H.B. 04-1451

Established June 2010






The Lincoln county Services Review Team (L-SRT) as established through House Bill 1451 will review children and youth with complex needs who generally, but not always, fall into the following categories:

1-CentennialMentalHealthCenter: Clients who are in a Hospital Psychiatric setting for youth; a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF); a Therapeutic Residential Child Care Facility (TCCF); a Day Treatment program or instances in which a parent makes a request for residential care treatment for their child.

2-Probation: Youth who are assigned to Probation will be reviewed within the first 90 days of supervision.

3-Division of Youth Corrections: All youth will be reviewed prior to commitment to DYC.

4-Education: At risk children and youth with complex needs will be reviewed.

5-Lincoln County Department of Social Services: Children/Youth with complex needs who could benefit from the collaborative staffing process, including those who are in TRCCF and/or PRTF level of care. Children and youth who are in out-of-home care and are ready to transition back to the community can be reviewed prior to release from the current placement. Additionally, if a parent makes a request that their child be placed in congregate care, the parent must appear before L-SRT to formally make this request and state why they believe placement will be in the child’s best interests.

The L-SRT is established specifically to eliminate duplication and fragmentation of services offered to families who would benefit from an integrated multi-agency service plan. The resultant service plan is intended to blend community resources in a manner that is flexible and tailored to meet the unique needs of each family and increases the likelihood of a positive outcome.


Referral source will be responsible for the following:

  • Inviting parents, caretakers and service providers to the L-SRT meeting and notifying them of the date and time of the meeting.
  • Completing the L-SRT referral form at least one week prior to the L-SRT meeting. The referral form is to be faxed to Patricia Phillips at 719.743.2879 for inclusion on the monthly L-SRT calendar. Referral source will provide a packet for all L-SRT members (10 copies) that include the referral form, pertinent reports and/or other augmenting information. If possible, have family sign the release prior to the day of the meeting. If not possible, let the front desk know the family needs to sign the release.
  • Presenting a summary of client information in a clear, concise and strength-based manner.
  • Questions concerns and problems regarding scheduling can be directed to Patricia Phillips at .

L-SRT will meet on the third Wednesday of each month at East Central BOCES in Limon, CO. Meetings may be scheduled any time between 1:15 PM and 4:30 PM. Other times may be scheduled on that day as the schedule demands. A schedule with no client names will be sent out by email the Monday prior to the meeting. Prepare families that their scheduled time is approximate. Every effort will be made to be timely but occasionally team meetings take longer than scheduled. Changes to the schedule including cancellations should be made prior to 3:00 PM on the Friday before the scheduled meeting. The schedule is made to meet the needs of the Team and the families involved but final decisions regarding the schedule are at the discretion of Ms. Phillips. Time slots of 45 minutes each are scheduled throughout the day.


  • Team receives the information packets on the day of the L-SRT meeting. Time will be allowed prior to the first staffing for team members to review the material. We do not discuss the case until the family is present. Exceptions can occur where safety or confidentiality needs to be protected.
  • If the “Common Informed Consent to Release Form” has not been signed by the parents, it will be signed at this time. The original copy will be kept on file at CentennialMentalHealthCenter in the L-SRT binder in a secured office and a copy will be given to the parents.
  • During the meeting, agency staff, providers, and parents will participate in a respectful, focused discussion of the current family resources as well as service options available. The team and family will evaluate their potential usefulness in achieving the family goals.
  • Based upon the information reviewed, the L-SRT will make recommendations for treatment and/or services.
  • L-SRT will recommend a time frame of 30, 60 or90 days for a follow-up review of the case if needed.
  • L-SRT will complete the Service Plan Form and will keep it on file. A copy will be given to the family, to the referral source and to any provider who will be serving the family.
  • The L-SRT Service Plan will include basic client information, interventions previously tried and the current recommendations of the L-SRT after the first case review meeting.Subsequent team reviews will be summarized in a case addendum unless the circumstances require a new plan. The addendum will be kept on file and a copy will be given to the referral source.
  • Families will be given a “Feedback Form” and a stamped envelope at the end of the meeting.