ICSMSU 3rd Meeting 2014-2015

03/09/2014 – 18:00

Reynolds Building CX


  1. 1.
1.2 / Introduction
Dina Saleh
Chippy Compton
Steve Tran
Med Harris
Mala Mawkin
Obi Abani
Dan Price
Anna Hurley
Jen Watson
Cyin San
Salma Haddad
  1. 2
/ Minutes of the last meeting:
Action Point:DepPres to email out doodle for all officers to state preference of hoodies or varsity jackets. (Bear in mind, DP will have overriding choice to consider costs)DONE
Action Point:Dariush will check with Chippy about cost but otherwise all officers present are happy to go ahead with GoT video. DONE
Action point: Dina to send out emails to clubs and socs end of July. DONE
Action point –Dariush to find out more about the ICU policy regarding buckets for sports nights and see what can be done. DONE
Action point – Dina to sort out the Facebook group with Callum. DONE
Action point –Callum/Socials/Jen to contact Drink Aware and find out more about this (pint glasses/welfarelecture during freshers’). DONE
Action point – Chippyto discuss potential ideas regarding funding for clubs and socs. withMed.DONE
Action point –Kanch/Dariush to see what can be done with regards to lighting and speakers for Reynolds in time for Freshers or middle of first term at the latest. Dariush Awaiting Response From IC Dramatics.
Action point – Jen/Socials to liaise regarding best Mums & Dads prize over Summer. Gugs to contact Jen about this.
Action Point:Salma to liaise with CMF to ask if volunteers can stay until end of sports night. TO BE CHASED UP – Check whether Salma has done this.
Action Point:Clubs&Socs Officer to inform C&S of e-leaflets and issue deadline to receive all e-leaflets. Med to liaise with Dan regarding this. TO BE CHASED UP.
Action point – Anna to get Lena involved with regards to survey. Done survey, waiting on Lena’s response. Chase up with Anna to see what’s happened since.
3.7 / Matters arising:
Freshers’ Fortnight
  • Ents team have had a meeting and generally, most things have been sorted out for Freshers’ Fortnight.
  • A concern is how to encourage non drinkers to also come to ICSM Freshers’ and to ensure no segregation due to different events being organised which clash with ICSM Freshers’.
Action point–Callum to email clubs regarding events that clash. The idea is that clubs should post on their own FB groups to advertise their own events rather than through the official ICSM Freshers’ FB group.
  • Thoughts that the Game of Hormones themes should be implemented throughout Freshers’ Fortnight. A potential example of where this can occur is Sports Day – a list of rules can be made?
Action point – Ents team to liaise with Med for ideas on implementing the theme during Sports Day.
  • Video – needs to be filmed. This should be completed in two weeks time to allow ICSMSU Exec to give feedback so that final touches can be added.
Action point–Chippyto put up purchase order regarding video.
  • A provisional rota has been created and sent to each member. If any member has an issue with one of the dates, they should email Mala to let her know so she can find a solution.
  • The rota will be taken into account when Dina makes the stewarding rota for next term sports nights once it has been established what is officially ‘stewarding’ duty (sober nights etc.)
Action point – Mala to make the information on the rota clear regarding door duty/sober nights (highlight in red)/which events are stewarding rather than voluntary etc. Mala to email ICSMSU Exec specifically before each event with more precise instructions.
Careers Network
  • The motion put forward by Steve for the Careers Network was passed by ICSMSU Exec.
ICSM Website
  • Buy/Sell section – idea is for things to go through Dan and Dariush (to ensure validity and appropriateness of what is being advertised). Ideas for names for what this should be called (e.g. ICSM Bay/Phoenix Bay) should be sent to Dariush.
MedSoc Conference
  • The conference this year will be held in Liverpool. However, the issue is that the conference falls on the same day as the Alumni Day at Teddington (18th October), which is likely to be the last event held at Teddington. Although, SU is needed at both events, it is felt that the presence at Teddington is of utmost importance. The plan is that hopefully at least 2-3 members will be able to attend the conference.
Action point – Dariush to send email to ICSMSU Exec to see who is keen to go to the conference. Usama?
Open Day
  • Open Day on 20th September.
  • Need 1 person to give a talk about the SU to the biomeds.
Action point – Dariush to email Chippy about Open Day and find someone to talk to biomeds.
RAG Alumni Bop
  • Committee has been emailed and told about this
Action point – Obi to email Helen about the RAG Alumni Bop and to find out whether the Bop can be opened up for elder years in the med school etc.
Action point – Obi/Dariush to doublecheck about late licencing for RAG Alumni Bop.
4 / Officers’ reports
4.1 / President
Exam results issue:
  • Many issues with FEO releasing results throughout MBBS and BMS throughout various years including:
  • BMS being told they failed but actually got Distinctions, BMS told their results would be given Friday 5pm but getting it the following Monday, 1st Year PBL exams: a small number of students being brought down from getting a Merit/Distinction and 5th year emailed results not initially correlating with e-service results.
  • 1st year MBBS and Biomed, who have been affected, have been contacted by Faculty and SU
  • Seems to be an issue with human error and technical administration
  • In constant talks with Faculty and meeting them next Friday to get final answer
  • Finally met up with Chief Operations Officer of Imperial, Simon Harding-Roots, last week
  • Got the answers to the questions we have been asking Sport Imperial for two months
  • ICU is writing information up to be published to the whole of Imperial. I will then write a follow up email/blog/letter specifically to ICSM
  • Initially we were told we could not use Teddington at all from September
  • Imperial have agreed for us to use it for ICSMSU Sports Day/UH 7s and an Alumni Day (paid for by Imperial). This will also be on the same day as MedSoc in Liverpool. We shall discuss if we go to MedSoc.
Action Point – All officers to send potential ideas toDariush for Alumni Day on 18th October.
  • This is the last year we are getting funding from ICHT.
  • Currently going through ICSM finances (past and present) thoroughly
  • Writing a financial document with Alex
  • Should have a copy for everyone by Freshers’
Action Point – Dariush/Chippy to discuss the financial document. Each event will have a target and profit with the plan to break even. Dariush to talk to Steve to gage what it was like last year.
Reynolds Building Upgrade
  • Reynolds needs to look more like a med-school and show our history, traditions and achievements
  • Made a provisional plan and spoken to Prof McGregor. She is very keen and is getting permission from the right people. Also locating us funding.
  • Get all the boards, signs and trophies up. Ideas of having digital photo-frames
  • Hopefully will be complete by end of 1st term
Sites & Services
  • The SU common room is nice and clean (ish)
  • Carpet was washed.
  • Had to put all the clubs and socs stuff in Meds office
  • Will be emailing them to move their stuff so room is kept clean
Action Point – Dariush to enquire on ideas (thought up by Med following the example of Bristol Uni) for Inspirational Afternoon. Permission needed from faculty.
Action Point – Dariushto send email regarding the many, many flies in the Reynolds.
4.2 / Deputy President (apologies)
  • SU clothing
-Ordered with Banana Moon
-Navy/white varsity jackets & red polo tops.
-Haggled 10% discount so cheaper than last year! (It's the brown in me)
  • ICSM Shop
-Scrubs with Cromptons
-Red and Blue Phoenix hoodies with Banana Moon, also 10% off
-Enquired about reorder of mugs (17 in stock) from Brunel Promotions but min order was 75, will see how they sell during freshers and reorder if necessary
  • Handover
-Met with Syb to have face to face handover (previously, by text)
  • Holiday
-Will be abroad from 31st August til 29th September (Beijing, 'Nam & the Philippines #bejealous)
-Internet unreliable so please contact Dariush if you have any queries
Action Point – Kanch/Anjuto provide pictures of the merchandise as previously seen on the website/freshers’ packs. If not, someone needs to model it…
4.3 / Treasurer
  • Have (almost) mastered the wilderness that is eActivities!
  • Dariush and I have gone over general SU finances. Hopefully with more accurate records we can provide a better guideline for future years. If anyone has any major definite or variable outgoings that come up every year and might affect SU finances, please let me know.
  • In the process of getting all payments through for freshers. Liasing with Callum and ICU in regards to this.
  • Putting through the orders for SU stash and stock merch. Will be here before freshers assuming payments go through on time.
  • Finalising merch bundles for freshers. Aim to have them up by end of the week.
  • Finance department are being super slow. If anyone has any expenditure please put it in early as payment is taking a while. Possibly might complain as we are now overdue (or coming up to overdue) on several payments put in weeks ago.
  • Will keep all relevant parties in the loop with regards to POs etc but please drop me a reminder if I'm slow to get back to you.
  • If anyone is good at disassembling/reassembling beds and IKEA furniture and is around 7th/8th September I will repay in brownies.
Action Point – Chippy to ensure summer ball/affirmation photos are made available online.
Action Point – All officers need to do the SU Key Information Quiz if they have not yet done it.
4.4 / Secretary
  • Emailed all clubs and socs (need to send via updated list though) – this was due 20th August. Sent out second email to
    remind everyone.Will send out the final email this week.
  • Need to discuss mailing lists with socials
  • Working with Dan to make sure things are put online on the website/calendar
  • Compiling things for the first newsletter and putting it into template – to be sent out sometime in September (previously
    have forwarded things on to either Dariush for summer newsletter or to be publicized online)
  • Opinions on current newsletter – whether format should be changed etc/any thoughts on what to change/keep the same?
Action Point – Dina to send Sophie dates for Reynolds Calendar (including bops information).
Action Point – Dina to finalise clubs and socs information for online calendar/liaise with Dan/Usama/Salma regarding the
different calendars on the website (social/academic).Dan to find a way if possible to sync calendar to smart phones.
Action Point – Dina to send out an email to all clubs and socs regarding rules for newsletter.
Action Point –Dina to ensure completed mailing lists for individual years – Dariush to send Dina the list of email addresses for
Years 1-4.
4.5 / Communications (apologies)
  • Updated Fresher’s handbook
  • Your wonderful faces are all online
  • Now have FTP access to the website
  • Wordpress is now up to date. Plugins are getting there. Slight hiccup because a lot of them are paid so currently working out which ones we can live without and which ones we’re licensed to update
  • Ditched the old theme because it was a paid upgrade and I’d rather do it myself anyway. Recoded the layout myself so can now change any aspect of the design. Trying to make it future proof so we don’t keep having to change everything every couple of years.
  • As it turns out 1/3 of web traffic is from iOS or android so new layout (almost) works on mobile devices.
  • Working on editing guide for other officers and next Comms officer
  • Gradually updating old pages and purging anything that wasn’t updated at all last year
  • Looking at solutions for classified ad style section
  • Lots of other things I can’t remember but have probably done
Action Point – Dan to continue his excellent work of updating the website e.g. under the Student Union section (Officers, Elections)
Action Point – Dan to include SU photos and emails etc. under the SU bit of the website in addition to the Contact Us part.
4.6 / Welfare Officer (apologies)
  • Mums & Dads sign up is live and filling up. Closing date for this is Monday 15th August then pairing up begins
  • Have been in touch with ICHC re condoms for Reynolds but still awaiting reply
  • Have personally emailed all 1st years adversely affected by the PBL marking error after discussion with Prof. Morrell.
  • Most have accepted the error now that the overall effect of the mark on their medical school career has been explained to them.
  • Will be in touch with Mike Emerson about Freshers’ welfare talk.
Action Point – Jen to get whatsapp. Important form of communication especially with Freshers’ coming up. Klum will pay for this if necessary…
4.7 / Clubs and Societies
  • Teddington:
Two dates
1st Sports day Sevens UH - minibuses booked. Team leaders emailing in. Clubs sending requests for stands. Times need confirming with rugby. After sevens and sports day fun? Should this include freshers?
-It was decided that there was no need for an event after Sports Day – most freshers’ want to go home and shower etc and now the rugby match will be a good finale.
-People driving minibuses (around five) will be given free entry to beach bop.
-SU members there that day will need to help with both UH and Sports day. Ideally have more SU to help. Thoughts on this?
-2nd day - celebration and alumni matches.
-Ents team and RAG. Possibly a Seperate meeting for this. Dariush has more details but you guys can put a bill to IC (hopefully)
  • Multi sports tour - Cardiff haven't replied. The best I can hope for is the rugby club having a friendly that turns into a social. And enquire at that point if there are any other sports that want in.
  • Clubs and Socs meeting organised for week before term.
  • Photos of clubs. Banners need putting on hopefully by comms. Then get printed.
  • Arts dinner. Ents team. Any suggestions for deals you have or possible places?
  • SU website updating.
Action Point –Med/Callum/Obi to discuss Alumni Day. Potentially a good idea to raise money for RAG?
Action Point –Med to chase up Cardiff Uni to see if the multi sports tour idea can g forwards.
Action Point – Med to liasie with Gugs to organise Arts Dinner.
Action Point –Med to liaise with Dan regarding Clubs and Socs photos (banner).
4.8 / Sites and Services (apologies)
  • I'm in Honduras and will not be able to attend the meeting.
  • I don't have anything to report since the last time
  • The drinks machine has been ordered.
  • I haven't really had the chance to do much over the holiday

4.9 / Academic Officer (Early Years)
  • Met with Jo Williams and Mary Morrell and discussed a new format for the Early Years SSLG
  • Prof wanted to meet a week or so before the actual SSLG to talk through main points with the reps so that the meeting wasn’t mainly wasting time with a list of grumbles and moans
  • She also wants me to make a spreadsheet with a list of these minor grumbles to see if they’ve been acted on in the past, hopefully I’ll have this done by the beginning of term
  • There’s also a new curriculum meeting that Dariush, Salma and I attended a while back, which I (or they) can update the SU on if relevant
  • I’ve been answering emails about course questions from new grads and undergrads
  • I need to still put a welcome message on the Facebook page, but will do that a.s.a.p. (might have this done by the time the meeting is done)
  • Salma and I have sent an email out regarding a meeting with the academic society heads
  • Dariush, am I still doing a talk to welcome freshers when they arrive? If so I need to get on that too
Action Point –Usamato look out for notes/ask on FB groups/potentially email and see if any are worth putting up on Notebank. Get feedback from others in the year. This could be delegated to year reps?
Action Point –Usamato put a welcome message on FB page.
Action Point –Usamato get Steve involved with academic society heads meeting on 8thOct. Purpose of meeting includes scheduling for calendar to ensure no clashing and to allow potentially combining similar events.