the physiocrats was this man whose most famous work was Tableau Economique.
Answer: Francois Quesnay
10: This physiocrat was the son of a famous revolutionary in “Theory of Taxation” he tried to further the claims on the primacy of agriculture.
Answer: Victor Riqueti Mirabeau
5. FTPE Answer these questions about rappers from NYC
10: He debuted on Notorious B.I.G.'s "Mo Money Problems" and his first album was entitled Harlem World.
10: On his latest album _S.D.E._ he lifts the hook from the Police's "Roxanne" for his "What Mean the World to You." Earlier hits "Horse and Carriage" which features his high school chum Ma$e.
10: One of Detroit Tigers outfielder Bobby Higginson's favorite rappers, he released his first album _Life Story!_ in 2000 which featured the hit single "Whoa!"
Answer:Black Rob
6. Answer the following about the building of the first U.S. transcontinental railway, for 10 points each:
10: The Union Pacific, the company that started in the east and built track west, had what midwestern city as its starting point?
10: What was the only city of any size at the time between Omaha and the route's western terminus in Sacramento?
Answer:Salt Lake City
10: What present-day interstate highway largely follows the course of that railroad between Omaha and Sacramento via Salt Lake?
Answer:Interstate 80
7. Identify the following about an Ernest Hemingway novel FTPE:
10: After joining a guerilla force in the mountains near Segovia, Robert Jordan is sent to destroy a strategic bridge in this 1940 work.
Answer:For Whom the Bell Tolls
10: This is the name of the woman who leads the guerillas along with her man Pablo.
10: This is the name of the rebel leader who is ambushed and killed by Falangist forces on a neighboring hill.
Answer:El Sordo
8. Identify the following tribes neatly wiped out by colonial forces in the Eastern US FTPE.
10: This tribe led by king Philip lost about 3,300 people was forced to flee to the north and west after the costly war of 1675-6. Wampanoag
10: This tribe lost all of its land in a short war after the murder of a Boston trader on Block Island sparked an expedition led by John Mason that captured their main fort at Mystic, Connecticut.
10: Though they had aided the colonists in the Tuscarora war of 1711, this tribe was defeated and driven into Spanish Florida by colonists in 1715.
9. 30-20-10 Name the scientist:
30: He showed that the perturbation of the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter were not cumulative or disruptive, rather periodic.
20: In Celestial Mechanics he offered a complete mathematical development and application of the law of gravitation and a complete mechanical interpretation of the solar system.
10: A mathematical operation named for him is defined as the integral with respect to t from zero to infinite of the product of a function and the exponential of the quantity negative t times a parameter.
Answer:Pierre-Simon Laplace