Human Sexuality

Psyc/Soc230 Spring 2013

Dr. Robert J. Atkins, Ph.D.

Phone: (206) 934-7011

Office hours: 9:30 – 10:00 and 11:00 – 11:30 M,W,F and online 8:00 – 9:00 T, Th

Office: Rm. IB2327A

E-mail = Please send email for this class through the instructor’s campus email. I do not check the Canvas course website email.

Subject: Include the item # and class you are in (E.g.#9600 Sociology101.D1)

Class website:

Login material (Write your items in the space below)

User name: ______

Your entire student ID number

Password: ______

The first six (6) letters of your last name. Start repeating your last name if less than six letters – e.g. Smiths or Liuliu)

MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality):

Registration =

MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality)course ID: atkins56215

MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality): Log In =

MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) Technical support = 800-677-6337

eLearning student support:

Course summary: This course consists of reading the text, listening to recorded class presentations (supplemented by Power Points, Study Guides, and Chapter diagrams), and responding to short instructional videos. The Course Calendar in the back of this syllabus gives you a schedule for the quarter.

Grading: Your class grade is based on the four non-cumulative multiple-choice midterms (50 points each), and MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) (100 points).

My Grades:

Exam #1 _____, Exam #2 _____, Exam #3 _____, Exam #4 _____,

MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) = % of 100 total points=______Total = ______

(Finding this total on the Grading Scale in this syllabus will give you your final grade).

Note: Often people have had traumatic experiences or have strong feelings on certain topics. If you feel any of the topics in the text or class will be emotionally damaging to you, or difficult to learn about or discuss, or would create a “hostile environment” for you - do not take this course.


This course will help you develop attitudes that encourage you to:

*Demonstrate a willingness to learn from many cultures, persons, methods, and viewpoints.

This course will give you the knowledge to:

* Understand the nature of the individual, of human values and of the relationship between the self and the community.

Essential learning outcomes:

Lifelong learning and personal well-being

Materials for the course:

Required website authorization code

MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) Entry code: May be purchased from the NSCC bookstore or Pearson Publishers at:

MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) Course ID is on the cover sheet of this syllabus.

Recommended Text:

Our Sexuality by Crooks & Baur, 12th. Ed. ISBN# = 9781133943419

Using older editions: You may use any edition you wish, however, there may be some changes from one edition to another.

To purchase the text and entry code from the NSCC Bookstore, go to:

NSCC Home Page

> Services > Bookstore > Textbooks > Step one “Find your course” > Add course > Step two “Review your courses” > View textbook list >

Computer (PC or Mac) with good internet connection, internet browser, ability to view power Point and PDF files.

MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) (Required)

MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) is a website that provides the videos to view and take a short multiple choice quiz based on the material. This will add interest to the class, and enable you to be exposed to material we do not have time to cover in class. It will also give you one hundred points in the class (one third of the total points). These are designed so you can view the activity, take the quiz, view the video again, and change your quiz answers as needed before submitting your answers. Therefore, you should get 100% on this portion of the course.

The activities are seen on the right side of the Course Calendar at the back of this syllabus. All the activities are available from the first day of class, and will turn off on the date indicated in the MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) calendar. If you have not completed the quiz by that time, you will receive a zero for that activity, which cannot be made up – please believe me. Please complete these activities on or before the scheduled date in the Course Calendar. If there is ever a conflict between the course calendar in the syllabus, and the MyDevelopmentLab website, the website will prevail.

To register for MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality)

You must use Internet Explorer (PC) or Safari (Mac) browser,

Firefox is not supported

The steps below are also presented in a video with screen shots under “**Start Here” in your course website

1. Go to:

2. Under “Register” select student

3. Check “Yes, I have a Course ID

4. Enter Course ID: (Find course ID on the first page of this syllabus)

5. Select, “Create a Pearson Account” – Create

6. Complete the account information, check “I accept the license agreement”

7. Click “Create Account”

8. If you purchased an access code from the NSCC bookstore, under “Use an Access Code” click “Access code”. If you have not purchased an access code from the NSCCbookstore, you may purchase one directly from the publisher as shown on the first page of this syllabus. Do not purchase the code with the e-book, just purchase the website.

9. Enter your access code and click “Finish”.

10. Click “Go to your course” (I suggest printing this page with the account information and order details)

11. You should now see the title of your course, which is the entry point for all the MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) materials.

Overview of MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality)

1. Click on the name of your course, “Human Sexuality”

2. Before you do anything else:

Click on “Tune up your browser” and follow the directions

This will solve 90% of the technical problems you will have later if you do not do this

Click on “Set your time zone”, follow the directions and click “Save”

3. On the left hand side you will find the following items:

Assignment Calendar:

Click the title, and then click “Enter”

This will give you the due dates for each of the MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) assignments.

To change months, click on the right or left facing triangle on either side of the month.

Clicking on the clock icon in each date will give you the activities that will turn off at 11:59 on that date. This is the date also listed in the Course Calendar at the back of your syllabus. You may complete that activity on or before that date, but not after that date. If not completed by that date, you will have a zero for that activity.

Student Grades

Click on “Student Grades”, > “Enter”> “Custom View” (in the navigation bar at the top) to see your grades.

4. MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) video assignments with quizzes:

I suggest watching the video through once; then take the quiz. You may watch the video again as often as you want while taking the quiz.

You may change your answers as often as you wish before submitting the quiz.

Scoring for MyDevelopmentLab (Human Sexuality) quizzes

The percentage correct on the video quizzes equals the points received (out of 100) on this portion of the course. For example, if you average a score of 85% on all the MyPsychLab video quizzes you have 85 points on this part of the course.

My expectation is that all students will get 100% correct on all the quizzes.


General description:

The four mid-term exams (50 points each) are not cumulative and cover only the chapters for that exam. The exams are all multiple-choice, and will test your knowledge of concepts, terms, and findings. You will also be asked to apply some of the fundamental concepts to new situations.

You need to take the exams at least on or before the date indicated in the Course Calendar. If you wait until after that date, and the exam is not available, you need to take a make-up exam. These make-up exams are designated with a “B”, and are available throughout the quarter, until the last day indicated on the Course Calendar.

All exams are closed on the last day of the quarter as indicated on the Course Calendar in this syllabus. I suggest completing all exams prior to the last day of the quarter in case your internet or computer crashes. This gives you some time to solve any problems. The exams will not be extended. If you have not completed an exam by the last day, you will receive a zero for that exam – believe me.

Other exam concerns:

1. Take the exams on a stable internet connection. If your internet crashes, try repeatedly to restart the connection during the 50 minutes you have to take the exam. The test will return at the same place you left off, however, the timer will keep going.

2. Once you start an exam you must complete the 50 questions in 50 minutes. You cannot pause an exam to look up the answer and come back to it later.

3. The exam labeled, “Practice Exam (Not graded)” is the only practice exam. All others are real exams. This is to familiarize you with the test taking system. You may take this exam unlimited times. The real exams can only be taken once. You are not expected to know the answers to this practice exam, and it is not graded. This is just a trial run to be sure you know how to take an exam.

4. You may use any notes, study guides, text, or other materials provided in the class during the exams. You may not use any other source of help.

5. To reduce cheating, you can only see one question at a time. You cannot go back to previous questions. If you simply looked at the questions without answering them, you will receive a zero on that exam. Do not look at all the questions, then tell me your computer crashed and ask me to reset the exam. I can see everything you do when you open an exam, and if this is what you did, it will not be reset. Also, you may only take each exam once.

6. I suggest you make notes on topics you are unsure about during the exam if you wish to restudy those items. To protect the exam, I will not email you the questions you missed. With online digital questions it is easy to copy the exam questions and send them to other students, friends, relatives or archive them for future reference. You may come in during office hours to see (but not copy) missed questions.

7. If an answer option is “All the above” and it is in position “B” for example, it means all the other answers. This option may occur in other than the last (“D” or “E”) position because the questions and answers are scrambled for each student.

8. Scoring exams: The score you receive will be the grade indicated by the computer. I feel this is the fairest for the largest number of students. While I am glad to discuss the exam with you, it will not change your score. Any changes in question wording, etc. will be considered for next quarter, but will not be used to change scores this quarter.

My hope is that having the exams and study materials available at the start of the quarter will let you progress at your individual pace and make it more convenient for family and work schedules, thereby making the class more enjoyable for you.

How to do well on the exams:

The exams come from the text and many additional items to help you understand the material. Use the Course Calendar at the end of this syllabus to keep yourself on track so you will have covered the material and understand it before you take the exam. To understand each topic, read the text, listen to the class presentation, take notes, review the chapter diagrams, and complete the study guides.

Avoid procrastination:

Do not wait until the last possible day to take the exams. Emails like, “I forgot what the last day was”, or ”I tried to take the exams, and my computer (or internet) had problems”, or, “My electricity turned off”, or “I tried to open the last exam, and it was not there (emailed after the last day)”, now it is past the last day and the class is over, how do I make it up? The answer is, you don’t. Any regular or make-up exams not completed before the exams turn off on the last day of the class have a score of zero – believe me. As discussed below, if you miss the last day to take a midterm exam during the quarter, you may take the harder make-up exam before the class ends. Therefore, I recommend at least following the suggested course calendar at the back of the syllabus to avoid this procrastination. Please complete all exams before the very last possible day.

Taking the exams:

When taking the exams on line you may use the study guides, text, dictionary, and chapter diagrams. You may not have anyone else helping you in any way. When taking the exams, you must answer one question before going on. You may not go back. Also, If you skip a question you may not go back to answer it. It is best to have an answer for each question.

NOTE *** Turn off the pop-up blocker in your web browser

To turn off the pop-up blocker. With Firefox, go to tools > Options >Content, and uncheck the "Block pop up window". With Explorer, go to Tools > Pop-up blocker > Turn off pop-up blocker.

1. Log in and go to your course home page.

2. Click on “Quizzes” > then quiz (exam) number > then “Take the quiz”.

(Note the time remaining on the right side)

3. Answer the first question >then click “Next” (Answer all questions)

4. Finally, when all questions are answered, click “Submit”.

Note: Your time remaining is shown on the right hand side. At the end of that time, the exam will automatically stop and will not be reset. Therefore, please watch your time remaining.



The Course Calendar gives you a suggested schedule.


Make-up exams:

You need to take the exams on or before the date indicated in the Course Calendar. If you wait until after that date, and the exam is not available, you need to take a make-up exam. These make-up exams are designated with a “B”, and are available throughout the quarter, until the last day indicated on the Course Calendar.

The closing dates will not be extended. If you have not completed an item by the last day, and have not made it up, you will receive a zero for that item – believe me.

The Course Calendar in the back of this syllabus gives you a suggested schedule for the quarter, including completing the exams.

Make-up exams are more difficult

I recommend you take the exams as scheduled, because the make-up exams are more difficult. The difference is that I tend to "teach to the test" for the scheduled exams.

The make-up exams are only from the text. I ask the computer to randomly select questions from a database of questions (e.g. randomly select 50 questions from chapters 1-4). These exams look the same (e.g. 50 multiple choice questions), however, they will have different questions than the originally scheduled exam.

Take only one exam:

Do not take (or view) both the original exam and the retake exam for the same test. If you do, you will receive the LOWER of the two scores because I do not want you viewing the questions from both exams. This is done to reduce people cheating by working together to see questions before taking the exam.

When you click “Take the quiz” you must take the exam:

Do not click “Take the quiz”(even by accident) and look through the exam without answering the questions because the computer will automatically submit a zero into the grade book, which will be your grade for that exam. This is done to reduce cheating.

If you want to take Exam 1, be certain you do not click on Exam 1B, which is the make-up exam, and will be harder. If you are not paying attention, and click “Take the quiz” for Exam 1B, you will need to take that exam.

Simply take the exams as scheduled.


Your final grade will be based on the total questions you answered correctly on all four exams and the website materials.



300-270 90 "A" 4.0-3.5

269-240 80 "B" 3.4-2.5