Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation

National Council of College Leaders

Application and Recommendation Form

The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America’s (CCFA) National Council of College Leaders currently made up of twenty college students from across the country who have been directly or indirectly touched by the effects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

We are a council of action empowered by youth. We are dedicated to improving the lives of youth affected by Inflammatory Bowel disease through youth-based fundraising, awareness and advocacy efforts.

Some of the NCCL projects include:

·  Created and maintaining Campus Connection, a new website dedicated to college students with IBD

·  Outreach programs specifically for college students

·  Execution of social media campaigns

·  Development of IBD Day on the Hill education programs and participation in legislative visits in support of awareness and funding for IBD research

·  Rolling out a college specific endurance training and fundraising program

Please print or type in the following information. This form, along with your essay, resume/ extracurricular form, and recommendation must be sent together. The application deadline is September 2nd. Please send via email to .

First Name: Last Name:


City: State: Zip:

Cell phone: Alternative Phone:

Best Time to Contact:


CCFA Chapter Affiliation:

How active are you with your local chapter? Please circle your answer.

Involved on a regular basis Attended one or two events New to CCFA

University Name:

Year (circle one): Freshman Sophomore

Expected Graduation Year:

Please check to make sure your application is complete!

Information Form (this page)

Extracurricular Form


Recommendation Form

National Council of College Leaders

Extracurricular Form

Please describe all the activities that you have been involved in for the last four years. Please include dates if possible. Feel free to include your hobbies and major- this can be in the form of a resume if you wish.

Organizations (including leadership positions held):


Awards, Honors, Achievements:

Volunteer work/ Community Service:

Leadership Experience:

Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation

National Council of College Leaders

Recommendation Form

Applicant: Please give this to a professor or personal reference (not a relative) to provide a written recommendation. Use this form as a guideline for a separate letter to be written and included with the rest of the National Council of College Leaders application.


Within the letter, please make sure to include the following:

-  Name of Recommended applicant

-  Name of the Recommender

-  Phone number and/or email address of the Recommender

-  The Recommender’s relationship to the Applicant

-  How long the Recommender has known the Applicant

-  A signature of the Recommender

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation’s National Council of College Leaders works to increase awareness of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis through youth-focused advocacy and fundraising. We are seeking individuals with demonstrated leadership skills, who are involved in their community, have a strong academic record and work well in a team environment.

Please describe in detail why you are recommending this individual for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation’s National Council. What are the applicant’s most significant accomplishments and strengths? Why should they be considered to join the council?

Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation

National Council of College Leaders


Please respond to the following essay questions in 250-500 words each. Please type this portion, and attach it to the rest of your application. DEADLINE: September 2nd.

Essay 1: Please discuss a past personal experience with IBD and explain how you can use this experience to benefit the Crohn’s and colitis community.
Essay 2: In what ways can you see the NCCL helping youth with IBD? Is there a specific project or idea that you have that could help improve the lives of youth with IBD? Or, what kind of void do you think there is in an area of education, awareness or support for youth with IBD? Please be as specific as possible.