Public Opinion Research and

Strategic Communications Services


R.F.P. NO. 1718-35



R.F.P. NO. 1718-35



Request for Proposals for

Professional Public Opinion Research and Strategic Communication Services

The City of Norman, Oklahoma, is seeking proposals from qualified and capable firms to conduct public opinion research and develop strategic recommendations for outreach and a public engagement plan for the City’s upcoming ballot measure for funding of stormwater, protectingwater quality and addressing flooding issues in Norman, Oklahoma.

Any correspondence, questions or requests for copies of the Request for Proposal should be directed (in writing) to Claudia Deakins, Chief Communications Officer, City of Norman, P.O. Box 370, Norman, OK 73070, (405) 366-5446.

Proposals will be received in the office of the City Manager (Municipal Building C, 201 West Gray Street, P.O. Box 370, Norman, OK 73070) until 4:00 p.m. on December 22, 2017. Proposals received after this time will not be considered.

The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. The City is not liable for, and does not pay any costs incurred by responding firms relating to the preparation of proposals or the making of presentations.


The City of Norman, Oklahoma (herein referred to as “City”) is located in the central metropolitan area, approximately twenty miles south of Oklahoma City.

The City is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to conduct public opinion research and develop strategic recommendations for outreach and a public engagement plan in advance of a potential ballot initiative to establish funding mechanisms for stormwater, water quality protection, and flooding issues in Norman.

The City is seeking proposals from qualified firms or teams of firms with experience in conducting public opinion research, communicating with the public, and developing strategic recommendations for successful ballot measures forestablishing and/or raising revenue sources for capital and maintenance needs for stormwater and/or similar public works projects.

The City has identified high priority capital projects and maintenance programs and services that remain largely unfunded and that have a small or no future revenue source available.

The Scope of Work outlined below shall accomplish the purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP); to conduct public opinion research, evaluate the probability of voter approval of revenue raising ballot measure(s) and present date to provide guidance on strategies for placing the measure(s) on the ballot, as well as for public education and outreach.


Norman, Oklahoma is a community of approximately 122,000 located on the south edge of Oklahoma City’s metropolitan area. Norman, known as the City of Festivals, is home of the University of Oklahoma.

Norman’s City Charter (Article 16) requires any increase in utility rates must be submitted to the voters of the City for their approval or rejection.

On August 23, 2016, Norman voters rejected the City’s first proposal for a Stormwater Utility Fee system by a margin of 70-30 percent.

Based on feedback from the voters following the election, the City conducted educational workshops and panel discussions to provide additional information for the community to address a lack of understanding about what stormwater is, and why funding is needed for stormwater activities.

A 16-member Stormwater Citizen Committee was appointed and began meeting in May 2017, with the goal of recommending to the City Council stormwater funding options for Norman. The committee is made up of residents representing all eight City Wards and includes a variety of interests from environmental, industry, large and small business, homeowner associations, and rural Norman. The committee has met twice monthly since May and is close to finalizing their recommendation for new stormwater revenue source(s) proposal to the City Council.

After the recommendation is made to the City Council, it is anticipated that the City Council will place another initiative on the ballot for voter consideration as early spring/summer 2018.

While the committee is working toward their goals, they have recommended to the City Council the consideration of a contract with a consultant for outreach and public engagement as well as research (through public opinion polling and/or surveys) to ensure that, prior to the expense of an election, the City is bringing forth a proposal in the proper timing for support, and communicating it in messages that resonate with residents.

The City is now seeking proposals from qualified consultants to conduct research and develop strategic recommendations for outreach and a public engagement plan in advance of a potential ballot initiative to establish funding mechanisms for stormwater, protection of water quality, and flooding issues in Norman.


The City of Norman isnow requesting consulting services to: conduct research and develop strategic recommendations for outreach, as well as a public engagement plan to include vetted key messages for the specific targeted audiences through the following elements:

  • Conducting research
  • Including recommendations for the possible incorporation of a planned and budgeted Citizen Satisfaction Survey(for overall city services)
  • Developing strategic recommendations for outreach, including
  • Key messages for specific target audiences such urban and rural residents, large and small businesses, and Homeowner/Property Owner Associations
  • Recommendations for messaging and tools for the public information campaign in advance of an election
  • Providing training and guidance for City staff, City Council members, Citizen Committee members and others on communicating the key messages for the specific target audiences
  • Providing recommendations for the timing of an election
  • Providing recommendations on pairing or separating elections to establish a stormwater utility with utility rates and fees; and an election for general obligation bonds for stormwater capital project needs


Scope of Work

The Scope of Work will encompass working with City staff, attending various public meetings, conducting statistically valid surveys/opinion polls, measuring survey results, assessing data and developing strategic communication recommendations for outreach (increasing citizen awareness of the identified need and facts surrounding the measure),and public engagement including messaging for key target audiences, and preparing a final report.

The draft report with an executive summary shall be issued to the City Manager and other staff as determined by the City Manager for final review and/or revisions. The document shall include the summary of findings and recommendations as identified in the Scope of Services.

A final report shall be issued following staff comments on the draft. In addition, City staff may require at least one presentation to the City Manager and/or City Council, Stormwater Citizen Committee or other City representatives. Additional presentations may be requested at a cost defined in the final contract documents.

Projects goals are:

  • Developa Strategic Communication Plan with key messages that resonate with the Norman community. Messages should be vetted through research (surveys/opinion polls).
  • Research to determine the success of the initiative to know that it is agreeable to the community.
  • Research to uncover any details that, if not addressed, could result in a lack of community support for the initiative.

Submittal Format

All submittals shall be from a Consultant or team of Consultants that has:

  • A demonstrated experience in producing and conducting statistically reliable polling surveys for municipal sales tax revenue and/or general obligation bond(capital improvements) ballot measures.
  • Experience providing strategic guidance and recommendations to municipalities or other governmental agencies in developing successful ballot measures.

Proposed RFP Selection Schedule

The anticipated schedule for selection is as follows:

Release of the RFP
Proposal Submission / November 30, 2017
December 22, 2017
Award of Contract / January 23, 2018


Questions should be directed to Claudia Deakins, Chief Communications Officer, City Manager’s Office, at . All inquiries are requested to be submitted via email.


A. General Requirements

Proposals will be accepted in the office of the City Manager until 4:00 p.m. December 30, 2017. The office is located at 201 West Gray Street, P.O. Box 370, Norman, OK 73070.

Proposals must be signed by a duly authorized official of the proposer. A minimum of six(6)copies of the proposal must be submitted. No reimbursement will be made for any cost incurred in preparing the proposal or any cost prior to a formal notice of award. All proposals must state their validity for a period of not less than 60 days from date of receipt.

B. Notice to Bidders/RFP Recipients

When submitting bids or responses to RFPs, corporate entities are required to comply with State law regarding authorized signatures.

C. Prohibited Interest

No member, officer, employee of the City of Norman, or member of its governing body during his or her tenure, or one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any resultant contract or the proceeds thereof.

D. Equal Employment Opportunities

In connection with this proposal, the consultant shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status and/or disability.

The consultant shall furnish all necessary information and reports and shall permit access to its books, records and accounts by the City of Norman for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with the non-discrimination/minority business provision of any resultant contract.

E. Insurance Requirements

The consultant of this project must obtain the following insurance:

  • Professional Liability (errors and omissions) Insurance Certificate providing a minimum of $500,000 policy value.
  • Adequate worker's compensation insurance coverage to comply with state laws and employer's liability coverage in the minimum amount of $125,000.
  • Comprehensive general liability insurance coverage with a minimum of $125,000 per person and $300,000 per accident for bodily injury or death and $125,000 for property damage.
  • Comprehensive automobile liability insurance coverage with a minimum of $50,000 per person and $300,000 per accident for bodily injury or death and $100,000 for property damage.


A. Right to Reject

The City of Norman retains the right to reject any or all proposals and to re-solicit if deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Norman.

B. RFP Review Process

The City of Norman will review responses to this RFP that meet the requirements enumerated and are received prior to the designated closing date. Firms without adequate insurance, in minimum amounts set forth herein, to protect the City's interest will not be considered and will not be evaluated. Upon review of all qualified proposers, the selection committee will rank all those who qualified. The highest ranked proposer(s), if determined necessary, will be asked to make an oral presentation for further evaluation. The highest ranked proposer will then be recommended by the selection committee.

Total cost will be taken into consideration, but the consultant’s capabilities, competence, and capacity will be considered as well. The City reserves the right to choose the overall best consultant according to the City’s criteria. The City, and its designated representatives shall be the sole judge of its own best interest, the proposal and the resulting negotiated agreement. The City’s decisions will be final.

The above factors, along with other factors that the City may deem appropriate, will be used to identify the proposal that represents the best value, which will be the basis for the contact award.

C. Keynotes

A heavily weighted evaluation criteria will be the expertise of the firm and individuals proposed to be assigned to the job. Illustrative and narrative material describing previous work of the proposer is recommended. At the proposer's request, any extra material, if available, will be returned at the completion of the review process, at their expense.

D. Content of Proposal

At a minimum the proposal should contain the following elements:

  • Submittal Cover – Include the Request for Proposal title and submittal due date, the name, address, and the telephone number of the principal firm and contact.
  • Table of Contents – Include a complete and clear listing of headings and pages to allow easy reference to key information.
  • Transmittal Letter – The letter must convey a basic understanding of the prospective project and its key objectives and an overview of the Project Team. The letter must state why the candidate is interested in pursuing the project, how the projects relates to the work the candidate has successfully performed, consultant philosophy as it pertains to working with cities to for revenue raising ballot measures and public opinion polls, and why the candidate should be selected. The letter should be signed by both the principal contact for potential award, and the letter’s signatory must be the person authorized to bind the firm to any subsequent contact with the City.
  • Team Qualifications and Experience – Provide a clear description of the principal firm’s Project Manager and the proposed team with names, resumes, project responsibilities and proposed staffing numbers. Provide a list of all successful ballot measures that have been performed. Experience listed should be from the last three to five years with projects relevant to the Scope of Work in this project. Each listed experience shall have a Project Manager listed as a reference with name(s) and current telephone number(s). The listed experience should distinguish between the experience and projects of the firm and the individuals.

Provide three examples of the most recently completed public polling surveys, reports, and education campaign/materials from other cities (or governmental agencies) with contact information for public agency references.

Firms and personnel listed in this section will be considered committed to the Project. Commitment letters shall be included form all partnering firms.

  • Work Plan and Schedule – Consultants shall provide a work plan identifying the major tasks and subtasks anticipated by the Consultant associated with the completion of the guidance package.
  • Schedule of Fees – Submit a Schedule of Fees, including fees of any partnering firms and a not-to-exceed amount, in a separately sealed envelope included in the submittal package. Provide the hourly rates of individuals or firm’s staff as well. The schedule of fees shall include a task list with a breakdown of the anticipated fee per task.
  • Response time – The proposal shall include a description of the individual or firm’s resources that allow for a timely delivery of services.

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