In Red the Notes Form the Last Conference Call Revision : 29/03/2017

In Red the Notes Form the Last Conference Call Revision : 29/03/2017

Action List

Last Update: 30/03/2017


< New Actions in Green >

In Red the notes form the last Conference Call revision : 29/03/2017

ID / Priority / What / Notes / Who / When
1. / Investigate for the assignment of an OID root for the IPS project / Rob
2. / Order and Prioritize Actions / All, Giorgio
3. / Write an intermediate report of IPS activities (Marketing scope) / Kai; Catherine / Before Madrid
4. / HL7 and CEN should have mutual references in their deliverables. TS document will include direct reference of the HL7 IPS IG / All
5. / Provide feedback about the CEN HL7 agreement (Oslo statement) / Whyne
6. / Give access to the prEN and prTS documents to the HL7 community for comments / Giorgio send a reminder to Steve / Steve
7. / HL7 community commentthe prEN and prTS documents / All
8. / Set up a meeting with SDWG in Madrid / No news / Rob
9. / Explore the possibility of a meeting with eHDSI representatives in Madrid. Scope to be clarified / No news / Catherine / Christof
10. / Organize periodic reports for WGs (see below)
What / Who / When
Patient Care, send an email with the summary / Rob
Templates (covered) / done
Emergency Care, send an email with the summary. / Rob
Vocabulary (Rob) / Rob
Electronic Health Records (covered) / === / done
HL7 International Council, ask for a presentation in Thursday 10 minute: write to Melva. / Giorgio
Healthcare Standards Integration, send an email with the summary / Rob
/ All
11. / Organize a Meeting with Pharmacy (and RCRIM). To be defined the topic to be discussed. / Kai / Before Madrid
12. / Organize at least an additional Quarter (working session) / Might be the SDWG.
Giorgio : organize a doodle to identify a possible quarter. EHR may offer additional space Thursday. / All
13. / Organize a doodle to identify a possible quarter. / Giorgio
14. / Organize at telephone conference with EMA representatives about strategies about how to leverage IDMP in the IPS related projects. / No news / Christof
15. / Load the IG TOC / postponed / Kai / By Apr 1st
16. / Work on a more advanced structure to be included in the mediaWiki. / Kai, Giorgio
17. / Add as wiki users the people involved in the meeting in Paris plus Gary and Stephen Chu / Kai
18. / Refine the TOC and expand the content / Depends on previous tasks / All
19. / Assign editorial tasks / Depends on previous tasks / All
20. / Prepare the front pages / Giorgio
21. / Prepare a stylesheet for the pdf export / Kai
22. / Investigate with HL7 HQ the use of the HL7 Int. pub wiki / Kai / Madrid
23. / Create Examples of usage of known absent and unknown cases for the different sections / To be split in more specific tasks / All
24. / Contact SNOMED CT for asking about strategies on EDQM and substances (IDMP) / Rob
25. / Check the feasibility of taking advantage of the cooperation in Trillium II with SNOMED CT International about mapping and value set for the IPS / Catherine
26. / Discuss medical devices / To be added in the next WED agenda
27. / Section deep dive: Other sections
  • Functional Status (Autonomy/Invalidity)
  • Plan of care
  • Social History
  • Pregnancy (expected day of delivery)
  • Advance Directive

28. / Complete the discussion about
Human curated
Identification of the “type of Patient Summary”:
Single vs Multi Encounter;
Single vs Multi organization;
clinical act VS automatic collection VS mixed mode (see also provenance)
29. / Analyze the header
30. / Analyze the creation of a HL7 International extension for SNOMED CT / Rob
31. / Continue the evaluation of the optional Alert section. May have a reference to problem , allergy or stand on its own code or textual description. / All
32. / Update the Problem List section according to the agreed changes / Giorgio
33. / Prepare the list of Value Set based on SNOMED CT to be submitted to HTA for being included in the list of free value sets. / All
34. / Communicate the value set we’d like to use to HTA / Rob
35. / Change all the ACT IDs from 1..* to 0…* / Kai
36. / Share the presentation about immunization / Kai
37. / Update the immunization section according to the agreed decisions / Kai
38. / Update (some ?) CD, CE with the epSOS constraints / Giorgio ? Kai ?
39. / Remove all the constraints on II / Giorgio ? Kai ?
40. / Update the Result templates as agreed / François
41. / Update the Medications templates as agreed / Giorgio
42. / Start the discussion on the header / All
43. / Load a first header template on ART DECOR / TBD
44. / Include the discussion about the Care Plan section in the first call if April. / This section should beText only in this version, let’s check with Stephen on Monday
Talk with Stephen / Rob, All


ID / Priority / What / Notes / Who / When
46. / Set up a mediaWiki editorial environment / / Kai
47. / Update the list of concept in the IPS no info section wiki page (Known absent…) / François
48. / Ask to Stephen Chu the status of the problem status value set / Giorgio
49. / Create history of procedure section and include the agreed decisions / Added history of procedure and procedure entry / Giorgio
50. / Add example of usage of TS in the SBADM effective time / Done for the immunization section / Giorgio
51. / Update the Allergy section according to the agreed changes / Included almost all the changes / Giorgio